Xu Zhiming received the transfer order from his superiors within two days, asking him to work in Pengcheng.

Pengcheng is now the focus of everyone's attention. If you can work there or get a promotion, your colleagues are looking at Xu Zhiming with envy.

This old boy is really lucky. In his 40s, he can still rely on women to get to the top, but young people like them can't.

What's the difference? ?

But Xu Zhiming couldn't laugh. He didn't want to leave. Living separately was not an option. As time went by, he was afraid that he would be replaced by someone else.

Xu Zhiming found Hua Zhao: "Is this what you mean?"

Hua Zhao admitted directly: "Yes."

"Why?" Xu Zhiming looked a little bitter: "Didn't you agree to let me get along with your mother? The wedding date was set for a few months, and you regretted it?"

"No, I just think the south is nice. It's warm as spring. You won't get frostbite in winter. My mother didn't have to suffer when she passed there," Hua Zhao said.

Zhang Guilan has suffered too much in the past, and in the winter in Northeast China, there are few people who don't have cold hands and feet.

Zhang Guilan is extremely cold. Every year when the Mid-Autumn Festival arrives, her hands and feet begin to freeze. They become red and swollen horribly. If she is not careful, she will bleed.

This is not the most terrible thing, the most terrible thing is the itch, the extremely itchy, the piercing itch.

The moment frostbite breaks out, I wish I could chop off my hands and feet to get rid of it.

Of course, this problem has been cured by Hua Zhao with medicinal wine... now she just makes an excuse casually.

She couldn't tell Xu Zhiming that she was afraid that his mother would go to his house to annoy her mother.

After all, she was Xu Zhiming's biological mother, so there was nothing wrong with going to his house.

Changing places, she would be very angry if Ye Shen didn't let Zhang Guilan come to her house after she got married.

She actually felt that she was going too far by not letting Xu Zhiming raise her biological mother, but she had no choice, people were selfish, and she had to consider her biological mother.

However, because he knew that he was going too far, Hua Zhao did not say anything clearly.

Xu Zhiming believed it and his eyes lit up: "Is your mother going too?"

"Go, the climate in the south is good, take care of her frostbite, and open a branch by the way." Hua Zhao said.

"Okay, okay, when are you going?" Xu Zhiming asked immediately.

"Walking with you, I will have a companion on the road." Hua Zhao said.

"Okay, okay, that's the day after tomorrow. Have you bought the ticket? I'll pick her up early the day after tomorrow!"

Hua Zhao looked at him sideways, looking so anxious like a young man.

Xu Zhiming understood the look in her eyes, his face suddenly turned red, and he went home to pack his luggage as if he was running away.

Only then did Hua Zhao find Zhang Guilan and tell her his decision to let her go to Pengcheng.

Zhang Guilan was very surprised. After thinking for two seconds, she actually refused.

"I can't go, I have to stay at home with you."

As soon as the word "we" came out, Hua Zhao remembered and forgot about the four little ones!

Dawei is already 15 and doesn't need his mother that much anymore, but the other children are still young, especially Xiaoqin, who is only 9 years old and still acts like a baby in Zhang Guilan's arms every day.

"Take them all with you and transfer them to another school." Hua Zhao said, "It is better to travel thousands of miles to read thousands of books and let them go to the south and gain experience before coming back."

This time Zhang Guilan did not refuse, and said with some hesitation: "Is that okay? Transferring to another school, changing into a strange environment, I'm afraid it will delay their studies."

"No matter how much the school teaches, it is not as useful as what society teaches them. Besides, let's ask them for their own opinions."

Hua Zhao called the four little ones over.

When I heard that I was going to Pengcheng, Daqin's eyes were the brightest and he jumped up.

"Sister! Do you really want us to go to Pengcheng? Is it the Pengcheng that has been opened up to do business casually?" she asked urgently.

Hua Zhao smiled, forgetting that he was still a little money-lover.

The other three children are also money-obsessed.

Now eight pairs of eyes were looking at her excitedly, waiting for her answer.

If she said no now, they would cry.

"Yes." Hua Zhao smiled.

"Oh! Long live!!"

The four little ones said excitedly at the same time.

They can make money again!

Since their sister gave up the melon seeds and popcorn business to others, they have no chance to make money.

Watching others make money while they squat as teachers, their butts feel like they have thorns and they can't sit still.

But if there is any way, their mother and sisters ask them to study hard. They have no time to make money.

Thinking of this, Daqin put aside his excitement and asked anxiously: "Sister, when we go to Pengcheng this time, can we still go to school?"

"No, you will take a good look at it and do some research to see what you can do to make money. Then write me a plan and I will invest for you." Hua Zhaodao.

"Long live! Long live! Long live my sister!"

This time all four little ones jumped up.

Zhang Guilan also laughed happily.

But when she saw Hua Zhao, she suddenly felt a little reluctant: "How about I stay and cook for you while you are still pregnant with your fourth child."

"No, in the future I may spend half of the year in the south, and it will be the same if you cook for me there." Hua Zhao said.

The capital is the political center. If you want to make a lot of money, you still have to go to the economic center.

Pengcheng is not her ultimate goal, but the Shanghai stock market is.

She has also bought a bunch of houses there, and she will have to check them out when she has time.

"Then there are restaurants..." Zhang Guilan hesitated.

"Hire two chefs with better skills than you, and the restaurant's reputation will be even better." Hua Zhao said with a smile.

Zhang Guilan suddenly felt a little embarrassed and laughed to herself.

She is not a chef, and her level is definitely the best in the countryside, but compared with the descendants of imperial chefs, she is not even a star.

Her position in the hotel cannot be replaced by anyone.

Now there is no longer any reluctance, Zhang Guilan and her children packed their bags happily.

On the third day, Hua Zhao personally sent people onto the train.

Seeing the train driving away, she felt no regrets in her heart.

Zhang Guilan has only been her mother for a few years.

Moreover, this mother fell from the sky, and the emotional foundation lies with the original owner, not her.

She likes Zhang Guilan more like a friend. When they get along, they are like friends rather than mother and daughter.

Friends traveling far away will see each other again in the future, so there is nothing to be reluctant to part with.

"Is this enough?"

Ye Shu also came to see people off, and when they left, she asked.

She knew that all chilblains were fake.

"The legs are on Old Mrs. Xu. She wanted to go to Xu Zhiming, so she bought a ticket and went. No matter how far away it was, it would be useless unless they went abroad. Huh?"

Ye Shu's eyes lit up: "How about we arrange for them to go abroad!"

"Can you arrange organizational work for Xu Zhiming abroad?" Hua Zhao asked.

Xu Zhiming is very ambitious. He likes his current job very much and wants to keep climbing.

Hua Zhao tried it out and asked him if he wanted to go into business. She could give him some great ideas to make a fortune, and she could also give him capital.

But Xu Zhiming refused.

Being able to refuse the temptation of money was why she looked up to him.

"That can't be done." Ye Shu shook his head and sighed: "Then your work is in vain? Mrs. Xu can solve it with just one ticket, and no one can stop her."

"Who knows, there is also Sun Xiaojuan." Hua Zhao said.

Ye Shu was stunned: "Did you instigate her to rebel? Has she started doing things for you?"


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