Bai Yixiu nodded, "That's right. Let's take advantage of this winter vacation and think of a solution. By the way, lawyer Wu Hua, who helped us with the lawsuit last time, is very capable! When Lawyer Wu goes to work next year, I will consult. Lawyers know the existing laws and regulations better than us, know how to avoid risks, and how to obtain greater benefits."

  Sun Yingying felt that it was necessary to have a good relationship with Wu Hua first, and there may be many questions to consult with Wu Hua in the future.

  Sun Yingying is not afraid to spend money, but hopes to spend money usefully and find effective and useful information and help.

Sun Yingying said: "By the way, Wu Hua said last time that his grandma was also getting old in his hometown, and he must have had problems with arms and legs. We have such a good plaster in our house. You can put some on me. I got Wenliang's. By the way, Wen Liang will go to work tomorrow and let him take it to Lawyer Wu."

  Bai Yixiu smiled, "Okay, this is indeed a good idea. I'm going to pretend, let's bring her some of our sausage and bacon!"

   "Okay!" Sun Yingying responded, "They are all made in-house and don't cost much, but they are delicious and easy to use. It is our sincere intention."

   So the couple picked two catties of sausages, a few catties of bacon, a box of red bean cakes, a box of mung bean cakes, a box of plasters, and a box of medicine packs for soaking the feet.

   There are six things in one package.

  Bai Wenliang happened to be at home, and immediately agreed to bring these things to the company tomorrow.

   The 29th of the twelfth lunar month is the last day of the company's work.

  Bai Wenliang brought a large bag of things and put it on Wu Hua's desk.

   Wu Hua was rather puzzled and asked: "Why do you think of giving me something?"

   Wu Hua guessed in his heart, does this Wang Wenliang want to pursue her?

  Bai Wenliang smiled and said: "Remember the last time you helped my house to fight the lawsuit? My second uncle and second wife prepared some homemade sausage and bacon for you. Thank you for your initial help."

   When Wu Hua heard this, Wan'er smiled, "Then I have also collected the money, so don't be so polite!"

  Bai Wenliang smiled and said, "I took it so far, so you can accept it! It's not that I am bragging. The curd flavor made by my second uncle's family tastes quite good, and our family also has some, which I especially like to eat.

   Not only that, there are also two boxes of dim sum in it, which you can eat while flying on the road. By the way, there are plasters in it. After people get older, their arms and legs joints hurt. After using this plaster, the pain can be greatly relieved.

   My parents are using it. My second uncle’s mother made it by herself. You must hold this thing for your grandma to use. There is also the medicine pack for the feet soaking. After soaking, the whole body feels comfortable and can sleep well. Whether it's you or grandma, it can be used. "

   Wu Hua was surprised. When he opened the bag and started to see, the contents were indeed made by himself. The packaging was rough, but it was also genuine.

   Wu Hua smiled and said: "If this is the case, then I will accept it. When I come back next year, I will also bring our hometown's specialties to Uncle Bai and Aunt Sun!"

   Baiwen nodded brightly, "Okay, um, I'll take you there then! Oh, you bring so many things, is it convenient for you to go to the airport by car?"

   Wu Hua smiled, "I take a taxi!"

   "It's very difficult to take a taxi now, so I'll just do it to the end and take you to the airport!" Bai Wenliang said with a smile, and said such words unconsciously.

   Wu Hua is two years older than Bai Wenliang, and he entered this law firm earlier than Bai Wenliang.

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