"Does Xu Jie have a partner?" Hua Zhao asked.

Mrs. Xu was stunned, weren't she talking about Zhang Guilan and Xu Zhiming? How to speak of Xu Jie properly?

But she said: "Not yet."

"Is Xu Jie old enough? Why don't you have a partner yet?" Hua Zhao asked.

Mrs. Xu suddenly hesitated.

Didn't Xu Jie fall in love with Ye Ming and be supported by their whole family?

Even though Xu Jie was sent to work below by Ye Ming, they did not give up the idea.

When Xu Zhiming and Hua Zhao get married, Xu Jie will be on the verge of success. Let’s work hard and see!

No need to say anything else.

"Qiu Xiuyun originally thought that Uncle Xu was dead, so why did she suddenly come to Beijing? She also said that someone told her that Uncle Xu was actually not dead? Who do you think this person is?" Hua Zhao asked.

Mrs. Xu was not stupid. Her eyes widened instantly and she said in disbelief: "Is it Xiaojie?"

"Indeed." Hua Zhao nodded.

Mrs. Xu suddenly became so angry that her whole body trembled.

If this was done by an outsider, she wouldn't be so angry.

It's normal for two families to have a grudge against each other and to fight each other to death, but it's so annoying and embarrassing when one of them wants to kill his own family!

She had clearly seen the gloating in Hua Zhao's eyes.

If it weren't for the sake of saving face, Mrs. Xu would have wanted to rush home and give Xu Jie a good meal.

No, one meal is definitely not enough!

"So, it's Xu Jie's fault that things have reached this stage and our family's reputation is not good. She has to accept punishment." Hua Zhao said.

Mrs. Xu paused and asked, "How to punish me?"

She also only wanted to beat Xu Jie a few times.

But if the Ye family punished her, she was afraid it would be too harsh.

After all, she is my granddaughter, so I can’t bear to part with her.

"Find her a partner, get married within 3 months, and we will forgive her." Hua Zhao said.

Give the old lady a meal, what a punishment...

Hua Zhao's smile faded and became indifferent: "Don't think that we don't know what you are planning. Don't say that my eldest brother used to look down on Xu Jie and just said that she did such a thing. If word spread, a few people would Can you like her?"

"No, no, no!" Old Mrs. Xu was immediately afraid.

If word spread that Xu Jie did this thing, it will definitely leave people with a vicious and heartless impression. And the reason is because you can't chase men...

How can you get married? Who to marry? You are no longer worthy of being a human being!

"Okay, okay, three months, three months I will definitely marry her off! Please keep this matter a secret!" Old Mrs. Xu begged.

Hua Zhao said that Xu Jie did this, and she believed it.

Grandma Mo Ruo, an intellectual daughter, raised Xu Jie by herself. She understands Xu Jie better than Sun Xiaojuan, but her heart is not as gentle and well-behaved as she appears on the surface.

"If you can do it, I'll keep it a secret." Hua Zhao said, "But after three months, if you can't do it, don't blame me for being rude."

She was very happy today. She didn't expect that Xu Jie would have such leverage in her hands.

This time I can finally deal with her and make my eldest brother happy.

"Okay, okay." Mrs. Xu stood up to leave, but suddenly remembered that she was here to solve Zhang Guilan's matter today.

"Then your mother's place..."

"We'll wait until you marry Xu Jie, otherwise my mother will be disgusted when she looks at her." Hua Zhao said.

It is hinted that Zhang Guilan will reconcile with Xu Zhiming.

With this carrot hanging around, she was willing to work harder.

Sure enough, when Mrs. Xu heard what she said, she finally had a smile on her face and walked away swaying.

Returning to Xu Zhide's house, she immediately shouted: "Where is Xu Jie?"

Xu Zhide did not go to work and was playing with his wife at home. He stopped when he saw his mother coming back.

"Xiaojie? Something happened. She was afraid of being embarrassed, so she went back to work yesterday afternoon." Xu Zhide said.

Fortunately, she now works in a suburb, and her colleagues there don't know much about her family's situation.

But he couldn't do it anymore. He was too embarrassed to go to work.

"Bah!" Old Mrs. Xu scolded: "Is she afraid of being embarrassed? She deliberately embarrassed this person! She was afraid that you would beat her!"

"What do you mean?" Xu Zhide asked immediately.

"Why does Qiu Xiuyun know that Zhiming is not dead? Who told her? It's your good daughter!" Old Mrs. Xu shouted.

Xu Zhide immediately turned around and slapped Sun Xiaojuan: "It's all because of your good teaching, daughter!"

Sun Xiaojuan covered her face and said nothing, her lowered eyes were very confused. How could her life be like this? When is the end? Can we go back to the past?

"Mom, what does Hua Zhao mean? Is Zhang Guilan willing to forgive his brother?" Xu Zhide asked again.

The most important thing now is this problem, Xu Jie, he will take care of it after she comes home!

"They said that Xu Jie must be married off within three months. Only after saying this can Zhang Guilan come back." Old Mrs. Xu said.

"That Ye Mingna..." Xu Zhide hesitated.

"Bah!" Mrs. Xu spat again: "I don't even want this kind of daughter-in-law, but Miao Lanzhi can? Now that everyone has discovered her true identity, don't even think about opening the door to the Ye family!"

In the past, she still had the idea that Xu Jie could get away with one face and one mouth, but that was completely gone now.

"Hey!" Xu Zhide more or less knew his daughter's temperament and gave up immediately.

"Then get married."

He hit back and slapped Sun Xiaojuan again: "You have taught your daughter well! Hurry up and find a partner for her to marry!"

Sun Xiaojuan covered her face and nodded.

Xu Jie received a call from her home that day asking her to go back.

She was worried, afraid that the matter would be exposed, but also thought it was impossible. She took many turns and passed through the hands of so many people before sending the news to Qiu Xiuyun. No one would find out.

It stands to reason that this is the case. The blame is that she didn't control her expression well at the time and was too far ahead in the show.

If Ye Shen hadn't seen her, she might have been able to hide it for a long time.

She made excuses not to go home.

As a result, Xu Zhide personally captured him.

He loved and hated this only daughter.

It’s just this daughter, if you don’t love her, who can you love?

What a shame it’s just this daughter! No son either!

In the past, he had always raised Xu Jie as the pillar of the family, fostering her ambition and her methods.

In the end, these methods were used on his own family members, making him embarrassed! The family has lost huge benefits!

If you are useless and blind, get married!

Xu Jie was shocked and angry when she heard her family's decision.

He turned around and went to find Hua Zhao.


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