Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 959 How is she worth 800?

She wants to expel Ye Jia from the family.

This interrupted the possibility of the Miao family clinging.

The Miao family is such a good team, as long as you give them a reason, they can make the most of it.

If they are normal in-laws, they will be used if they are used. In-laws are used to take advantage of each other.

But for the in-laws of the Miao family who are so ungrateful and stabbing in the back, what they have to do is to backhand them a few times and never give them any sweetness.

Ye Jia was a little stunned: "What did you say?"

"I said you have nothing to do with the Ye family anymore. Don't say you are from the Ye family anymore. If you want to go back to your parents' home, go to Zhou Lihua and don't come to us again," Hua Zhao said.

"You have been expelled from the family."

"Why?" Ye Jia suddenly jumped up from the chair and pointed at Hua Zhao with split eyes: "Why do you have the right to drive me out of the family? You are a grandson's daughter-in-law, and you deserve it! My grandfather still has the final say in the Ye family!"

The expressions of Miao Fang and Miao Bin also changed.

If Ye Jia is expelled from the family, then she will have no use value at all.

They really made a bad move.

"I have the final say in your affairs from beginning to end." Hua Zhao said, "As for why, you don't deserve to know."

Why else? Of course it was based on her status in the Ye family.

Ye Jia can definitely see this, she just can't believe it and doesn't want to accept it.

Ye Jia does know.

She turned to look at Ye Ming on the side and cried: "Brother, grandpa told us since we were young that home is a shelter. If we suffer any grievances outside, we can go home to find shelter. The family will never give up on us... .”

Ye Ming interrupted her: "It seems you still remember that grandpa said 'give up', not 'abandon'.

"Ye's family was suffering outside, and he would never give up on saving them, but he also said that he would sometimes 'abandon' his family.

"Do you remember the circumstances under which he would abandon his family?"

Ye Jia's face turned pale.

She remembers.

Even though her memory has been blurred, she still vividly remembers her big brother giving her a personal demonstration not long ago.

If the Ye family has done something illegal and the circumstances are serious, he will not save them.

"But I just cheated, the circumstances are not serious..." Ye Jia cried: "And I agreed not to go to college! Isn't this thing over?"

That's not what she thought before she walked in the door.

She wants to go to college.

Miao Bin has become her husband and will no longer report her. This hidden danger has been perfectly solved by her!

Can she ignore Hua Zhao's words, continue going to college, and continue living her perfect life?

But now she would rather give up going to college than being kicked out of the family.

Ye Ming shook his head: "There is another situation. If you hurt your family or betray the family, you will be expelled from the house."

Ye Jia was even more dissatisfied: "I didn't hurt anyone! The most I said was disrespectful to Hua Zhao! Are you going to expel me from the family for her? I don't accept it! I want to see grandpa!"

"Ye Jia." Hua Zhao said: "Do you know what the Miao family did back then? The Miao family almost killed grandpa! Our two families are mortal enemies, but you turned around and married the Miao family. This is not called betrayal. Family, what does betraying the family mean?"

Ye Jia immediately turned his attention to Miao Lanzhi: "You are talking nonsense! Auntie, you are still sitting here! How can our two families be mortal enemies? Even if you want to retaliate against me, you have to find a reasonable reason!"

This was one of the reasons why she dared to marry Miao Bin.

Miao Lanzhi was fine and had not been treated harshly for so many years, which made her unable to remember the grudges between the Miao family and the Ye family at all.

Even if I thought about it later, I didn't take it to heart.

For Miao Lanzhi's sake, and for Ye Shen's sake, the Ye family must have secretly forgiven the Miao family for not being the same as them.

Otherwise, how could the Miao family still have the ability to enter Beijing? Are you able to help her cheat in the college entrance examination?

Brainstorming kills people...

"I can sit here well because I am myself." Miao Lanzhi said: "I have severed ties with the Miao family a long time ago. They are them and I am me. We have never been in contact with each other for so many years."

Miao Lanzhi said: "Now it's your turn. You break away from your family and become yourself. You can marry whoever you want. The family won't care about you and they will never interact with you again."

She didn't believe what Hua Zhao said.

But Ye Ming and Miao Lanzhi both wanted to expel her from the family, and Ye Jia was finally afraid.

"I want to see grandpa!"

"Grandpa said, I can make the decision on this little matter myself," Hua Zhao said.

"I don't believe it!" Ye Jia turned around and rushed out. She wanted to find her grandfather.

Hua Zhao ignored her. If Ye Zhenguo didn't want to see her, she couldn't even get within 1,000 meters of him.

Miao Fang and Miao Bin were the only ones left in the room, stunned.

Hua Zhao suddenly laughed: "You have worked so hard, but now the result is like this. Not only did you fail to climb the Ye family, but you also lost a good seedling in the family. Are you not happy?"

How can you be happy? I can't even find the right tone to cry.

Miao Fang came to her senses, took a breath and said, "Injury to the enemy is one thousand, but oneself suffers eight hundred losses. Why bother? Why don't we let go of the past..."

Hua Zhao interrupted her: "Suffering eight hundred for yourself? That's an exaggeration. Do you think Ye Jia is worth eight hundred?"

"After taking exams for five years, she didn't even get into a decent university. It's not that her brain is not working well, but that her mentality is broken.

"It was an obvious trap, but she jumped into it with her eyes open and couldn't stop it.

"The family finally pulled her out, but she turned around and jumped in again."

"Losing this kind of person, will the Ye family suffer a loss of eight hundred?" Hua Zhao smiled happily: "I hope that when you get to the Miao family, you can still value her so much!"

Miao Fang had nothing to say.

Ye Jia is indeed a waste, and now she has lost her aura as the "daughter of the Ye family". Their family has suffered a big loss this time!

Miao Fang took a breath, what to do now? All you can do is knock out your teeth and swallow blood!

Or you can wait and see, wait a few years and see if Ye Zhenguo changes his mind.

Let’s see if Ye Cheng has any use value.

They don't know Ye Cheng's attitude yet.

Maybe he still feels sorry for his daughter...

"Sister, you really have a good daughter-in-law, I'm so envious." Miao Fang suddenly said to Miao Lanzhi.

"Your eldest sister is not here. After the matter is discussed, you can leave." Miao Lanzhi sat there with an elegant posture.

She dressed up grandly just to let them see that she was living a good life, very well. However, this good life had nothing to do with them, and they could not use it at all.

As a member of the Miao family, she knows the philosophy of the Miao family. She does not want to work down-to-earth, but likes to rely on her in-laws to climb up.

Now I have a daughter who is married to the best, but I can't borrow any money from her. My father and brothers and sisters will secretly regret it at home for a long time.

Miao Lanzhi smiled.

Miao Fang sighed, knowing that she had hurt this eldest sister so deeply that she could not forget it even now.

It seems that if she wants to resolve her resentment, she needs help.

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