Rebirth 90s Genius Doctor Blessed Wife

Chapter 176: Beautiful mother

   If you will, it is better to grow up alone with a daughter.

   A woman who has been emotionally wounded, her heart is closed. If she wants to open Liu Meihua's heart, Sun Xinghai has to work harder and have more sincerity and patience.

   For several days, Liu Meihua went to the hospital to take care of her grandmother. On Thursday, the family boiled chicken soup. After Liu Meihua sent some to the mistress and Sun Xinghai, she also gave some to her daughter to replenish her body.

   After school, Fu Yingying saw her mother's figure near the dormitory, a sky blue thin woolen coat, black trousers, wedge heel shoes on her feet, hair tied into a ponytail, and she was looking in the direction of the teaching building on the steps of the dormitory.

   Liu Meihua smiled when she saw Fu Yingying, "Yingying, here!"

   "Mom, why are you here?" Fu Yingying ran over and saw her mother holding a thermos pot in her hand, "You won't send me special food? It's too far, very hard, don't send it anymore."

Liu Meihua heard her daughter’s words of concern, and her heart warmed, “It’s not specifically for you. The day before yesterday, the second aunt Sun accidentally fell down and fractured again. You Xing Hai, drove the tractor to send Sun Er in the middle of the night. Aunt went to the hospital. It was dark. The tractor was hit in the ditch by a wild boar and was injured. Although there was no fracture, the bone was cracked. I heard movement at night, so I came to help take care of Aunt Sun for a few days. I cooked chicken soup at home and drank it. I’ll send you some when it’s not over."

   Fu Yingying was taken aback after listening, "Oh, what about the safety charms I gave them before?"

   "I didn't ask, and I don't know." Liu Meihua sighed. No wonder that day her daughter asked her to hand over two charms to Grandma Sun and Xinghai Sun. It turned out that something would happen to them.

"Oh!" Fu Yingying nodded, "I saw that my mistress would be a little troublesome on Sunday, so I gave the peace symbol. Since they didn't carry it with them, they couldn't hide away. However, it's all right after that, let them Do not worry!"

Hearing this, Liu Meihua breathed a sigh of relief, “It’s okay! The mistress and your uncle Xinghai have been helping us before. These days I won’t boil or sell medicine anymore, and take care of Aunt Sun in the hospital. In a few days, come to the hospital directly after school tomorrow!"

   "Okay, I'll buy some when the time comes, and the walnut cake my grandma likes to eat!" Fu Yingying nodded, "Mom, haven't you eaten yet?"

   "I have eaten!" Liu Meihua said with a smile, "Go get the lunch box, and we will go to the cafeteria together! I will leave when you finish eating!"

   Liu Meihua accompanied Fu Yingying to eat in the canteen, and then gave Fu Yingying some money before leaving.

   A classmate in the same dormitory said enviously: "Fu Yingying, was that your mother just now?"

   "Yes!" Fu Yingying nodded, "What's wrong? Don't I look like my mother?"

"Like, you look very much like your mother, but your mother looks very young, not at all like a person with a 13 or 14-year-old daughter!" The classmate complimented. He had always heard that Fu Yingying was from the country and thought she was her. My mother is a village woman in the country, but she didn't expect to be so young and beautiful, and she would be able to dress up and be confident.

"My mother is pretty originally, and now she has used the Qibai cream I prepared, and her skin has become delicate, of course it looks beautiful!" Fu Yingying said proudly, "If anyone in your family wants to be white and beautiful, you can go to my house to buy it. Qibai ointment!"

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