Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 923 I have the final say

Ye Dan was so angry that he was shaking.

Grandpa is indeed as partial as the legend says. He used to favor his third uncle's family, but now he favors his uncle's family. It's like they picked his family up!

"I don't agree with this division! It's not fair!"

Ye Zhenguo squinted his eyes and looked at her: "You don't agree with what I say?"

Ye Dan took the risk and said with a pinched neck: "I don't agree!"

"Shut up!" Ye Shang immediately scolded.

Ye Zhenguo stopped him: "Then what do you think is fair?"

"The value of these things is as old as the ancient calendar. A broken painting can be put in a cultural relics store for a few thousand yuan at most. Why should it be priced at 500,000? How is this fair?"

Ye Dan said: "Following the market trends, we re-evaluate these things according to the current market price and then distribute them. This is fair!"

What she owed Ye Ming was not actually 6.8 million, but the 1 million she got from selling things was returned.

In fact, she owed 5.8 million, but she only received 800,000 just now and still owed 5 million!


Ye Xing also received 800,000!

And his illegal gains were not handed over at all!

He said he spent it all, who would believe it!

What can I spend 800,000 on now?

He just swallowed it!

Why did he get 500,000 for nothing? But she has to bear a debt of 5 million?

If she's not good, he won't be able to think about it either!

"Okay!" Hua Zhao immediately smiled and said: "I like the redistribution. But the wealth should not be revealed, let's ask professionals to set the price, okay? Just ask Mr. Gu from the cultural relics store, no problem?"

Although Ye Dan has only been in the capital for a few months, she already knows Mr. Gu.

It is difficult to buy jewelry now, gold is not allowed to be sold to outsiders, and there are no gold shops in the capital.

China's first gold store, Caibai, didn't start selling gold jewelry until 1985.

If you want to buy jewelry now, you can only go to a cultural relics store.

If you don't like the old look, go find a goldsmith to change it yourself.

Ye Dan is a frequent visitor to the cultural relics store. She bought a lot of jewelry and hid it secretly.

However, my mother dug them out and handed them over.

"Okay!" Ye Dan agreed.

She can let Mr. Gu set the price. She is not afraid of him deceiving people. Whether the price is low or high, this pile of things is definitely not worth millions anyway!

Ye Xing can't even hope to receive 800,000, he will also have to go into debt!

Besides, it’s all because of him that she’s here today!

If he hadn't come to her, she wouldn't be here today.

Moreover, she made a profit of 1 million by selling so many things, worth 4.8 million yuan, and he just made a connection and built a bridge and made 500,000 yuan! The crime is still light, why?

Ye Dan was so dissatisfied that he was about to explode.

She stared closely at Ye Xing, and occasionally took Hua Zhao along with her.

In the final analysis, I still blame her. She already knew about this, why didn't she take it out and share it earlier?

But in this case, she just wanted her uncle’s family to keep it all to herself!

Hua Zhao saw the look in her eyes and smiled back at her.

Sometimes a smile can make people angry~

As expected, Ye Dan became even more angry and was about to open his mouth.

"Stay there! If you don't want to stay, leave now!" Ye Shang shouted.

He couldn't let Ye Dan provoke Hua Zhao anymore. She had even settled the account just now, but she had gained another 5 million with just one sentence...

Now that it needs to be revalued, he feels that 5 million may not be enough.

Is she stupid? Isn’t it stupid!

Sure enough, Mr. Gu was quickly invited. Hua Zhao told him that the things were collected from other places and asked him to re-evaluate the price to see if he had been cheated.

The ancient gentleman was noncommittal and concentrated on his work.

Soon the value of the things in this house was determined, and the total value was 800,000. The total...

It also included the box of gold, which accounted for the bulk.

The total value of these antiques and jades is really not much.

People today don't recognize this. After all, more than ten years ago, these things were the "four olds" and "dross". Only by burning them can we ensure safety.

Not a good thing, not worth the money!

This is the common thought of the public, and public thought determines the price.

Mr. Gu finished setting the price and left with the "appraisal fee" for two watermelons.

"Okay, let's redistribute it now." Hua Zhao said.

Ye Zhenguo said: "What's the difference? One family has 200,000 yuan in their name. Let them pay the IOU for the rest."

Ye Shang closed his eyes, and 5 million turned into 5.6 million. Is this exciting?

Ye Dan suddenly said: "I can issue an IOU of 5.8 million, but these things must be given to me."

Huh? ?

Hua Zhao looked at her.

She is not stupid!

But does she think she is stupid?

"No." Hua Zhao refused.

"Why can't it be done?" Ye Dan held back his temper and said, "This is the property of the ancestors of the Ye family. What is given to us is ours. Why do you say it can't be done?"

"Have you forgotten that you still owe a debt?" Hua Zhao said.

Ye Dan immediately looked at Ye Ming aggrievedly: "Brother, you are not short of these 200,000. I will use this 200,000 to turn around, and there are more than 5 million left. Otherwise, I will be penniless, and your more than 500 will be gone." If I don’t get it in my lifetime!”

She quite understands.

Ye Ming shook his head: "No."

He knew that Hua Zhao was busy because he wanted these things to belong to him.

Hua Zhao has always been interested in these antiques and feels that they will be valuable in the future. She never wants these things to fall into Ye Dan's hands.

"Brother!" Ye Dan cried aggrievedly: "You have paid out 6.8 million, so you don't need this 200,000, right? Just 200,000!"

"No." Ye Ming just shook his head.

"I don't care! These things were left by my grandma, so I have a share!" Ye Dan actually acted rogue.

She also rushed out, grabbed an empty box, and stuffed high-priced bottles and cans into the box.

Just cork bottles and cans.

She is not a novice who doesn't know anything. She knows what antiques are, and she also knows that these things are not valuable here, but if they are taken abroad and put on auction, it would be great.

Foreigners have loved Chinese bottles and jars since ancient times!

If she takes out all these bottles and cans, she may get more than 6.8 million, and she may be able to turn around by relying on them!

Why was she so excited just now? Not because of unfair distribution, but because these things were not in her hands...

Her greed for money was exposed.

Hua Zhao hugged his shoulders and looked at her. It turned out that he had met a knowledgeable person.

It's even better, so she doesn't have to wait until decades later to get stabbed, she'll get stabbed now.

"I have the final say on how things are distributed. These things don't belong to you." Hua Zhao said.

"Look at how big your face is! Why do you have the final say! Who do you think you are?" Ye Dan said without raising his head and eyes while loading things.

The food appearance is really ugly.

Ye Shang couldn't stand it anymore and was so embarrassed that he didn't know what to say.

When did his daughter become like this?

"Then I have the final say, okay?" Ye Zhenguo also felt embarrassed.

Ye Dan paused his hands and continued to pretend, but said in a low voice: "Grandpa also said that grandma left this thing to Ye Shen alone. He has the final say on how to divide it."

"Okay, I have the final say."

A voice suddenly sounded at the door.

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