Under Hua Zhao's coquettish offensive, Ye Shen temporarily let her go.

In the middle of the night, Hua Zhao felt that Xiao Shenxing started crying just as he fell asleep.

Woke up hungry.

After feeding him, Hua Zhao couldn't fall asleep because she had another big thing on her mind.

What's going on with this bracelet?

She got up quietly.

"Where to go?" Ye Shen immediately reached out and held her down.

She was always in his arms.

"Bathroom." Hua Zhao said quietly.

Only then did Ye Shen let go.

Hua Zhao hid in the bathroom and studied for a while, but he didn't come up with anything.

The bracelet ate the pile of money...and didn't spit it out.

She was immediately disappointed. Wasn't it a space?

"Maybe it's because the energy hasn't been absorbed enough. Let's wait and see." She comforted herself.

"What's wrong?" Ye Shen asked at the door: "You haven't come out for so long?"

Hua Zhao suddenly laughed, seeing how closely she looked at him!

It seemed like he was really scared this time.

She still needs to be comforted.

Ye Shen never refuses her initiative and cannot refuse...


Although he wanted to have a good time in the port city before going back, he seemed to have offended a very important person, and he didn't know how anxious his family was, so Ye Shen decided to withdraw.

Taking Xiao Shenxing with them, they did not dare to go back on a black ship. Instead, they took a detour to other countries and flew for a few days before landing in the capital.

The whole family went out.

Everyone from Ye Zhenguo to Xu Mei came.

Even Ye Ying's family, who were somewhat estranged from them, came.

Seeing Hua Zhao coming over with her baby in her arms, Miao Lanzhi couldn't help crying.

While crying, she ran over and stood next to her to look hard at the child inside.

Can't see clearly.

His eyes were blurred by tears.

Ye Shu also came over with her child in her arms and stood beside her crying.

Zhang Guilan and the fourth child stood on the other side crying.

As if in the blink of an eye, Hua Zhao was surrounded by a group of women and children.

Everyone cried so much that she wanted to cry too.

"Okay, okay, let's talk about it when we go home." Ye Ming said while standing outside the crowd.

He didn't want to say that he said this because he couldn't squeeze in. In fact, he doesn't want to go home now, he wants to hug this lost and found baby.

Miao Lanzhi was close, but she didn't dare to hug her. She felt like she couldn't lift her hands, and she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to hug her.

"Let's go, go home, go home." Ye Zhenguo urged from behind.

Only then did everyone start to move and leave in a group of cars.

When they arrived at Hua Zhao's home, the child was immediately snatched away by Ye Ming.

He looked at the little guy distressedly and counted the days. He was almost one month old, but he was not as fat as his brothers and sisters when they were one month old.

It's so thin and small that it makes people feel distressed just to look at it.

I don’t know how many sins I have suffered outside!

After the child was found, Ye Shen only asked Xiang Qian to convey peace of mind. As for how he found the child, he did not elaborate on the phone.

"Give it to me." Ye Zhenguo reached out to Ye Ming.

Ye Ming did not let go: "You can see it if you look at it this way."

Ye Zhenguo continued to grab: "Give it to me, you can see it even if you look at it like this!"

Ye Mao stood between the two of them without speaking, just looking down.

Because he knew that what he said was in vain, these two people would not give it to him, so he just looked at it that way.

Xiao Shenxing had just woken up. He opened his big, watery, dark eyes, looking at this and that.

The porcelain white face, the dark eyes, the red mouth, and the fluffy hair are so cute no matter how you look at them.

"The little guy is so beautiful." Ye Mao smiled: "Are you sure it's a boy? Not a girl, right?"

Since midwives are evil, the information they give cannot be trusted.

"It's a boy." Hua Zhao said.

The child was still in Ye Ming's hands. Ye Zhenguo didn't dare to grab it forcefully, so he just dragged it with his hands: "A good boy is a good boy. If a boy suffers some punishment, he will suffer some. He is a good boy."

This would be very distressing for a girl...

The boys of the Ye family will have to go through some hardships sooner or later.

This statement aroused disapproval from many people.

What a boy or girl, this is a little baby! How could one suffer such a crime?

"How did you find the child?" Zhang Guilan asked.

When Hua Zhao gave birth to the child, he did not inform her in advance. After the birth, everything was fine, so he asked her to come and see her when she was one month old.

At that time, Zhang Guilan was vigorously developing her career and opening a branch. She was extremely busy and couldn't leave.

Who would have known that Zhang Guilan would hear that her child had been stolen within a few days. She was so anxious that she could not speak and drove back home.

By the time she arrived, Hua Zhaodu had gone to Hong Kong City.

How the child found it is a bit complicated.

Hua Zhao slowly told everyone, trying to be as tactful as possible so as not to scare them.

But when everyone heard that Xiao Shenxing had been ill and had a high fever for several days, and almost died, they felt so distressed.

Miao Lanzhi began to wipe her tears again.

Ye Zhenguo finally snatched the child into his own hands.

As soon as he exerted force, Ye Ming let go.

"Give your child a lucky nickname." Ye Ming suddenly said.

A person lives up to his name.

Being careful is a matter for the future. Now he just hopes that he will grow up safely, healthily and happily.

"Call Ping An." Ye Ming said.

"No, no, it's easy to raise a child with a cheap name." Ye Zhenguo said.

In the past, he didn't believe this, and he didn't need to believe it, but now he doesn't believe it, and he would rather believe it!

This child's life is really more dangerous than anyone else in their family.

Ye Ming frowned, is that so?

"No, no, no." Hua Zhao firmly objected: "What a cat and a dog, it's not okay! I don't agree."

Xiao Shenxing was born in the 1980s in Beijing. When he grew up, his classmates would laugh at him if they knew he was called Mao Dan Goudan.

"Then it's called Gan Lai. After all the hardships, Gan Lai comes." Ye Mao said.

The implication was quite good, but it was opposed by Hua Qiang.

"No, barking too fast is like feeding a pig."

Ye Mao, who had this strong reason, immediately gave up.

"Call it Tiantian." Ye Shen suddenly said.

Hua Zhao was stunned and firmly objected. It sounded like a girl's name and she would be laughed at when she grew up.

But this name got everyone's approval.

"There is another saying that it is easier for a boy to make a living if he is given a girl's name. Since he doesn't want to think of a cheap name, he should give him a girl's name." Ye Zhenguo made the final decision.

Hua Zhao could only give up. At worst, he would let the baby keep his mouth shut from now on and not tell anyone his nickname.

"Tiantian, let's go home. Uncle will take you to see your room. It's so beautiful!" Ye Ming pulled Ye Zhenguo away.

In the past few days, everyone at home was so worried that Ye Ming could no longer do his work, and his mind was not in the office.

So every day, in addition to necessary work, he would come here after get off work, thinking of doing something for the little one.

Seeing that Yunfei, Cuiwei and Jinwen all had their own rooms, he suddenly wanted to arrange one for the little ones he had never met yet.

If he could come back, he could live in this room for the rest of his life.

If he can't come back, he will keep this room for the rest of his life...

Fortunately, he is back.


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