Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 895 Is it too late for divorce now?

After Hua Zhao finished eating, he did not go back home, but took Yao Kun to see Tang Fanghe.

He hasn't met this new third aunt yet, but he has to meet her as a courtesy.

Tang Fanghe now lives in a large courtyard with strict access control. The house is also brand new. She lives on the third floor of the building.

This is the welfare house Ye Cheng applied for from his work unit, and the house he rented before was occupied by several children.

"The house is nice." Hua Zhao took a look around and said.

This house is about 200 square meters, which is definitely big enough at this time.

Ye Cheng was hidden again. His level was so high that he was qualified to get such a big house.

But the house had just been built, so he moved in without having time to decorate it.

But there’s nothing to pretend.

The current delivery standards are simply decorated, not rough.

Concrete floors, large white walls, kitchen and bathroom are all ready.

Put some furniture and it's ready to live in.

Fortunately, the solid wood furniture Ye Cheng bought was of high quality, and the home looked pretty.

"There is still a lot missing." Tang Fanghe said while arranging the coffee table: "Celebrity calligraphy and paintings, rare antiques, fashionable tea sets, flowers, birds, fish and insects, etc., there are too many, and this room is too empty."

She does know how to live.

"It's a pity that I don't have any money." Tang Fanghe said directly.

Ye Shu looked at her blankly, what do you mean? Want to borrow money? This is...the second Zhou Lihua?

Tang Fanghe looked at Hua Zhao with a smile: "You have so many ways to make money, is there any one that suits me? Your third uncle is unreliable, so I still have to rely on myself and you. We will split the money equally."

Hua Zhao smiled. If Zhou Lihua had the consciousness she had, she would definitely be sitting here now, using the most expensive tea set, brewing the most expensive tea, chatting with them.

Those who only want to take advantage without a win-win situation will not be able to take advantage in the end.

"A way to make money... Hua Zhao looked at her and thought for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "There is a way suitable for you!

"Publish a book, a student exercise book, produced by a famous teacher at Beijing No. 6 Middle School. From the first year of high school to the third year of high school, from daily exercises to test sprints, from simple to difficult, from books to test papers, all kinds of exercises.

"Guaranteed to be a hit and sell well all over the country!"

Tang Fanghe opened his mouth with a look of surprise.

She just said it casually and tested it, but unexpectedly, Hua Zhao just threw the golden idea over.

She understands this aspect of learning, and she can make a lot of money as soon as she hears this idea!

"When the time comes, contact each school and ask them to pay in advance to reserve it, just like textbooks. This way we will know how many to print and save students from going out to buy pirated copies." Hua Zhaodao said.

“One publishing house will definitely be too busy, so we should find a publishing house in each province to cooperate.

"If you update the exercises every year, you can make money every year." Hua Zhao said.

Students' money is really so profitable, it can make the human race go extinct...

This is a cash cow. If it is properly operated, tens of millions or hundreds of millions per year will be small.

She was a little reluctant to give it to Tang Fanghe, so that Ye Cheng could also benefit from it.

Hua Zhao had some hesitation on his face.

Tang Fanghe was anxious: "Is it still too late for me to get a divorce?"

Everyone in the room was stunned.

But everyone is smart, and they quickly understood the meaning of her words, and suddenly felt a little...

Hua Zhao smiled: "As long as you understand how I feel, is there anything I can do?"

Tang Fanghe breathed a sigh of relief: "There are many ways. He is such an old man with status and status, how can he have the nerve to spend money like a woman like me?

"And I am his wife, he has to support me, and I have to hand over my salary from now on, so I can just give him dozens of pocket money a month.

“When it comes to food and drink, he must be used to being thrifty and not picky.

"When he gets older, he may want to live with his children and grandchildren, but I am busy with my career and have no time."

In short, she would not let Ye Cheng take advantage of her if Hua Zhao didn't like it.

Hua Zhao nodded with satisfaction.

Yao Kun was dumbfounded. What's going on with this new third aunt? It's poisonous!

Hua Zhao glanced at Ye Ming appreciatively, he chose a good person.

"Let's discuss the details." She took out a pen and paper and started discussing with Tang Fanghe.

Selling guidance books is a cash cow, but preventing piracy is also a top priority, otherwise you will be making wedding clothes for others.

This can be eliminated by cooperating with schools or by lowering prices.

If genuine and pirated copies are priced at the same price, who would buy pirated copies?

It also reduces student burden.

However, this will significantly reduce profit margins.

However, small profits but quick turnover, if it can really be spread across the country, Tang Fanghe will have to count the money until his hands cramp, that's all.

In half an hour, the two of them finished talking.

In fact, it was Hua Zhao who was talking and Tang Fanghe was listening.

Hua Zhao has fought lawsuits to protect intellectual property rights before and is very familiar with publishing. Half an hour is enough for her to explain clearly.

"I'll leave the finishing work to you. You are responsible for coming up with the topics, I am responsible for paying, and the eldest brother is responsible for contacting the publishing house." Hua Zhao looked at Ye Ming and smiled and said: "After the matter is completed, treat the eldest brother to a meal!"

Giving money and things to share profits is not acceptable, it would be considered a bribe.

But Ye Ming doesn't care about those things either.

Ye Ming smiled, glad that Hua Zhao didn't tell him to give him money.

"By the way, does Ye Jia Yeli know the address here? Didn't they come to make trouble?" Hua Zhao asked.

On the wedding day, Ye Xing and his four children did not attend.

It is not popular now for children to attend their parents’ remarriage ceremony, which is embarrassing. The children were all hiding that day, so it made sense that Ye Xing and the others didn't come.

But Hua Zhao couldn't even guess whether they would make trouble at that time.

Ye Jia is not such an impulsive person and is very clever.

The same cannot be said for Ye Li. Although she was unwilling to leave with Zhou Lihua in the first place, she must have a big opinion about Tang Fanghe. If she seizes the opportunity, she will definitely cause trouble.

"I haven't been here yet." Tang Fanghe said, "But I guess they are waiting for an opportunity. They can't make trouble for no reason, otherwise they will be embarrassed."

If you don't catch the stepmother and hit her on the door, you are a naughty child, so don't pay attention.

But if you catch the stepmother, you can make a fuss from time to time.

"Isn't Zhou Lihua here too?" Hua Zhao asked.

Zhou Lihua doesn't need a reason to make trouble.

"I'm surprised that she didn't come." Tang Fanghe said, "Is it because Ye Xing and the others were kind and didn't tell her the address here?"

Hua Zhao shook his head: "If Ye Xing and the others don't tell her, Qiu Mei will tell her secretly."

He was a person who didn't take things too seriously when watching the excitement, and he no longer regarded himself as someone who shared the honor and disgrace of the Ye family.

The bigger the trouble in the Ye family, the happier she becomes.

"Then why hasn't she come yet?" Tang Fanghe was really curious.

She was ready, but Zhou Lihua didn't come for a long time, which made her feel like she was punched in the air and felt uncomfortable.


Zhou Lihua has been lying in bed these days, not wanting to move.

That big scene had consumed so much of her energy.

Ye Cheng really married someone else, which was a huge blow to her. She didn't want to do anything now, and she couldn't cheer up for anything.

Occasionally I even thought about death.

But she felt unwilling to do so, why did she want to die? Why was she the one who died? Such as Hua Zhao.

In the middle of the night, the door was pushed open and a man walked in.

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