"I went to Du's house alone yesterday..." Before Hua Zhao finished speaking, he saw Ye Ming looking at her with disapproval.

"You go out alone again."

Hua Zhao laughed guiltily and quickly got to the point: "How long has it been since you last seen the Du family? Have you noticed anything strange about them?"

Ye Ming thought for a while: "I met their third child a week ago. It's strange that I didn't notice it. I just found that he had a cold."

"Yesterday I was waiting in front of Du's house, and just in time for a meeting at their house, I found that all the Du family members were sick."

Hua Zhao said: "Everyone is sick, coughing and looking pale, but I don't think it's a cold, but poisoning..."

Ye Ming raised his eyebrows and thought of a lot at once.

Where there is Wen Jing, someone is poisoned again.

She didn’t need to say the rest.

Ye Ming stood up: "I know what to do."

"What are you talking about?" Ye Ming came and went in a hurry. Ye Shu had just entered the door and only saw his back and heard his last words: "What does he know?"

"He knows how to... deal with Wen Jing." Hua Zhao said.

Ye Shu was silent for a moment, but he didn't expect that one day, his eldest brother would "deal with" Wen Jing.

"Did she really inflict the poison?" Ye Shu asked.

Hua Zhao nodded.

"Hey." Ye Shu sighed, feeling that something was wrong with him for a moment.

It seems that in just the blink of an eye, Wen Jing has changed from a cheerful and laughing girl to a poisonous woman who poisons people.

However, she walks her own path.

Ye Shu asked: "What do you plan to do, brother?"

Hua Zhao spread his hands: "I don't know either."

Originally, she had some ideas and wanted to discuss it with Ye Ming, but she didn't expect that he couldn't wait for a moment, so he raised his legs and left.

"But I think we will find out soon." Hua Zhao said.

Ye Shu nodded.

Big brother never procrastinates when doing things.

Ye Ming's actions were really fast. That afternoon, the superiors organized a physical examination for veteran cadres. Mr. Du also participated. Then the blood test results were all off the charts, which shocked all the doctors and immediately arranged for him to be hospitalized.

After checking, it was found that he was poisoned.

It’s hard to say what kind of poison it is, as its ingredients are very complex.

Moreover, the poisoning lasted for a long time, and the dosage each time was not large. The venom invaded his flesh and blood bit by bit and was difficult to remove.

Wen Jing was afraid that the medicine would not kill them, so she used all the pesticides she could buy.

But I was afraid of poisoning her and exposing her, so I only put a little bit in the water for a long time.

Fortunately, paraquat had not been imported from abroad at this time, and China had not developed its own paraquat, otherwise the Du family would have killed her long ago.

Mr. Du was hospitalized due to poisoning, and the whole family came to see him.

This was incredible, and the doctor found that their condition was very similar to that of Mr. Du.

After checking it out, okay, this year's shocking case was born.

Everyone in the Du family is not an ordinary person, and it almost turned out to be a disaster!

Who is so bold?

"It must be Wen Jing! She must have poisoned our family!" Father Du shouted.

Mother Du was really angry and distressed as she held the child that Wen Jing had given birth to.

The child was also poisoned.

And because he was young and the poison was relatively deep, the doctor said he was in danger. Even if you save a life now, various problems will arise in the future.

This made the whole family unable to fight even if they wanted to.

"The poison in Zhang's Restaurant was also caused by Wen Jing! She was not at home that day! I saw her sneaking out and coming back empty-handed! She wasn't going to buy food at all." shouted a Du family member.

"Yes! She was out for those few days!"

"I also saw her carrying a bag out and it smelled like pesticide!"

"The medicine will be gone when you come back!"

"She must have poisoned Zhang Family Restaurant!"

The Du family changed their tune and no longer defended Wen Jing.

And whether you see it or not, they have the final say!

Now they just want her dead.

Dragging in those poisoned bosses will make Wen Jing die faster!

"Where's Wen Jingren? Catch her quickly! Don't let her escape!" the Du family shouted.

Wen Jing was found in a small hotel and arrested.

She looked blank: "Why is my life so miserable? Why are there always people trying to harm me?"

Of course she didn't admit it. They didn't catch the current situation and couldn't find any evidence. They were framed! ~

"Unjustly accused? Look at what this is?" the person handling the case asked, holding a plastic bag.

There are various pesticides in the bag, some are empty bottles, some are half bottles.

Wen Jing raised her eyelids: "I don't know."

It was definitely not the ones she used. The bottles she used had been thrown away long ago, and every time she bought medicine, she would put it in an ordinary unmarked bottle. Only a fool would use the original bottle.

"I don't know, then I'll tell you." The person handling the case suddenly smiled and said, "This is the pesticide you used to harm people."

"Impossible!" Wen Jing was stunned and immediately changed her words: "I have never harmed anyone! Where did the pesticide come from? It can't be mine!"

If you want to trick her, no way!

"I found this from under your bed. When the evidence was collected, so many people were watching. It's useless for you to deny it now." The young man handling the case laughed.

Wen Jing was stunned and stared at his smile. They actually framed her!

who is it?

Suddenly, she remembered what Ye Ming said yesterday, "I'm not that kind, you know."

In the past, she did know that Ye Ming would use some methods to deal with enemies, but she never thought that those methods would be used on her.

He is so cruel...

Wen Jing's expression collapsed.

Although she was no longer obsessed with Ye Ming, Ye Ming actually let her go? ? Still using tricks on her?

If someone poisons a family like the Du family, even if they don't die, she will die... and there will be no time limit for her death.

Wen Jing's eyes instantly turned blood red.

"Ah!~~It's not me, it's not me! You have wronged me!~~" She went crazy and threw herself at the young man.

It was no use being stopped, she fought hard.

It didn't help that her hands were tied behind her back, she still had teeth.

It didn't matter that she couldn't bite anyone. She yelled like crazy and never stopped, as if she had rabies.

This state did not stop for several hours.

Until Wen Jing's throat could no longer make any sound, and she collapsed on the ground without any strength.

Even so, she would make a bark from time to time, or a cow, or some other animal sound.

She is crazy, she is sick.

Ye Ming looked at her from the window, expressionless.

"What should we do now?" People around her asked: "She is like this, and there is no way she can be interrogated."

Although the "evidence" is available, the suspect must confess his crime and explain the crime process.

And she couldn't be interrogated in this condition. A doctor had to be called.

This doesn’t count, it won’t be tried in the future.

What is the trial for mental illness?

The young man looked at Ye Ming with some embarrassment. Just let her go?

Ye Ming twitched the corner of his mouth: "She has already dug a hole, what if she doesn't push her down? Go call the doctor."


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