Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 859 He has already tried it

859I already tried it

"I'm sorry, Mr. Dylan, Miss Susanna and I can only be friends." Ye Shen said.

Statue, no, the smile on Mr. Dylan's face disappeared immediately, and he looked at Ye Shen with a dull face, more like a statue.

"Cough." Hua Zhao coughed unconsciously, as if he was frightened.

The statue suddenly turned its eyes and looked at her.

No matter how dull his expression was, he was stunned for a moment when he saw her.

"Father, this is Miss Fang. She just saved me! I was planning to..."

"I know," Maury Dillon interrupted. It was because of the call that he came back.

"Go." He turned away and said to O'Neill.

His expression was a little cold and scary.

O'Neill didn't say much. He put his hand on Hua Zhao's back and wanted to push her away.

Hua Zhao didn't need him to push him, he quickly walked to O'Neill's cars and pointed to the most expensive one...

She had no research on cars, but Ye Shu liked them very much. There were various car posters at home, and she remembered them when Ye Shu discussed them with her.

What she chose was a silver-grey Ferrari, a customized model that had just been launched and seemed to cost more than 2 million.

Today's more than 2 million is simply the ceiling in cars.

If you don't let her choose, then she won't be polite!

Just treat it as her mental damages.

O'Neill stood by the car and was stunned for a moment, then blinked and looked at Hua Zhao.

The statue in the distance also frowned, and a trace of disgust flashed in its eyes.

"What? You kept saying that you would pay for my car, but I chose it and couldn't bear it? Then go and give me 60,000 yuan." Hua Zhao said.

O'Neill's brows relaxed. Indeed, he had always wanted tens of thousands of dollars, and he insisted on giving the car.

O'Neal opened the car door and the keys were on top.

"It's yours." He smiled.

Hua Zhao nodded.

Open the door, get in the car, refuel, and disappear in front of everyone.


Ye Shen faced Maury Dylan and seemed to have nothing to say.

"Goodbye, Mr. Dylan." He said and drove away.

Morrie watched silently as the two cars disappeared through the gate, then turned to look at O'Neill.

O'Neill was smiling towards the door.

The same face, the same expression, but it was slightly different from the cheerful sunshine Hua Zhao saw just now.

The whole person's temperament also changed with this indescribable smile.

"If the duck that reaches your mouth flies away, why don't you chase it?" Morrie actually joked.

"It can't fly." O'Neill smiled casually: "The car hasn't been transferred yet. I'll go find her tomorrow."

When the police were called for a car accident before, Hua Zhao also left a message.

An insignificant and greedy woman, for the sake of saving her son, he didn't care about her.

"What's going on with Su Heng? It's not settled yet?" Mori asked.

Since there was no outsider around, O'Neal stopped pretending to be afraid and walked over, put his arm around his shoulders and pushed him into the house.

"A person who is so easy to deal with is not worthy of being our mission target. It seems that we have found a big fish up there this time." O'Neill said: "It depends on whether we can catch it."

"It's all your sister's fault, it's useless." Mori frowned.

The two of them had already entered the room, and Susanna happened to hear this sentence, and she was immediately dissatisfied, but she didn't know how to make excuses.

She had tried her best, but she couldn't even get a fake marriage, and she no longer had confidence in her own charm.

"Does he like men?" Susanna suddenly asked.

"No." O'Neal said, showing a bright smile: "I have already tried it."

Suzanne: "....Well, that might actually be my problem."

"That's your problem." The sunny smile disappeared, and O'Neill's eyes instantly became sharp and dark, looking scarier than Mori next to him.

Susanna immediately lowered her head and did not dare to look at him.

"You are too impatient and have exposed many problems, which have already made him suspicious!" O'Neill said.

"I'm sorry." Susanna apologized immediately.

"Just now, I helped you round it out a little bit. Remember not to make the wrong mistake next time."

O'Neal repeated what he just said to Hua Zhao, and finally said: "I don't think he has no interest in you at all. He always doesn't keep his words to the letter."

I have clearly rejected him completely just now, but after I go out, I will explain to him and still want to be friends.

Susanna's face looked much better: "I think so too, otherwise he would have rejected me from the beginning, instead of eating with me, going shopping with me, and never refuting the rumors in the newspaper."

"Okay, his matter is not urgent, just don't let him run away." Morrie said, "Now let's discuss what happened in this car accident."

Speaking of this, O'Neal's face suddenly dropped to freezing point. It was not an accident, of course he knew it.

This has happened a few times since joining the organization.

But only this time, it’s the most thrilling! He narrowly missed death by just a few seconds.

O'Neal held his heart, and now he can still clearly recall the despair at that time.

And the surprise of being saved from a desperate situation when meeting Hua Zhao.

She is his little angel.

He wanted to repay her well.


Hua Zhao drove out of the city and spent a lot of effort to find the house she had bought that was in Miss Fang's name.

She parked the car in the garage, walked around the house, and then walked out.

After walking and walking, when there were no pedestrians around, she quickly got into Ye Shen's car parked on the roadside.

The car roared away.

"This Susanna is so different." Hua Zhao said.

Ye Shen glanced at her from the rearview mirror. She was sincere and not angry.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

"I also found that she was different, as if she had an ulterior motive."

This is interesting.

He purposely approached Maury Dylan and obtained some information about his arsenal. So what was her purpose?

Could it be that he discovered his identity?

It doesn't look like it.

If his identity is exposed, there will naturally be a specialized department to investigate him, instead of the discoverer targeting him himself.

He still doesn't understand what Susanna wants.

He didn't believe O'Neill's words.

"She really likes you a little bit." Hua Zhao said.

She could see what a woman was thinking. She actually believed O'Neill's words.

"I don't like her." Ye Shen said immediately.

"I know~" Hua Zhao touched his hand and comforted him.

After actually seeing them and seeing their way of getting along, she was naturally relieved.

"But what now? Can your mission continue?"

Ye Shen tilted his head slightly and smiled: "Don't worry."

He didn't say much else, these were all problems he should solve.

"When will you return to the capital? Don't come to see me before you return to the capital." Ye Shen suddenly said.

Hua Zhao suddenly pouted.

"That O'Neal is not as sunny and kind as he seems on the surface." Ye Shen added.

That kid had been flirting with him before, and he thought he was... Who would have thought that he would actually have an idea for Hua Zhao!

He also understands the look in a man's eyes.

"You are not allowed to see him again in the future." Ye Shen said.

Hua Zhao's pouted mouth suddenly opened and he smiled.

Ye Shen drove the car back to the city and parked it not far from where they met yesterday.

"Why are you here? Aren't you going home?" Hua Zhao asked.

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