Rebirth 90s Genius Doctor Blessed Wife

Chapter 294: Embarrassing but positive

   Li Xiuxiu turned around and left after speaking, and no longer wanted to be bullied by the old man Liu.

   "Lao San Liu, did your mother-in-law treat your parents-in-law like this? You divorce him now!" Old man Liu shouted loudly. He can't talk about his daughter-in-law, but he can scold his son.

   At this time, Liu Qinghu was in a dilemma, but when he thought that his house and land were occupied, now his daughter-in-law dared to confront his in-laws, so she dared to divorce him!

   When I think that after the divorce, his son and daughter followed Li Xiuxiu, he is lonely and widowed, and he can’t come back to his hometown. That’s really pitiful!

"Xiuxiu is right, Meihua explained that we must take the book of marriage order!" Liu Qinghu said bitterly, knowing it in his heart, "Aren't we considered filial piety to you? My house is occupied by you, my family's You have also planted the ground, and these village chief Wu knows all about it."

Village Mayor Wu coughed dryly when he heard this, "Some things are just enough! When you signed the agreement with the third family, what did you say to Old Man Liu? Don’t make the ink work yet, you just forgot about Liu. The third child honors your things!"

   Hearing this, Old Man Liu was a little embarrassed, "But look at the attitude of each one..."

Village Chief Wu sneered, "What's wrong with Xiuxiu's attitude? What's wrong with Laosan Liu's attitude? If you don't occupy other people's room or land, they will have grievances in their hearts? Besides, this is a beautiful book. Hua also told me, let us take it back! This is a thousand yuan gift money, if you want to accept it, don’t say anything; if you say anything more, we turn around and leave. Anyway, this is Meihua Confessed!"

   Old man Liu's face blushed when he heard this, and finally nodded his head in a babbled voice, "Oh, my children can't help but parents!"

   Grandma Sun put the big red packet containing 1,000 yuan on the table and ordered it in front of everyone, "Village Chief, you can help count!"

   "No need to count, it's all family members, why do you want to see others like this?" Wu Yumei said with a smile, waiting for the round, and then leaving a better impression in front of everyone.

   "Let's count, if we say we underpaid, wouldn't we be wronged?" Grandma Sun shook her head, her attitude was very firm.

   The Liu family was very ugly, but there was no alternative. Village Chief Wu counted the money, and then pushed the money to the Liu family. "Since everything is worth it, you can order it too!"

   The Liu family was worried about being squeezed by the grandmother Sun again, so they hurriedly counted the money. Older Liu laughed and said, "The amount is correct, one thousand yuan!"

   "That's good, we should also go back after signing the appointment letter!" Village Chief Wu urged, after finishing all these things, he doesn't need to stay here any longer.

   Village Chief Wu walked out with the letter of appointment, and Grandma Sun also took Sun Xinghai away.

   This is the end of the matter. Although there are some disputes, it does have a positive impact in the village.

   At least no one is talking about Liu Meihua and Sun Xinhai behind their backs. Even if they are talking, they are talking about Sun Xinhai's recent plans to build a house, which is also a small foreign-style house.

   Fu Yingying smiled after listening, she was really guessed by Grandma Sun.

An old house where a treasure. She really didn't understand the right and wrong in the countryside, so he didn't say much, and let the elders handle everything.

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