"Yes, at least it made me pay attention to the deep meaning of this book from the glamorous content of "Jin Ping Mei"." Bai Wenbin laughed and scratched his head, "I will never read the little yellow book again."

   Everyone laughed and benefited a lot from happiness.

  Bai Wenli stood up and said excitedly: "Then I will go upstairs to get the manuscript, mom and dad, younger siblings, eldest nephew, you can help me see it. Where is the good, what's the bad?"

   "Okay!" Everyone is not sleepy anymore at noon today. It is rare for a family to talk peacefully together.

  Bai Wenli writes all novellas, with a total of three articles, and one article is about 100,000 characters. The strokes were written by Bai Wenli carefully, and the submitted manuscripts were copied by Bai Wenli.

   Although it’s not long, I won’t be able to finish it for a while.

"Don't be in a hurry, watch it slowly. Jingxuan, you go up and rest and don't get tired." Although Bai Wenli hopes to be evaluated by her family, she also knows that it takes time to read novels. Jingxuan goes on his back."

   "Okay!" Bai Wenbin put down the manuscript and memorized Bai Jingxuan.

   Bai Yixiu and Sun Yingying also returned to the room. They were not sleepy and continued to read the manuscript. They finished reading the novel at 2:30 in the afternoon.

   "Tell me your opinion." Bai Yixiu put the manuscript on the bedside table.

Sun Yingying chuckled, “The rhetoric is gorgeous. Sometimes the characters describe a large section. Although the vocabulary used is gorgeous, I don’t want to read it and I swept it away. In addition, the plot structure is scattered, and the story advancement is not progressive, and some are not. It's logical."

  Bai Yixiu laughed and said: "The writing is really boring, the writing technique is too deliberate, not concise, and the plot is not straightforward. If I were an editor, I would also reject the manuscript."

"That's how it is said, but now our daughter wants to publish and wants to publish, she must always make her aware of her own shortcomings and change the shortcomings in order to make progress." Sun Yingying said, "The reason why she has an interest in Shang Wenjun Isn’t it because Shang Wenjun has published articles and poems in some magazines? If our daughter can publish it, she can also publish it, which proves that our daughter is better than Shang Wenjun. Wait until she gets more and more literary. The more achievements she has, the higher and farther her gaze will be, and naturally she won't just stare at Shang Wenjun."

   Bai Yixiu thought for a while, and felt that Sun Yingying was right, "Yes, should we spend money to publish for her?"

Sun Yingying glared at Bai Yixiu, "This is how you pamper your child, how can your child improve? We must not only help Wenli find her own problems, but also encourage and create conditions to make her aware of her shortcomings, and then she improves her efforts. Since the entity cannot be published, we can first encourage Wenli to publish novels on the Internet. By the way, online novel sites, right now?"

   Bai Yixiu thought carefully, but did not have the exact memory of this aspect, "Now there are computers, and there are many Internet cafes, and the Internet will become more and more popular. There should be."

Sun Yingying nodded, "In my memory there is a website called Qidian Novel, which seems to be established quite early. Or, go to the Internet cafe now? If there is, and Wenli is willing to publish it on the Internet, let's buy a computer for Wenli. , Install the network and support her creation."

   "Okay!" Bai Yixiu nodded, "Then let's point out the deficiencies in her novel first."

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