Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 893 This person is difficult to deal with

"She should have given up." Ye Ming glanced at the group behind Zhou Rui: "It looks like she is on a blind date."

Hua Zhao then looked around and saw a man and two women behind Zhou Rui.

The man is in his 20s, tall, good-looking, a bit handsome, but has bad skin.

This is very rare.

There are beautiful women everywhere, but handsome men are rare. There are too few beautiful human males.

The clothes are good, but the expression is not very attractive. Although he is restrained, his arrogance can always be found inadvertently.

There are two women, one old and one young. The older one looks to be in her forties or fifties. Judging by her face, she can speak well and look like a matchmaker.

The young woman, in her 20s, was asking Zhou Rui concernedly, as if she were her friend.

This friend is much prettier than her, with thick eyebrows, big eyes, and long eyelashes. The key is that she has a cheerful face that is rare.

The only thing is that my skin is not very good either.

"Are you sure it's Zhou Rui who's going on a blind date? If it's her, and she brings someone prettier than her on a blind date, she's probably not going to give up on you." Hua Zhao said.

Ye Ming glanced at her and smiled: "You guessed it wrong this time. This boy and girl are brother and sister. Didn't you see that they look a bit similar?"

The key is that this man looks very much like a newly transferred director of a certain factory that he met a few days ago.

The two looked like father and son.

Thinking about that person's information again, there is no doubt that they are brother and sister.

Hua Zhao looked intently, and sure enough.

And the man's eyes kept falling on Zhou Rui.

Because he was standing behind Zhou Rui, assessing and sizing without concealment.

"What, you're disappointed?" Ye Ming glared at her cryptically. Zhou Rui stopped pestering him. She was disappointed? No chance to watch?

"Ah hahaha, how could it be..." Hua Zhao laughed softly.

His guilt was undisguised.

Yes, that’s what happened!

She just wanted to see how many people would chase him, and what kind of person would capture him, the flower of the high mountains.

Zhou Rui had already stood firm and took another look at Ye Ming under the sun.

There is no harm without comparison. Compared with Ye Ming, Wang Jian behind him has no advantage at all.

Her heart was shaken even more.

"Wow, what a turn of events!" Hua Zhao immediately gloated in a low voice.

Ye Ming also understood Zhou Rui's expression and suddenly felt unlucky. He shouldn't choose this restaurant today!

There is something even worse.

"What's wrong with you?" Wang Qiang pushed Zhou Rui, followed her gaze, and found Hua Zhao's table.

She saw Ye Ming at a glance, and her eyes lit up. She had never seen such a handsome man before!

Although Yao Kun next to him is also good.

But it cannot be compared with Ye Ming.

Ye Ming's handsome face, clean breath, scholarly temperament...all of them are her favorite type!

Her ideal partner should be like this!

But in all her life, she has never met a man with two standards.

Ye Ming did meet all her requirements at once.

"Do you know him?" She grabbed Zhou Rui excitedly, and the strength in her hands showed how excited she was.

Zhou Rui immediately regretted stopping just now, but in the blink of an eye she smiled again, Ye Ming, how could she catch up?

It would be better if she could not get what she asked for just like him.

"Brother Ye, Sister Ye, Brother-in-law Yao, and Second Sister-in-law Hua, you guys are coming to eat too." Zhou Rui said hello as she walked over with a smile.

The corner of Hua Zhao's mouth twitched, what the hell is Hua Ersao?

Ye Shu wanted to laugh but didn't dare, and said hello to Zhou Rui lightly.

Wang Jian was different from his sister Wang Qiang. His eyes were fixed on Hua Zhao's face for the first time.

He was stunned when he heard Zhou Rui call her, Second Sister-in-law Hua? Is this a wedding?

What a pity.....

"Miss Zhou, are you here for a blind date?" Hua Zhao asked.

Zhou Rui paused and nodded. This is a fact and cannot be denied.

Hua Zhao glanced at Wang Jian and frowned: "Then I wish you find your right husband as soon as possible."

"Thank you." Zhou Rui smiled and was about to leave.

Wang Qiang didn't want to leave, so he pulled her to stand and joked: "Is this your brother? What brother? You never said you had such a handsome brother!"

She stood there and asked openly and cheerfully, with an upright face.

People are reserved at this time, and it is rare for anyone to praise someone for being beautiful or handsome to their face, unless it is an elder who is complimenting a younger one.

It's even rarer for a girl to praise a man like this.

But because of her open expression, it wasn't that embarrassing.

"This is my... cousin's brother." Zhou Rui said.

She is no longer a relative of the Ye family, and the Zhou family is no longer the Zhou family of the past. Zhou Lihua has caused trouble and plummeted.

Otherwise, she would not be reduced to the stage where Wang Jian goes on a blind date!

If Wang Jian was good, she would have married him long ago! Where can I wait until today?

Thinking of this, she glanced at Hua Zhao, but quickly looked away.

"My cousin's brother? Is that my cousin too? Hello, cousin, my name is Wang Qiang, and this is my brother Wang Jian. We met Zhou Rui when we were jumping in the queue, and we are good friends! Nice to meet you!"

Wang Qiang stood at the table and extended his right hand to Ye Ming to shake hands with him.

Hua Zhao's eyes widened and he looked at Wang Qiang in surprise. He was really strong... They seemed to have met a master.

She has a good show again...

Ye Ming looked at Wang Qiang, frowned slightly and then relaxed quickly, reaching out to hold her hand.

Wang Qiang is very over-the-top, quick to stop, and very disciplined.

But her words about cousin were too slipshod.

This man is very difficult to deal with.

Wang Qiang said hello to the group of people at the table again.

"Everyone, please be patient. Goodbye, cousin." Wang Qiang simply pulled Zhou Rui away.

Wang Jian's eyes finally left Hua Zhao.

When the new roast duck came, Ye Ming lowered his head and continued to make rolls for the babies.

Hua Zhao felt that his breath was a bit cold, so he didn't dare to joke anymore and concentrated on eating.


"What's his name? Is he married?" Wang Qiang asked Zhou Rui quickly after leaving the door.

"How big do you think he looks?" Zhou Rui asked.

Wang Qiang thought for a moment: "Looks like he's in his 20s, but his temperament looks like he's in his 30s. Appearance is natural, but temperament takes time to develop. He must be in his 30s!"

Rather smart.

"Then do you think a man in his thirties can not get married?" Zhou Rui said.

Wang Qiang suddenly frowned, married? It's a pity!

"But he got divorced again and is single now." Zhou Rui said.


It was a surprise from hell to heaven. Wang Qiang suddenly jumped up.

Zhou Rui smiled, there will be times in the future when you can’t jump up.

"What's his name? What's his family? What's his background?" Wang Qiang asked a series of questions.

Zhou Rui told the truth, so there was no need to panic.

After hearing Ye Ming's identity, Wang Qiang's face lit up. This was simply perfect!

And Wang Jian also heard about Hua Zhao's identity, Ye Ming's sister-in-law, the legendary second daughter-in-law of the Ye family.

This is not something he can make up his mind, which is a pity.

He looked at Zhou Rui again, looking from head to toe.

Zhou Rui felt extremely dissatisfied. The son of a small factory director from a small place had high standards like a prince! Look down on everyone!

Why wouldn't he be bolder and harass Hua Zhao?

Then he was shot to death by the Ye family!

She doesn't have to worry anymore.

"Ye Ming is so old, can you move out and live by yourself? Where do you live? Do you know?" Wang Qiang asked Zhou Rui.

Zhou Rui was stunned: "You want to go directly to his house?"

"What? Isn't it possible?" Wang Qiang replied confidently.

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