“They gave random instructions, saying that the seasonings were too expensive this year and asked them to use less! They even didn’t use some of the seasonings.

"Liu Qian and I were not in the factory at the time, and we went out to collect payment. The person who mixed the seasoning didn't know what he thought, so he just listened to them. In the end, the food produced was simply inedible, and people were blocked at the door to return it."

Xu Mei was trembling with anger as she spoke, looking even more angry than her grandma forcing her to reconcile.

In the same way, whoever delays Xu Mei from making money will poke her in the back.

It's okay to reconcile with the Xu family and give them 10 yuan, but it's definitely not okay to ruin her business!

"Where is the dispatcher?" Hua Zhao asked: "For such an important position, you must be someone you value highly. Doesn't he know what he can and can't do?"

This is the point.

Xu Mei was a little embarrassed and said: "I misjudged the wrong person and fired him afterwards!"

Hua Zhao looked at her and shook his head: "Maybe it's not that you misjudged the person, but that there was a management problem. People like the Xu family were able to successfully enter the factory gate and enter the workshop. This is a big problem."

If the respected person makes a mistake, the guard also makes a mistake. This is not someone else's fault, it is Xu Mei's fault.

Hua Zhao looked at Liu Qian, it was also his fault.

Xu Mei was a woman who had only been a head nurse before. Now she was asked to be the director of a food factory, managing dozens of people. She couldn't do it, and it was understandable.

Liu Qian's subordinates had managed hundreds of people before, but he can't do it anymore?

Liu Qian lowered his head in shame: "My mistake, correct it immediately!"

"It's not his fault." Xu Mei said immediately: "We have discussed it before. He will be in charge of the outside and I will be in charge of the house. He will be in charge of the sales, and I will be in charge of the production. We will take care of the accounts together. No one of us is allowed to interfere with the other. , it’s because I’m not capable enough, you say I’m good.”

Hua Zhao immediately gave the two of them two big eye rolls.

Look, before she said anything, they were already protecting her.

"That means you are all at fault. Write a self-reflection book for yourself." Hua Zhao said.

Xu Mei was stunned: "Didn't I show it to you?"

"I don't want to read it. I'm not your teacher. Why should I read the self-examination letter?" Hua Zhao said.

"But you are the boss. We are making money for you. We have made mistakes and we need to review them. You have to check them, right?" Xu Mei said.

"I don't check, I solve the problem directly." Hua Zhao said.

For this food factory, Huazhao doesn't care about anything except providing machines and certain raw materials.

Leave it all to two people.

Let her do everything, what do you want them to do?

As for the detours she will take, she will not make them again after going through them once. This is the price of growth, and she can afford to pay for it.

Not to mention someone almost smashed the sign, she didn't feel bad even if all the signs were smashed.

With the seasonings produced by her herself, all it takes is establishing a brand.

Xu Mei smiled and felt that the wine was enough. It would be great if Hua Zhao came to solve this matter!

She thought that Hua Zhao was not a rare person and she had to take care of it!

As Hua Zhao's good friend, she knew how rich Hua Zhao was.

The profits of their food factory will definitely dazzle everyone, but Hua Zhao is not a human being!

Xu Mei sometimes felt that Hua Zhao was not a human being. How could someone go from being poor to making so much money in just a few years?

She didn't want to believe it, but she had to believe it.

When she met Hua Zhao for the first time, she still remembered her shabby outfit.

Look now....

"Thank you, fairy, for saving me. Fairy, what are you going to do?" Xu Mei said with a smile.

At this time, Hua Zhao was still thinking, and Hua Zhao also laughed.

She also remembered that Xu Mei had a bitter look on her face, which was all because of the Xu family's pressure.

Now the Xu family is forcing her again, but she can still laugh.

"You don't want to go to Pengcheng, just stay in the capital." Hua Zhao said, "My property has all gone to Pengcheng, why should I stay in the capital?

"This is for me. For you, you can't solve the fundamental problem if you run away. The train tickets are not expensive. If you run to Pengcheng, the Xu family will solve the problem with just a train ticket. Then Pengcheng will also be able to solve the problem." Capital City.”

