Rebirth 90s Genius Doctor Blessed Wife

Chapter 281: Open-minded and bright boy

   Hearing Chen Ziming’s explanation, Fu Yingying nodded, this handsome boy is still kind and soft in heart, "Then I wish you can study hard with your grandpa and grandma, make progress every day, and live a happy life!"

   "I will!" Chen Ziming also smiled, the sunny boy, really showing a happy smile, "I heard that your rheumatism cream is good, I want to buy some for my grandparents, okay?"

   "Of course, it's just that what I brought today was ordered by my classmates, there is nothing left for you!" Fu Yingying said embarrassedly, "If you want, then I can only mail it to you!"

"Okay, this is two hundred yuan, one hundred yuan rheumatism plaster, one hundred yuan health tea!" Chen Ziming handed the two hundred yuan to Fu Yingying, "you will mail it to me when you are done. That's it!"

   "Okay!" Fu Yingying received the money, "If your grandpa and grandmother used it to be effective, please help me introduce more business!"

  Because there is no license and no documents at this stage, Liu Meihua can't go to sell medicine, so as not to be reported and arrested, so now Fu Yingying is doing business with acquaintances.

   Everyone says it’s good after using it, so naturally they won’t report it!

   "That's natural!" Chen Ziming smiled, "My grandpa is very popular, he uses it well, and he will definitely introduce it to others!"

   "Then I thank you in advance!" Fu Yingying collected the money, and then wrote down in her notebook the rheumatism ointment and health tea that Chen Ziming had ordered for one hundred yuan each.

   Li Yanping watched Chen Ziming talking and laughing with Fu Yingying from a distance, the anger in his eyes gushing out.

   She wanted to rush over, but suddenly remembered what dad said just now, she didn't dare!

   She knew that her father had a woman outside, and she also gave birth to a son. The reason why her father has not divorced these years is only because she is excellent and has good grades.

   If she disregards the decent quarrel, she will inevitably discredit her dad's face. When that time, the dull dad will anger her, anger her mother, and divorce!

   She doesn't want the family to break up, and she doesn't want the woman outside to take her child into the house and be her stepmother!

   Now that she is still young, she must be patient. In the future, she will be able to win Fu Yingying and regain Chen Ziming's attention.

   Zheng Xiangnan looked at Chen Ziming and joked with Fu Yingying, suddenly unhappy, and deliberately kicked the ball over and hit Chen Ziming's leg.

   Chen Ziming smiled, picked up the ball, and went to play with everyone.

   Zheng Xiangnan did not embarrass Chen Ziming when he saw this. After all, Chen Ziming still has an aunt Chen Jiexie.

   Students are free to do, everyone talks and laughs in twos and threes, while others are very scared, worried that they will be scolded and beaten after the parent meeting!

   But all the students in Class 9 have made progress, so all of them are very happy. Don't worry about their parents being angry. Instead, they are still thinking that the parents will know that they have made progress after the meeting. Will they be rewarded?

   At this time, in the classroom of the second and ninth grade of junior high school, Mr. Yang stood in front of him with enthusiasm to speak. Some parents came with two, and some parents came with one, so Liu Meihua sat in Fu Yingying's position, and Sun Xinghai stood at the back.

   Sun Xinghai and Liu Meihua are very proud to hear Teacher Yang praise Fu Yingying more than once. Without their knowledge, their daughter is already among the best, and she will achieve even better results in the future.

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