Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 949: Being blinded by money

The bracelet in your hand is cold, delicate and smooth, making you want to hold it and not let go.

Can't let go either.

Hua Zhao felt like it was absorbing her energy!

No, to be precise, it was passing through her body, absorbing the surrounding energy.

Hua Zhao wears the pendant "given" to her by Ye Shen around her neck. The energy of the surrounding plants will gather and be exchanged, and part of it will be absorbed by her body.

This part of the energy is actually very small.

But just this little bit is enough for her to benefit a lot.

But it was different now. She felt that the energy around her was quickly gathering towards her, and it was not the energy of plants, but all kinds of energy in the world.

This energy passes through her body and is absorbed by the bracelet.

Her body had never felt better.

If so many people weren't present, she really wanted to lie on the ground and lazily experience this wonderful feeling.

"This is too expensive, I can't have it." Hua Zhao pushed the bracelet back.

Even if you think about it, it may not be possible at this time.

There will be many ways later....

"What's so valuable? It's incomparable to this mutton-fat jade on your hand." Miao Fang insisted and put the bracelet on her hand, and the ring fit just right.

Hua Zhao wanted to take it off, but couldn't pull it off for a while.

It stands to reason that she can take it off if she can wear it, not to mention that she really wanted to take it off and used a lot of strength.

It turns out it doesn't.

Outsiders couldn't see it and thought it was just stuck on her wrist, but she knew that there was an invisible and huge force fighting against her, preventing her from taking off the bracelet.

Is this relying on her?

Hua Zhao flicked the bracelet with his other finger, and the sound was clear and sweet, and very pleasant to the ear.

I hope this unknown thing is a "good thing" and can bring benefits to her like the pendant, otherwise, she will have to destroy it no matter how hard she tries.

The bracelet vibrated on her wrist, so small that only she could feel it.

And it gave off an energy that made her feel more comfortable, and seemed to be showing kindness.

Hua Zhao tapped his finger on it again.

Okay, let's take it first.

"Ms. Miao, you're welcome. How about I buy it." Hua Zhao turned around and entered the bedroom, and quickly came out with a 1,000-gram gold bar.

Everyone's lips trembled slightly.

To take out something like this casually, she is really... rich.

"Ms. Miao, you're welcome, just take it." Hua Zhao stuffed the gold bar into her hand.

The current market price of 1,000 grams of gold bars is more than 20,000, which is enough to buy a bracelet.

Because it is not actually a perfect glass imperial green. It is at most an ice sun green with floating flowers. It is not very valuable at this time, with a maximum of three to five thousand yuan.

"How can this be done? I'm not here to sell bracelets. This is a gift from me. No amount of money can buy it." This time it was Miao Fang's turn to refuse.

"Okay, Ms. Miao, I have seen your thoughts." She raised her head slightly after get off work and nodded at Miao Bin.

With such a big "intention" here, she wouldn't like her even if she gave her 100 bracelets.

Miao Fang understood and immediately retracted her hand, smiling and saying nothing.

"Everyone, sit down and let's get down to business." After Hua Zhao finished speaking, he sat back down next to Ye Shen.

At this time, Ye Shen was on her left, and Ye Ming was sitting on a separate chair on her right.

The two of them surrounded her, and she sat in the center of the room.

Zhou Lihua and Ye Jia were not surprised, but Miao Fang and Miao Bin's eyes flashed.

Is Hua Zhao in charge of this family?

When Ye Ming is around, is she the one who makes the decision?

Hua Zhao nodded to Miao Fang: "You are right, I will make the decision this time."

Miao Fang was stunned and sat down.

Zhou Lihua looked at Hua Zhao and then at Miao Fang. Is there something going on between them? whats the matter?

The key is, why did you call her here?

She suddenly became restless.

Hua Zhao quickly revealed her doubts and said to her, "Do you still remember this Miao Bin?"

Zhou Lihua looked at her and nodded.

The two families were very close before they parted ways, and Miao Bin often came to Ye's house to play.

At that time, the three brothers of the Ye family lived in a compound.

She still remembered that when Miao Bin was a child, he had a tiger-like head and a tiger-like brain, white and clean, and very cute.

She took another look at Miao Bin. He looked pretty good now. He inherited the good looks from the Miao family and looked a little like Ye Ming.

Just two people sitting together and comparing, one is like a towering tree, and the other is like a young seedling that has just sprouted.

Miao Bin looked very immature.

"Look carefully, he went to his eldest brother to propose marriage to Ye Jia," Hua Zhao said.

Zhou Lihua and Ye Jia suddenly took a breath.

Zhou Lihua looked confused, and Ye Jia looked horrified.

Miao Bin raised his head and smiled shyly at the two of them.

Zhou Lihua frowned.

Ye Jia's face turned pale, as if she was too frightened to say anything.

Zhou Lihua didn't notice anything unusual about her.

Miao Bin smiled at Ye Jia again.

What a shy big boy...what a ghost!

Hua Zhao looked at him, his eyes slightly focused, and he felt that under Miao Bin's gentle face, there was a "grimace".

They held Ye Jia in their hands and played with her at will, and they wanted to pinch her forever, but now she was smiling so cleanly, like a sunny boy.

It's scary and disgusting.

Hua Zhao asked Zhou Lihua who was in a daze: "What do you think?"

Zhou Lihua finally recovered, slapped her thigh and said loudly: "No! I don't agree!"

Hua Zhao smiled, and this answer was not too surprising.

After all, Miao Bin and the Ye family are five or six years apart.

"Jia Jia is so beautiful that we, A Bin, will never forget her and don't care about the age gap..."

Before Miao Fang could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Hua Zhao: "Stop talking about such nonsense now."

Everyone knows what’s going on. Isn’t it embarrassing to say this?

"That's right, it's all nonsense! You Miao family still want to marry a girl from our Ye family, it's just a dream! You don't show your virtue by peeing in the urine! Did you think it was from the beginning?" Zhou Lihua retorted.

Of course she knew about the conflict between the two families, and when the Miao family made false accusations, it was not just Ye Zhenguo and Ye Mao who were affected.

The two of them were just the main targets. Ye Cheng and Ye Shang were also arrested at that time, but the charges had not yet been laid out.

But if Miao Gang was really allowed to succeed at that time, there would be no need to fabricate accusations, and Ye Cheng would not be fine.

Now when she closes her eyes, Zhou Lihua seems to still be able to recall the despair, anxiety and resentment she felt at that time.

And at that time, not only Miao Lanzhi went to beg Miao Gang, she also went to beg him many times.

As a result, he was naturally ridiculed a lot.

And the people who ridiculed her the most were Miao Fang and Ye Ming's aunt He Peiqin sitting in front of her.

Now you want her to be in-laws with He Peiqin?


"Let the past go by. We are not who we were before." Miao Fang said, glancing at her up and down.

Zhou Lihua suddenly choked.

"Everyone should look forward." Miao Fang added, "We will provide a gift of 100,000 yuan."

With one sentence, Zhou Lihua's complexion turned into the color of pig liver again.

Hua Zhao looked at her, wouldn't she be blinded by money again?

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