"Hey!" Xu Mei sighed: "Who says it's not the case?"

But her tone was no longer worried. Hua Zhao said he would help her solve it, so she just watched the excitement.

"What should we do?" Xu Mei asked.

Hua Zhao didn't say much and told them that she would go to the factory to have a look tomorrow.

She had to look at what the problems were and then talk about it.

Xu Mei was happy: "Then I'll go home and sleep!"

After saying that, he stood up unsteadily.

The brain has sobered up, but the body has not.

Liu Qian quickly stepped forward to support him: "I'll take you home."

Xu Mei hesitated and nodded.

The two said goodbye to Hua Zhao and left with support.

Ye Shen came over with Xiao Shenxing in his arms, and the three little ones were chattering behind him.

Xiao Shenxing frowned, but he still fell asleep as he leaned back and forth.

He was easily awakened, but for some reason, he wasn't afraid when he heard the three little ones' voices.

The three little ones talked quietly next to him, and he would occasionally laugh.

"He must have recognized the voices of his brothers and sisters." Hua Zhao said.

It is said that the fetus also has memory in the belly, otherwise what would be done with prenatal education?

When Shenxing was pregnant with Xiao Shenxing, his brothers and sisters often told him stories.

"What's wrong with Xu Mei?" Ye Shen asked.

Hua Zhao rolled his eyes and immediately stared: "Why do you care so much about her?"

I haven’t been jealous for a long time. I’m looking for a feeling~ Have a good night...ahem!

Ye Shen glanced at her sideways: "I am concerned about you! I heard that you are going out tomorrow?"

He didn't want Hua Zhao to go out recently...

Hua Zhao actually understood the look in his eyes. After all, they had a clear understanding and the two of them thought of going together.

She giggled and said, "It's okay. It's not far. I'll just go to the food factory and have a look around and then come back."

The child was there, and the two looked at each other without saying much.

Hua Zhao told him about Xu Mei, but Ye Shen just listened without speaking.

He had forgotten Xu Mei back then, let alone Xu Mei’s family.

He didn't care at all.

When the guests all left, Ye Shen fell asleep, and the three little ones fell asleep. Xiao Shenxing was also placed on the corner of the bed, and Ye Shen leaned over...

The child was found, and the two excitedly quarreled in the hotel, but they were outside after all, and they were still thinking about revenge.

After that, I ran all the way, and now I am finally home, in the safest place.

Of course you have to have fun...

"I've lost weight." Afterwards, Ye Shen murmured with his hand on her slender waist.

It used to be soft and fleshy, but now you can feel the bones.

"The confinement was not done well this month." He felt a little distressed.

"You still know that I'm in confinement?" Hua Zhao poked his chest.

Ye Shen was suddenly startled, then remembered that Hua Zhao was still in confinement, but he had made trouble to her several times.

He got up to leave.

Hua Zhao was startled and grabbed him: "Where are you going?"

"Can I go to my aunt and ask?" Ye Shen said while putting on his shoes.

Hua Zhao held him down funny and dragged him back to the bed: "I said yes, that's all. Anyway, confinement period is about to begin."

Besides, given her physical condition, she felt that a ten-day confinement period would be enough.

"It's better to ask, don't worry." Ye Shen insisted.

"How dare you ask such a thing! You should ask your relatives!" Hua Zhao held him down speechlessly and took off his clothes: "I'll tell you again if I can do it!"

Ye Shen......


The next day, Hua Zhao arrived at the food factory at noon.

She was a little glad that she didn't make an appointment at a specific time yesterday, otherwise she would be late, which would not be good.

The doorman at the food factory was still useful, but Hua Zhao simply registered his name and went in.

I didn't even check my ID card, so I couldn't tell whether it was a real name or a fake one.

This is understandable, because there was no ID card in 1981. This was something that only became available a few years later.

After entering the food factory, before reaching the workshop, she heard from a distance that there was a lot of excitement inside, as if there was a group fight.

Hua Zhao was speechless. There was a group fight in the workshop. Xu Mei was really amazing!


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