Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 970 A piece of good news.

Hua Zhao didn't want to see him, and neither did she!

Anyone can express their anger.

Miao Lanzhi frowned. The younger generation of the Ye family had children. In addition to Hua Zhao and Ye Shu, there were also Ye Xing, Ye Dan and Ye Ying.

Ye Xing ran away from home.

Ye Dan followed him to the south within two days. She couldn't stay in the north. It was not embarrassing enough.

Then only Ye Ying has experience in raising children.

Or maybe Liu Yuegui.

Miao Lanzhi immediately called people and asked them to come over.

It is not possible to send this child away and leave the Ye family now. He is also a "clue", so there can be no surprises.

Liu Yuegui and Ye Ying came in and were so shocked that they couldn't close their mouths after hearing the whole story.

It happened for a few days, but it was not publicized.

The atmosphere in Ye Mao's family is a bit strange these days. Ye Ming and Ye Shen are busy outside, and Ye Shang's family doesn't even know about this.

Ever since Ye Dan's incident happened, Ye Shang's family and Ye Mao's family have become somewhat distant.

Anyway, Liu Yuegui and Ye Ying never visited Huazhao's house again, nor did Miao Lanzhi's house.

The two of them stayed at home and rarely went out.

Ye Ying originally refused to let Sun Qing go as the vice president, but Sun Qing uncharacteristically refused to listen to her and insisted on going.

Ye Ying had no choice but to let him go.

Now that she heard about Hua Zhao's experience, Liu Yuegui asked anxiously, "What about now? Can the child be recovered? How is Hua Zhao? Is he okay?"

She is kind after all.

"The child will definitely be found! Hua Zhao is fine too." Miao Lanzhi was not in the mood to explain too much and explained the purpose of inviting them here.

"Now, please help me take care of this child for a few days." Miao Lanzhi sighed: "Our whole family doesn't want to see him now."

Liu Yuegui immediately looked at the little baby on the bed with a distressed look on her face. This was also a pitiful baby who was treated as a pawn and separated from his biological parents at birth.

I don’t know if he was stolen or how he got there?

"Okay, I'll take him home first." Liu Yuegui and Ye Ying left with their children in their arms.


Hua Zhao came outside the hospital. There was a small garden here. The big trees in it had been planted for many years and were somewhat wise.

But after so many energy exchanges, she still couldn't see clearly what happened that day.

It was so far away that not even a shadow of what happened that day was left.

Hua Zhao sat there dejectedly.

Big trees can't remember it, and other plants can't remember it either. The road is blocked.

After sitting there for who knows how long, Ye Shen stood in front of her.

Hua Zhao's eyes lit up, bursting with hope.

"Have you found the midwife?"

Ye Shen nodded.

Seeing his solemn expression, Hua Zhao's smile faded and he asked nervously: "What's wrong? They won't tell?"

Ye Shen glanced at her and couldn't bear the next words, but there was no room for lying about this matter.

"They are dead." Ye Shen's voice was very soft, as if he was afraid of scaring Hua Zhao.

"The body was found in a septic tank, dismembered into numerous pieces."

If he hadn't conducted an extremely detailed investigation on the two of them and knew every distinctive feature on their bodies, he wouldn't have been able to determine that these were the two midwives in such a short period of time just based on the pile of minced meat.

Hua Zhao was stunned and suddenly began to retching desperately.

She is not afraid of corpses. In her previous life, due to her professional relationship, she had seen many photos of various ways of death, high-definition and uncensored. She didn't feel anything at all. Instead, she looked at them very seriously.

She has also killed someone with her own hands in this life.

Bodies aren't scary, and there's nothing gross about septic tanks.

Her retching was urgent.

The other party actually killed people and silenced them so cruelly!

What would that do to her child?

"We only found them there..." Hua Zhaoji asked in a low voice.

It seemed that if she spoke louder, she would hear things she didn't want to hear.

This time Ye Shen's expression was better: "Don't worry, we only found them."

He checked carefully and found no neonatal tissue inside.

Hua Zhao breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed weakly.

Ye Shen quickly caught her.

Ye Ming walked out of the hospital and saw them at a glance. He strode over and asked nervously: "What's wrong?"

Ye Shen told the results of his investigation.

Ye Ming also breathed a sigh of relief.

"How are you doing here?" Ye Shen asked.

"It's good news." Ye Ming said: "There was also a baby born in the early morning that day who died, and it is said that these two people delivered the baby.

"But after investigation, a nurse said that she was supposed to handle the body, but the two people kindly wanted to do it for her. She had never seen the newborn's body."

"I suspect that the child did not die in infancy, but..." Naughty Bag.

This is the nickname they gave the fourth child.

In this way, a baby can be deceived without anyone noticing, reducing the number of insiders and reducing the risk of exposure.

"Of course, it's also possible that the naughty boy's parents knew about it, otherwise it would be too easy for the child to be deceived," Ye Ming said.

Naughty Bao is ugly, crying, and malnourished, but he is still healthy. 5 pounds is not light at this time.

Did the doctor say he was dead?

Why don’t your parents take a look to confirm?

If they confirmed, they would find that he was still alive.

Even though he was injected with anesthesia and couldn't cry, his skin color was normal, right? Is your body temperature normal?

Didn't they touch it or look at it twice?

"I have found the contact information of his parents, so here we go..." Ye Ming said.

"Let's go and meet together." Hua Zhao said, "Suddenly, you may be able to see a more realistic situation."

Ye Ming looked at her.

She was still in confinement and was wrapped tightly from top to bottom.

Her face also looked very bad, and her breathing was messy.

It would be best for her to go home and rest.

But at this time, she would definitely not listen to anything she said.

The fourth child who has not yet been masked... Ye Ming is so heartbroken that he can't breathe just thinking about it.

"Let's go together."

Several people got in the car and drove for more than an hour to the suburbs of the capital, stopping outside a family compound.

This is the family home of a supply and marketing cooperative.

The yard is large, but there are not many houses. There is only a row of two-story buildings that look like family buildings.

Ye Shen and his group got out of the car and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Who are you looking for? Go shopping over there." An old man walking out of the yard pointed them in the direction of the supply and marketing cooperative in the front yard.

"Let's find Liu Min. Does she live here?" Ye Ming asked.

"Looking for Liu Min?" The old man looked at them curiously. Does Liu Min have such famous relatives and friends?

"Liu Min's family lives in the west end of the second floor." The old man gossiped: "Did you know that she gave birth to a baby and came to see her? I advise you not to go, and be careful when you speak. Liu Min will be gone after the baby is born. , their home doesn’t accept guests now.”


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