Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 902 I am just a curve

Wang Qiang and Wang Jian had already arrived at the gate of Huazhao's house, and happened to bump into Ye Ming who was coming out.

Wang Qiang's eyes fell on Ye Ming, and his eyes suddenly sparkled.

"Cousin, are you going out?"

She has a big smile on her face, and most people will be infected and start laughing when they see her.

This is a warm and cheerful girl.

Ye Ming glanced at her, rarely put away his smile, passed her by with cold eyes, quickly got in the car and drove away.

She only met him once, and even though she couldn't get along with him, she could affectionately call her cousin.

He said a few more words to her, but she still didn't know what to call him.

Wang Qiang's smile froze on his face.

This is the first time in her life that she has seen a man treat her so honestly!

"Brother, am I ugly?" Wang Qiang asked, touching her face. She was not confident anymore!

"Compared with the beautiful people around him, you are no good." Wang Jianzhong said firmly.

"Indeed." Wang Qiang put down his hand and smiled: "Who can compare with Hua Zhao? No way."

Besides, she never relied on looks to deal with men, or rather, it couldn't just be looks.

"Let's go." Wang Qiang knocked on the door.

Hua Zhao put away his expression of disappointment and saw nothing...

But this Wang Qiang was indeed difficult to deal with, and he didn't expect to find her home.

"Go and open the door." She said to Liu Ming.

Wang Qiang and Wang Jian walked through the deep courtyard to the living room.

Wang Jian was still holding back, but Wang Qiang expressed surprise and envy on his face.

"Wow! Hua Zhao, your home is so beautiful! How much does it cost to buy such a big house in the capital?" she asked directly.

The tone was natural, as if they were friends reunited for many years.

This level of familiarity must be very familiar.

"Thank you for the compliment." Hua Zhao said politely: "As for the price, I don't know."

When dealing with someone you know well, you have to be polite to her and talk less, we are not familiar with her!

"What do you want to do here?" Hua Zhao asked.

"It's nothing, I just admire you so much! I came here to see you!"

Wang Qiang looked at Hua Zhao, his big eyes full of admiration: "You don't know, you are my idol! It's all Zhou Rui's fault, she didn't make it clear that day, she called you Hua Ersao, and I didn't even recognize you !

"I'm the same age as you. My brother and I took the college entrance examination the same year as you. My brother passed the college entrance examination, but I didn't. It was after hearing your story that I studied hard and passed the college entrance examination the next year!

"Without your motivation, I wouldn't have been able to go to college!"

Wang Qiang seemed to want to hold Hua Zhao's hand to express her gratitude, but seeing Hua Zhao's indifferent expression, she just put her hand on the armrest of Hua Zhao's chair and clenched it excitedly.

With a look of admiration on his face, Hua Zhao couldn't tell whether it was mixed with water or not.

Wang Qiang herself knew that she was 50% truthful. She was telling the truth. She was the same age as Hua Zhao and took the college entrance examination at the same time.

She did think that Hua Zhao was very powerful, but relying on Hua Zhao's encouragement to get into college was sheer nonsense.

What motivates her is her own future.

"Hua Zhao, I want to be friends with you, is that okay?" Wang Qiang asked hopefully.

Who can refuse a pair of big eyes full of sincerity and expectation?

Hua Zhaoneng.

She smiled, half jokingly, half serious: "Forget it's friends, I like to continue being an idol."

Wang Qiang's expression paused before he laughed and said: "Okay! You will always be my idol! But idols and friends do not conflict, we can still be friends!"

"Idols are different from friends. Idols need to be kept at a distance and not too close, otherwise my image will be shattered." Hua Zhao stood up with a smile.

"I'm sorry, idol, I made an appointment with someone to go shopping today, and I have to go out now."

The meaning of seeing off guests is obvious.

Wang Qiang and Wang Jian stood up.

Wang Jian's expression has changed, and there is forbearance in his eyes.

He was really condescending, looked down upon them, and refused even a kind word.

But Wang Qiang still smiled brightly: "Then today is really an unlucky day. Can I come to play with you more often in the future?"

Hua Zhao's smile was prettier than hers, but it didn't reach his eyes: "I've already said that I want to maintain my image as an idol, so just look at me from a distance. And I don't like to socialize."

This time I really don’t want to give face, to put it bluntly.

Wang Qiang's smile was a little forced.

But she still smiled and said goodbye with perfect gesture.

Hua Zhao then looked at her back and showed a real smile.

"What's wrong? You don't like her?" Ye Shu walked out of the cubicle and asked.

She was next door before and was originally going to come over, but when she heard that Wang Qiang admired Hua Zhao so much, she shrank back.

She couldn't see Wang Qiang's expression, but from the sound of his voice, she knew that this "worship" was so passionate. He must only have Hua Zhao in his eyes, so she wouldn't join in the fun.

"Come on, people only have eyes for the eldest brother, and I am the curve in Curve to Save the Country." Hua Zhao said with a smile, "But do you like her? She is quite beautiful."

Ye Shu shook his head slowly: "I always feel that her expression is a bit...excessive. Although there is no trace of acting, it is just a bit weird."

Hua Zhao nodded: "Her name exposed her...cough!"

Almost saying the wrong thing, Hua Zhao quickly stopped.

"What's wrong with the name? Wang Qiang, which one is stronger? Qiangwei's or Mighty's?" Ye Shu asked.

"I don't know either." Hua Zhao shook his head.

In fact, she knew it. She just accidentally scanned the documents in Ye Ming's bag and discovered it.

She understands the big and small affairs of the Ye family. She doesn't just wait to eavesdrop or for them to tell her. She sometimes takes the initiative and scans their internal documents...

I really learned a lot of unimaginable secrets.

When she was eating just now, she habitually glanced at Ye Ming's bag. There were two pieces of paper inside, which contained the information of the Wang family siblings and their family members.

Wang Qiang was called Wang Qiang when she was a child, but when there was a big name change in 1966, she changed herself to Wang Qiang.

The character is evident.

Ye Shu looked at Hua Zhao and felt that she was not telling the truth.

However, she was not curious about Wang Qiang's name. She asked Hua Zhao, "Do you think she will come again?"

"I don't know." Hua Zhao said, "But I'm just a curve. If people can directly contact Big Brother, they probably won't come back."

"Yes." Ye Shu nodded: "Let's go to the curve, we have an appointment to go shopping."

"Hahaha!" Hua Zhao laughed and took her arm and went out together.

The sentence just now was not a lie to Wang Qiang.

Before, Ye Ming told her to be careful of the Du family and not let her go out randomly. Now the Du family has solved the problem. Before she went to bed last night, she made an appointment with Ye Shu to go shopping together today.


As the car passed by the street in front of the train station, Hua Zhao saw Qiu Mei walking into the ticket hall carrying a bag and holding a child.

Ye Shu also saw it: "What is she going to do? Is she going back to her parents' home to complain after being wronged? By the way, has her parents come to Beijing?"

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