Ye Shen looked at Ye Ming helplessly. Isn't it a bit too unkind to gloat at this moment?

"Brother, although I asked you to bring someone here, wouldn't you tell me in advance so that I could explain it to you at home first, so suddenly..." He was going to be scratched again at night!

Ye Ming still smiled: "We will see each other sooner or later, so why not do it all at once? If I see them one more time, there will be rumors outside that our two families have reconciled."

So when Miao Hong and Miaomiao went to find him at work today, he immediately brought someone over.

Now the person Ye Mao's family can easily see is him.

Everyone else is reclusive.

"Okay, that's what happened." Ye Ming had a conscience after all, and said to Hua Zhao: "Brother Shen really doesn't have any thoughts about Miaomiao. And if you don't tell me, I haven't found anything wrong with Miaomiao, so I'll go check it out. check."

Thinking about it now, Miao Miao showed off her behavior when she was a child. She was unruly to everyone in the family, but she was also the most beautiful.

I was still young at that time, and my unruly behavior was only about trivial matters, so adults and children didn't pay attention and continued to act on me.

I'm so used to it that my mind is a little abnormal now.

Can't children get used to it?

This idea shocked Ye Ming. How should he get along with the three little ones?

Thinking of the children, Ye Ming couldn't sit still.

"I'll go see them." I haven't seen them for a few days, and I miss them very much.

As for the question of whether to get used to it or not, he would think about it again.

After everyone left, Hua Zhao immediately sat on Ye Shen's lap and grabbed his collar, wanting to get angry.

But after thinking for a long time...I couldn't find the ignition point.

Hua Zhao couldn't hold on to his stern face anymore and burst into laughter.

"You're lucky this time, you met a lunatic." Hua Zhao poked his hard chest with her index finger: "As long as she is normal, I will never finish with you."

Ye Shen's face was full of innocence: "Even if she is normal, she has nothing to do with me. I am innocent."

"I don't care! If she makes me angry, you have to take responsibility!~" Hua Zhao imitated Miao Miao's tone just now.

She was equally coquettish, equally cunning and unruly, but Ye Shen looked at her with joy and was ready to make a move.

Unfortunately, this is a living room with drafts on all sides.

"Let's go, I'll be responsible for you." He stood up, carefully picked up Hua Zhao, and walked a few steps to the lounge inside.

Hua Zhao....

"What are you doing in broad daylight! Stop making trouble!"

"If you don't make trouble, just take responsibility, your husband's responsibility!" Ye Shen said with a deep smile.

Hua Zhao simply couldn't resist his strength.

Well...she just didn't want to resist.

Ye Shen has been going out early and coming back late for several days. He is mysterious and has no idea what he is busy with.

She missed him.

"I'm about to give birth, be careful!"

"Isn't there still a month left?" Ye Shen counted on his fingers.

"It's not a month, it's four weeks! And I feel something is wrong. This pregnancy may have to be brought forward..." Hua Zhao's voice dropped.

Ye Shen said vaguely: "I know."


Hua Zhao's hunch was right, and two weeks later, she entered the delivery room.

For the first time, Ye Shen waited outside the delivery room when she gave birth.

Anxiously like a trapped animal.

"Stop spinning, it's making me anxious." Ye Ming said.

Originally he wasn't worried at all, but now looking at Ye Shen's expression, he wanted to get up and spin around a few times.

"Stop spinning, my calves are cramped!" Ye Shu also shouted.

Logically, she should have been born before Hua Zhao, and she lived a few days earlier than Hua Zhao.

But there was no movement on her side, but Hua Zhao started.

She didn't feel comfortable watching other people give birth, but she was excited and scared when her relatives around her gave birth.

My legs are really cramped.

Yao Kun knelt down on the ground and rubbed her legs without saying anything.

He came in the middle of the night. He heard that Hua Zhao had entered the hospital just as he was about to look out in the morning, and he immediately brought Ye Shu over.

Miao Lanzhi just glanced at Ye Shen but didn't say anything.

He should turn around a few times. If he didn't turn around, the old god would be sitting there, and she would have to scold him.

"Don't worry, Hua Zhao has given birth to several children. With experience, it will be fine." Miao Lanzhi comforted him.

"But it's been two hours, why haven't you come out yet?" Ye Shen frowned deeply: "Didn't I say that multiparous women will be faster? Jinwen didn't even use it for two hours."

"Every birth is different, no one can tell for sure." Miao Lanzhi comforted him: "It took 2 hours longer to give birth to you than to give birth to your sister."

Hearing what she said, Ye Shen's brows relaxed a little.

Miao Lanzhi also felt a little more hopeful. A boy with a big head would be difficult to give birth to. Could it be that Hua Zhao's baby is really a boy?

That's really good, multiple people can share the burden with Yunfei.

Otherwise, it would be too tiring for him to protect three sisters by himself.


Hua Zhao in the delivery room looked at the nurses coming and going around him and asked, "Isn't Doctor Ye Fang here?"

A fat midwife said: "Dr. Ye is very busy with ten operations today. He will probably be busy until 10 o'clock in the evening, if everything goes well."

If things don't go well, it's possible to stay up until 12 o'clock or stay up all night.

"Why so many?" Hua Zhao asked confused.

As the director, Ye Fang was very busy in the past, but she performed almost five or six surgeries a day.

"Starting from this year, there will suddenly be more people coming to see doctors from out of town. Every director of our hospital has so many surgeries." The fat midwife said.

Hua Zhao nodded and remembered that now is not the past. If you want to see a doctor at a higher level, you need approval.

Otherwise, we won't let you go out without reimbursement or telling you anything.

Now I can walk around and see a doctor at will. It is normal for the top hospitals in Beijing to be crowded.

"What about Doctor Song and Doctor Li?" Hua Zhao said, "I made an appointment with them to help me deliver the baby."

Generally, in a natural birth, a midwife will deliver the baby, and the doctor will not be involved at all.

It wasn't her who asked Ye Fang to deliver her babies the previous two times. It was Ye Fang who couldn't worry and came over by herself.

In fact, the main ones who reach out are midwives.

In the past, they were Dr. Song and Dr. Li. Today, Hua Zhao has never seen these two.

"Dr. Song and Dr. Li were not available, and several emergency deliveries came in the middle of the night." Another tall and thin midwife said: "I heard that casual births will no longer be allowed. There have been so many births in the past two years."


Hua Zhao nodded, but for some reason, she didn't like it when looking at these two people.


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