Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 946 Someone proposes marriage

Qiu Hai originally sold the medicinal wine for 100,000 yuan.

He was also very good and sold it at a price higher than the market price at that time.

But now his intestines are probably full of regret, because not long ago, he has grown to 120,000.

It is estimated that in a few months or a few years, he would not dare to think about the price!

If they sell it later, can they get that big house now? Even get several!

"I didn't expect that Li Xia was quite good at living. After getting the money, she started looking at the house without letting Qiu Hai spend it." Ye Ming said: "Now they have taken a fancy to a house worth 110,000 yuan and are negotiating the price with the seller. They probably didn't spend any money." How many."

Hua Zhao breathed a sigh of relief, it was almost too late!

"After two days, find someone to tell Zhou Lihua their address." Hua Zhao said goodbye and hung up the phone.

Ye Ming didn't ask her what she wanted to do, she just thought about it.

Ye Shen also guessed: "Are you going to get that money... back?"

"Of course! That's my money! My medicinal wine!" Hua Zhao said loudly.

Ye Shen tapped her nose: "Didn't it go to Qiu Mei?"

"Who said that? I gave it to Jiaqing... Well, actually I don't even want to give it to Jiaqing, because he was very healthy. My eldest brother gave him so much at that time, and I didn't hear that Ye Jia Yeli was given an injection. Does it always hurt when he fights back?"

If Jia Qing hadn't dared to fight back and the beating was quite painful, Ye Jia and Ye Li wouldn't have dealt with him when they had the chance.

"I didn't give that medicinal wine to anyone, I just took it for fishing. Now that the fish is caught, it's natural to close the net." Hua Zhao and Ye Shen made no secret.

She gave Qiu Hai the medicinal wine to steal.

But after stealing, the money doesn't belong to him.

Otherwise, wouldn’t she have become a living Bodhisattva?

"I'll leave this matter to you!" Hua Zhao said, "I'll guess where he put the money. You go and steal it... No, take it back!"

Ye Shen rubbed her hair helplessly and dotingly: "You are so evil-minded."

Hua Zhao bared his teeth at him.

"Ah!~ I am just a tiger. If anyone messes with me, I will bite him back!"

Cute little face, white and pointed little tiger teeth, no matter how cute you look.

Ye Shen immediately rushed over...

.... He didn't get up until midnight.

Hua Zhao sat up in a daze: "Are you going to take action? I'll go with you."

Ye Shen pushed her back, tucked her in, and looked at her with some distress and guilt.

It was impulsive and it was a little late.

"You go to sleep, I can go by myself."

"But you don't know where they hid the money." Hua Zhao said with a yawn.

"I have been studying and practicing your special skills diligently over the years, and now I feel I have made some small achievements, just take a look at it." Ye Shen kissed her ear and chuckled.

Hua Zhao also smiled: "Congratulations to your husband, congratulations to you. I will wait at home for your husband's good news."

It’s not like a big boss is hiding state secrets. The Qiu family is an ordinary family. Where can they hide their money?

Either under the bed, in the pillow, in the quilt, in the shoe shell, if it’s more serious, it’s in a rice vat, if it’s more stupid, it’s in the stove pit.

Let Ye Shen look for it by himself. If he can't find it once, he will definitely find it if he goes a few more times.

Sure enough, when Hua Zhao woke up after dawn, he saw a full 100,000 yuan on the coffee table.

Qiu Hai and his wife were not devoid of any good deeds. After receiving a huge sum of money from heaven, they actually refrained from spending it frivolously, and instead knew how to do business and buy a house.

Unfortunately...the money has now returned to its original owner.

I don't know how devastated they will be when they find out.

If they had been smarter, they wouldn't have called the police, otherwise the money would have been stolen items sold, and losing them would not affect their charges of stealing items worth a huge sum of 100,000.

You have to stay there for a few years.

Ye Ming walked in and saw the money on the coffee table in the living room.

He was stunned and then realized: "Hey, move very quickly, so I can take the next step."

"Yeah." Hua Zhao smiled and nodded.

At this point, the matter is over for her.

She no longer cares about how Qiu Mei and Qiu Hai or Zhou Lihua fight to the death.

"I really can't mess with you, otherwise I won't stop for the rest of my life." Ye Ming sighed.

If Qiu Mei knew what would happen next if she bothered Hua Zhao again and again, she would probably regret it to death.

"Thank you for the compliment." Hua Zhao asked with a smile: "Brother, why are you here so early in the morning? And you look so bad?"

Ye Ming pointed to his watch: "It's 10 o'clock, so early in the morning, pregnant women should also have a reasonable schedule..."

He glanced at Ye Shen next to him and immediately realized, well, he didn't say anything.

"What happened?" Ye Shen also saw something was wrong with Ye Ming's eyes. He had been deliberately making jokes to calm down his emotions since he entered the door.

Ye Ming wiped his face and said, "The college entrance examination results have been completely announced."

I didn't expect that this was what he said.

Ye Shen and Hua Zhao looked at each other.

"So? What does this have to do with us?"

"Ye Jia scored 270, which is a good score. It is 73 points higher than the admission score. She is absolutely extraordinary. And her usual scores are on par with Ye Li." Ye Ming said.

Ye Shen and Hua Zhao both stood up. They had never cared about how Ye Jia and Ye Li were studying in the past.

When I heard the score, I had no reaction.

The same goes for Ye Ming.

"50 points for extraordinary performance is a bit too much." Hua Zhao said, "So her score...?"

If it is cheating, then the Ye family will be really embarrassed if word spreads!

In the past, there was Ye Xing and Ye Dan reselling state property, and later there was Ye Jia cheating?

This is simply embarrassing.

Generally, small families cannot turn around when encountering such a thing.

What's going on this year? What an eventful time!

Ye Ming did not answer her question, but said, "Someone just came to propose marriage to Ye Jia, so I didn't know about it."

"What do you mean?" Hua Zhao didn't understand for a moment, but reacted the next second:

"Someone comes to propose marriage to Ye Jia? Threatening her with cheating? Is it someone who knows she cheated? Or someone who helps her cheat? Or someone who induces her to cheat?"

Ye Ming and Ye Shen looked at her at the same time.

Ye Ming's eyes couldn't hide his admiration. The last question induced Ye Jia to cheat.

He had thought about this possibility all the way and didn't think of it until he entered the door.

But she thought of it instantly after saying a word.

"Since Ye Jia and Ye Li have the same learning level, she may not be able to cheat even if she wants to." Hua Zhao analyzed.

Cheating is also a technical job! For example, for liberal arts subjects, there are so many things to memorize. Should I make cheat sheets and bring them in?

That's not realistic.

Just condense the key points and bring them in?

She couldn't grasp any important points at all. If she could, she wouldn't have to cheat.

Even if someone told her what the key points were, her level would still be confusing to find the answer.

"So it's possible that someone helped her cheat and sent her the answer." Hua Zhao said.

"And it's very difficult to find such a person. Someone big must help her."

Everyone in the exam room was randomly seated, so Ye Jia couldn't bribe people around her to cheat before the exam.

Cheating is not a matter of losing your head, but it is a matter of ruining your life. Even if she offered a large sum of money on the spot, no one would dare to take it.

The ones who are accepted must be those who are not good at studying. Those who study well and have the ability to go to college. How much is their bright future worth? How much money did Ye Jianeng spend?

In short, for various reasons, someone had to arrange for someone who was good at studying to sit near Ye Jia and pass the answers to her.

And this is not something that can be done with just a little bit of ability.

"Who proposed the marriage?" Ye Shen asked.

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