The landing went smoothly. A boatload of people disembarked some distance from the coast and swam dozens of meters to land.

Then he ran to the place with the brightest light in the distance.

That's the urban area. As long as they arrive safely, they will become Hong Kong residents!

The dark places are basically undeveloped borders, which are dangerous.

Once caught by the patrol, their boat money will be wiped out, which is almost everyone's entire property.

If you think about it, you have to swim, but that's not possible. It's a risk of life. Countless people die in the sea every year.

Those real stowaways entered the darkness with excitement and trepidation.

Ye Shen put Hua Zhao down from his back and asked softly: "How is it? Is it cold?"

The waves were a bit big tonight. He didn't believe in Hua Zhao's swimming skills, so he dragged her over and carried her ashore.

This is a reef area, and there are sharp rocks underwater, so landing is a bit difficult.

Therefore, there are very few people landing from here, and there are also few patrols.

This ship boss still has some skills and knows a lot of inside information.

"It's not cold." Hua Zhao replied.

Ye Shen nodded, without stopping, pulling her in one direction.

This is not the place he landed last time, and he is not familiar with it.

But he spent money to buy news from the ship boss that there was a small road there that could reach the city faster.

Unlike other people who have to grope around in a rocky area, they may not be able to leave this area until dawn.

The group of people walked dozens of meters, and the sound of the waves behind them gradually faded away, leaving only the sound of their own footsteps around them.

There were a few followers left and right.

Ye Shen and his team looked powerful at first glance, making people want to get close to them, especially at this time.

Suddenly, Ye Shen stopped in his steps and raised his hand to make a gesture.

Several people stopped at the same time and immediately fell to the ground, as quiet as rocks on the ground.

Including Hua Zhao.

She was also specially trained by Ye Shen. Ye Shen said that she has no problem with the court scene now.

The followers not far away knew nothing and were still moving forward rustlingly.

Suddenly, several bright lights lit up in the dark night, swaying randomly and shining on the reef area.

Some people are of poor quality and scream immediately.

More people chose to run away, and the lights immediately followed them.

The few people lying on the ground were not discovered.

There were many patrols coming, and Hua Zhao heard that someone was arrested soon.

"I'm lucky today, I caught so many," said a patrolman.

Suddenly, a young man knelt down.

"Brother, please let me go. My father, mother, brother and sister have all come to Hong Kong City. They are all from Hong Kong City. Sooner or later, I will also be from Hong Kong City! Please let me go now!"

"No." The man he called eldest brother said expressionlessly.

The young man reluctantly pulled out a belt from his waist, tore it open, took out a wad of money and stuffed it into the "big brother"'s hand, looking at him flatteringly.

"Brother, please do me a favor and treat you to a cup of tea."

The patrolman took a flashlight and took a photo. He didn't have much money, so he immediately curled his lips in disgust, and then put it into his pocket without being too wet.

The young man was about to laugh when he heard the other person say: "No."

After the blocking policy was cancelled, they had a task. They had to catch as many as they wanted every day. If they couldn't complete it, their wages would be deducted.

We can no longer turn a blind eye like before.

The smile on the young man's face broke, and he was so cruel that he wanted to tear off the tape again.

As a result, the belt in his hand was snatched away.

There was loud laughter all around.

"Is this a fool? Hahaha!"

At the same time, others began to be searched.

After a moment of commotion, the young man would be pushed into a car and taken away.

Once you leave, it will be difficult to come back again.

He didn't have any parents in Hong Kong City at all. This money was what his parents had saved all their lives, and they even begged their grandfather and grandmother to borrow it from all their relatives, just waiting for him to come here to make a lot of money and help the family turn around.

Now, that hope is dashed.

He hates it!

He is not convinced!

But he had no choice...

Suddenly, his eyes looked towards the dark reef area. Why could they escape while he was captured and sent away?

"There are several people lying down there! You didn't see those who came with us by boat!" he shouted.

The patrolman didn't believe it, and the bright light on the roof of the car suddenly turned around and shined into the darkness.

Seven or eight lights illuminated a large area, and Ye Shen and his party were immediately exposed.

They just wore black clothes and had no professional disguise.

"Okay, there really is something that slipped through the net."

Hua Zhao and his group were crowded, and there were also many people coming over. Suddenly, more than a dozen patrolmen surrounded them.

"Let's go!" Ye Shen instantly jumped up from the ground and pulled Hua Zhao back in one direction.

The six people who followed were in perfect agreement. They stood up at the same time and everyone ran in different directions.

The lights were messed up, and so were the people chasing him.

The young man pushed away a man who was escorting him, turned around and ran into the darkness.

Seeing this, the people in the car knocked away the people around them and started running away.

"Hey! What a rebellion!"

The leading patrolman is very angry. If he lets them run away today, he will be laughed at at the same time when he goes back!

"Shoot! If you try to run away, you'll be killed!"

Gunshots rang out immediately in the darkness.

Crackling and very dense.

Hua Zhao suddenly turned his head and saw that the young man who had just run away was shot in the leg and fell to the ground.

And she also heard Liu Ming's cry, but she couldn't see where the injury was.

Her footsteps paused, but the next second she was pulled by Ye Shen to continue running.

The injury of his comrades does not prevent him from continuing his actions. This is a basic quality.

"We'll talk about it later." He said as he ran: "I heard it too. It didn't seem like it was a serious injury. I also heard his footsteps."

When Ye Shen said this, Hua Zhao felt relieved.

The two men disappeared into the darkness.

When it was daylight, they had entered the city.

Hua Zhao had already taken off his black jacket, revealing the stylish shorts and T-shirt underneath, so that he didn't look like a panicked stowaway.

Before the hold-down policy, panicked illegal immigrants appeared in urban areas without anyone caring about them. They would turn around and become legal citizens anyway.

But that doesn't work anymore. If a suspicious person is found again, the public can report it, and then the smuggler will be arrested again.

Ye Shen didn't take off his black clothes. He took off his hat and mask and stood there. Only a fool would think he was a stowaway with such aura.

Hua Zhao looked at the road signs, compared them with the ones in his memory, and headed to the meeting place they had agreed to meet.

The landing might not be smooth and there was a risk of being caught. They had predicted this before and had already discussed the meeting point.

On the map, it's the entrance of a steamed bun shop.

However, when they arrived, they saw only four people, and two of them were absent.

Hua Zhao's heart suddenly tightened.

Someone died searching for her son?


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