Rebirth 80: Xueba’s Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 500: Can you make sauerkraut fish?

   Chapter 500 Can you make pickled fish?

Hearing her say this, the man couldn't help laughing a few times, and there was a bit of contempt for her in his tone, "Little girl, I won't talk about my craftsmanship, it is the best in Licheng, but there are not many restaurants, better than my home. The food is delicious, you can see my business, why do you think that the fish you taught me to make can sell well?"

   These fish, aren't there just a few ways to do it?

   He has also been to other cities, but he has not seen any particularly fresh way of eating fish.

   This little girl is talking big and can't find a place.

   Shen Mianmian was not surprised at all about his reaction. She, a teenage girl, said it was not easy to be convinced, but since she said it, she must have the confidence to make good-tasting fish.

   She asked calmly, "Boss, can you make pickled fish?"

   "Sauerkraut fish?" The boss was stunned. It was the first time he heard the name, and he asked suspiciously, "Can you do it?"

   Isn't this a little girl who made it up? He had never heard of this way of eating.

   Shen Mianmian nodded, and said the names of the two dishes lightly, "Chopped pepper fish head, stir-fried fish meat."

The expression on the boss's face has changed, let's not say whether she made up these three dishes, just hearing the name, it looks very high-end, if this little girl really knows how to do it, wouldn't the business in the store be better? All right?

   Looking at her calm face again, it seems that she has really seen the big world, it doesn't seem like she is lying.

   The boss's expression became serious, "Little girl, do you really know how to make these fish? Are you willing to teach me how to do it?"

   He felt that it was like winning the jackpot, which was unrealistic. In order to learn how to cook, he put a lot of effort into it, and he gave a lot of gifts to the chef, and they were willing to teach him.

"Uncle, I don't open a restaurant. If I teach you to cook fish, I won't be able to win my business. On the contrary, if your business is good, buying vegetables from me is also beneficial to me, so there is nothing I can't teach." Shen Mianmian I don’t want to be called the boss anymore. If we talk about it, everyone will definitely have frequent contact. In terms of age alone, if you say uncle, the boss should start.

   "But your shop doesn't sell fish."

   "I can bring you fish from the countryside. Wild fish in the countryside is not expensive, and the meat is delicious, so you won't suffer." The restaurant has a refrigerator. Bring fresh fish here and put it directly in the refrigerator, it will not spoil at all.

  In this era, everyone eats fish, but there is no idea of ​​eating live fish. After all, the economic level is not up to that standard, and the equipment cannot keep up.

   The boss understood this time, it wasn't him talking about business with the little girl, it was the little girl who in turn gave him an olive branch. He changed his previous thoughts and began to treat Shen Mianmian as an adult.

   "Little girl, I think you are also a cheerful person, and I am also a cheerful person. What are your thoughts now, just tell me directly! Tell me what you think, and I will see if I can accept it."

"Uncle, since you said so, then I'll just say it." Shen Mianmian smiled, but his expression was serious, like a shrewd and smooth businessman, "I will teach you how to cook fish, and then your family will The fish and vegetables that are sold must be purchased from my house. Of course, I am not free from the craftsmanship, but I do not make any excessive demands. I will not give you any discounts for fish and vegetables, so you can use our store. You can buy it at the normal price, do you think it's okay?"

   (end of this chapter)

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