Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 865 Refusal is useless

"Miss, what did you say?" the housekeeper asked.

Hua Zhao spoke again in English, and the housekeeper immediately helped her change the wine-stained tableware.

"They don't understand Chinese, I tried." Ye Shen said, pointing to his tableware.

The butler thought he had to change it too. Although his dishes were clean, he still served with a smile.

Hua Zhao breathed a sigh of relief, remembering that this was 1981, not 21. At this time, China had not yet risen, and Chinese was a minor language among minor languages.

Who can learn the language spoken in the countryside?

Except for the housekeeper, who seemed to be highly educated, the other servants in this room were all ordinary servants, and they all spoke English with accents.

Hua Zhao leaned on the chair and said to the housekeeper: "Bring me a car magazine."

She still spoke Chinese.

The housekeeper bent down and told her with a smile on his face, "Say it again in English!"

Hua Zhao seemed to be angry with him because of Susanna, so he wanted to embarrass him without saying a word.

Ye Shen couldn't stand it anymore and helped him out: "She wants a car magazine."

The housekeeper looked at him gratefully and immediately went to make arrangements.

Hua Zhao was flipping through the magazine with satisfaction and suddenly pointed at a car to Ye Shen who was opposite.

He asked in Chinese: "Is there no audio or video recording here?"

Ye Shen had a smile in his eyes. He was so cautious. With this quality, he could be his partner.

She was also doing her partner thing.

"It's not here, I checked." Ye Shen looked at the car lane she pointed at.

The two appear to be discussing the car.

"Where is that?" Hua Zhao asked.

There is already a surveillance system, but it is a very rudimentary first generation that uses tape recording, which is a real-time video camera.

The device is large, the picture is blurry, it is not connected to the Internet, data is easily lost, etc. It has various problems, but at least it is a surveillance device.

"There is one in the corridor on the third floor, and there is also one in Maury Dylan's study and bedroom." Ye Shen said.

He has been to all three places.

However, he did not enter Maury Dylan's study and bedroom, but only visited at the door.

One glance was enough for him to spot the problem.

Hua Zhao felt relieved knowing where the danger was.

"Why do you stay here? Why did they threaten you?" Hua Zhao asked.

"I want to stay here." Ye Shen said.

Hua Zhao was stunned and almost failed.

She clicked on the data in the magazine and looked up at Ye Shen, as if waiting for him to explain.

"I want something. It's probably in Mo Li's room. I plan to wait until there are many people tomorrow and take advantage of the chaos to go in and have a look." Ye Shen said.

After Mori returned home, he was either in the study or the bedroom, and the security guards at Mori's house were almost all staring at him, so he had no chance.

Tomorrow will be different, Mori will go out to entertain guests, security will maintain order, and there are so many people, he is not the only suspect.

Hua Zhao knew.

But for women, the focus is different.

"That means you are going to hold an engagement ceremony with her tomorrow?"

Ye Shen paused and said, "I plan to..."

O'Neill walked in, and Ye Shen changed his mind: "Buy one, I hope it's in stock."

"What do you want to buy?" O'Neill interrupted the topic with a smile, looking at the pages in Hua Zhao's hand.

"Wow, you have a good eye. I am also planning to buy this one. I have already made an appointment. Unfortunately, I won't be able to take delivery until next year." O'Neill said.

This magazine is an internal magazine within the industry and is not sold to the outside world. It is only available to the most distinguished members. The vehicles on it are all limited edition and customized. You can make as many as you want.

"Forget it." Ye Shen said.

O'Neal smiled and asked Hua Zhao: "Which car have you chosen? If you don't like any of mine, you can also choose one here and I will give it to you."

Hua Zhao shook his head. How could that work? She probably wouldn't have the chance to see O'Neal again in the future. If it was a one-time deal, of course she had to do it now.

"I want the Danger Road," she said.

Few people may know about the "dangerous road", but more people know about the Rolls-Royce "Marine Boulevard".

The most expensive way to sell it to external parties is 500,000 pounds, and with various customized services, it is even more expensive.

However, for customized limited editions, the price may not be certain due to different materials and personalized settings.

O'Neill said that the steering wheel of his dangerous road was made of precious metals and diamonds, and the purchase price was 1.8 million.

Hua Zhao likes it very much.

"Okay." O'Neill said immediately.

Susanna changed her clothes and walked in, glaring at Hua Zhao unabashedly.

Anyway, they were already at odds.

Hua Zhao immediately picked up the wine glass and shook it towards her.


She felt that although she was unruly, she was not as unruly as she was! So arrogant to the host at the guest's house!

Hua Zhao was just trying to scare her. If she went too far, she would be kicked out.

After finishing the meal quietly, Hua Zhao looked at O'Neal.

O'Neal: "What's wrong?"

"Let's go ahead and look at the car," she said.

O' he so fond of it?

But since it was her request, he would naturally satisfy it.

The two of them got up and went to the garage, and Ye Shen also lifted his heels.

"Su, it's time for you to try on the dress." Susanna stopped him.

"No need to try, whatever." Ye Shen strode out after saying that.

Susanna looked at his back with hatred, but there was nothing she could do.

"Forget it, it would be great if he could stay here to complete the engagement party tomorrow." The housekeeper advised in a low voice.

He couldn't tell now whether the young lady was too involved in the drama, or whether she was really attracted to Su Heng.

However, none of this is important. The most important thing is to complete the task.

"Yeah." Susanna calmed down her emotions and continued to try on clothes.

Hua Zhao was continuing the previous topic with Ye Shen.

In the morning, both of them had tried their best to find out that O'Neal couldn't understand Chinese either. But they were being cautious and really just talking about cars.

It's different now.

"Tomorrow?" Hua Zhao asked.

Even so, she didn't dare to speak out.

"Don't worry, you leave." Ye Shen said.

Hua Zhao: "I'll stay and help you."

Ye Shen hesitated for a moment.

His wife is very good at hiding things and finding things. He has experienced this before.

The last mission was successfully completed with Hua Zhao's help. If she helped this time, he might not have to use the dangerous plan he originally planned.

"Don't refuse, it's useless to refuse." Hua Zhao said.

Ye sighed deeply and invisible.

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