"What explanation? What do you know? I'm just recording my daily flow..."


Ye Shang’s slap finally hit Ye Dan’s face.

"Hua Zhao is right, do you still think we are fools now?"

"Dad! You don't believe me!" Ye Dan cried, covering his face.

Ye Shang looked at her tears, and there was a moment of hesitation on his face. Did he blame her wrongly?

"I'll just take it and ask if it's running water." Ye Ming took the piece of paper from Hua Zhao's hand.

Ye Dan's face froze.

"Let your leaders check the warehouse again." Ye Ming said.

Ye Dan could no longer maintain his expression.

What else is there to say?

Ye Shang closed his eyes and fell down on the sofa.

The room was quiet.

But soon, Ye Dan's complexion returned to normal.

Well, everyone knows it.

But what if you understand?

Do they want to turn her in or report her?


Because she is a descendant of the Ye family, doing so will only discredit the Ye family.

What Ye Ming has to do now is not to sue her and ask the boss to check the warehouse, but to find ways to help her hide the matter.

Or plug the hole.

Ye Dan glanced at Hua Zhao, she was rich anyway.

Ye Ming laughed angrily when he saw her expression.

He has never encountered such a "problem" before. The Ye family has never had anyone resell public property!

He really didn't know what to do for a moment.

"How many times has this happened?" Hua Zhao suddenly asked.

"First time." Ye Dan said.

I don’t know if it’s true or false.

"Impossible." Hua Zhao said: "It's our first time working together, and you've produced so many goods? Are you audacious or brainless?"

"You!" Ye Dan glared at her, but had to admit that Hua Zhao's guess was right.

This was indeed not the first time. She became bolder only after working together several times.

"Who is the other party? What is his origin? Where have these cigarettes been sold?" Hua Zhao asked.

"I don't know!" Ye Dan stopped answering. In fact, she really didn't know.

He was introduced by an acquaintance, and she didn't ask what he was doing specifically. As for where it is sold, I don’t even care.

Just give her money.

"Brother, what are you going to do?" Hua Zhao asked.

Ye Ming looked at Ye Shang: "Second uncle, what are you going to do?"

Ye Shang closed his eyes and said solemnly: "Leave it to you, do whatever you say!"

When Ye Zhenguo and Ye Mao were away, Ye Ming had the final say.

Moreover, it is best not to alarm Ye Zhenguo and Ye Mao about this matter, and it would be better to let Ye Ming deal with it decisively now!

Otherwise, with the old man's temper, he would probably end up like his third brother...

Ye Ming looked at Hua Zhao. He wanted to hear her opinion, but he really didn't think about it for the moment.

If Ye Dan's affairs were made public, it would be a major blow to the Ye family's prestige.

Although it is not fatal, the glorious image of the Ye family will probably be cut in half. It would be good to keep half of it.

But without making it public... How can such a person not accept punishment after stealing hundreds of thousands of public property? Even people from their own family.

"Brother, we don't have the final say on this matter, it depends on what the other party wants." Hua Zhao looked at the piece of paper and said: "Is there any big thief in the capital who can eat so much stuff at once?

"If this is not the first transaction and there are several other transactions, what volume does it have to be? How many trucks does it have to load?

"In each transaction, does the other party pay in advance? Or pay after the sale? If it is after the sale, how many days will it take?

“Does he have the most capital, or does he have strong sales ability?

“Is this kind of big thief unknown?

"Ye Dan has just been in the capital for a few months, and he can steal so many things without being discovered?

"Is someone else blind, or is it invisible on purpose?"

Ye Dan's face turned pale again as he asked each question.

Ye Shang’s face turned pale.

Ye Ming also became more cautious.

"Is this a trap?" he said.

Without waiting for Hua Zhao to answer, he sighed: "Yes, this is a trap, a trap targeting our family."

who is it?

He is indeed a big thief!

But no matter who it is, the opponent's net has been opened, and the prey has obviously fallen into the trap and cannot get out.

"Tell me." Ye Ming asked: "When did you start trading? Who is the other party? Whose last name is there, where do you live, when did you trade, and where did you trade?"

"I, I don't know..." Ye Danbai said with this face.

Hua Zhao rolled his eyes at her and said that he was really stubborn if he didn't say anything now.

Ye Shang’s hand was raised again.

"Say it quickly, you damn girl! You are going to die!" Liu Yuegui finally came to her senses and beat Ye Dan.

"You are going to kill the whole family!"

Ye Dan was beaten by his parents for the first time since he was a child.

Moreover, Hana Zhao and Ye Ming's speculations are terrifying.

If the other party is not a real buyer but digs a hole for them, then she is really going to die!

She sold so many things worth millions....

"I really don't know! The person was contacted by Ye Xing. Every time I give things to Ye Xing! Then Ye Xing gives me the money!" she cried.

Hua Zhao......

Everyone in the room was confused. Ye Xing was involved?

"Ye Xing introduced me! He said he was reliable, otherwise I wouldn't have dared to do it!" Ye Dan cried: "Ye Xing pulled me to do it! She was the one who harmed me!"

Ye Ming closed his eyes. The Ye family really suffered heavy losses this time.

Two people fell in at once.

"Let's all disperse." He said, "Ye Dan and Wang Jian are coming with me."

This matter can't be solved by him alone. He has to ask his grandfather and catch Ye Xing by the way.

I hope they can minimize their losses before the opponent takes action.

Hua Zhao didn't expect that Ye Xing would be involved.

But thinking about it, it’s not too surprising.

He is not the boy she first met.

Everyone left and the room finally became quiet, leaving only Ye Shu and Miao Lanzhi.

The two of them haven't reacted yet.

A housewarming dinner, eating a lot of bits and pieces.

Suddenly, Ye Shu asked Hua Zhao: "How did you know there was something in her bag?"

Hua Zhao pointed to his ear: "I heard it, didn't you hear it? There was a tinkling sound."

She played with gold and jade when she had nothing to do, and was familiar with these sounds. She heard Ye Dan as soon as he sat down.

And the bag was too heavy, so even if she was pretending, it was a bit abnormal.

Ye Shu thought about it and nodded: "I also heard some noise, but I thought it was a lunch box and didn't think about it that way."

"Why didn't she hide her things before coming back?" Hua Zhao suddenly asked curiously.

Did she come to her house for dinner with so much stolen money to show off?

This Miao Lanzhi knew: "She was suddenly pulled over by your second aunt. Your second aunt just told me that she hopes Ye Dan will get closer to you and build a good relationship."

As a result, this is going to cost you your life!

I don’t know how Liu Yuegui will cry now.

"I don't know who it is that has such a big hatred against our family." Miao Lanzhi said worriedly.

Hua Zhao had some guesses, but still waited for Ye Ming's investigation results.


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