Rebirth 90s Genius Doctor Blessed Wife

Chapter 3517: Readers' appreciation of "The Tiger Goes Down the Mountain"

When he got home, Sun Yingying saw Bai Wenli and Han Xiaohu coming together, and was quite curious, "How did you get together?"

"Today I was besieged by a few renovation workers who had been fired before. Wen Li said that the police had come and scared those people away and relieved me." Han Xiaohu replied.

Sun Yingying looked at Han Xiaohu carefully, "Skin trauma, Wenli, go get the potion I prepared and apply Xiaohu, and it will be fine.

Pay attention to safety when you travel in the future. Outside, don't go head-to-head with a spoiler. As the saying goes, barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes. We can't compare with those people, and we will suffer by that time. "

Han Xiaohu nodded, "Yes, Aunt Sun. I took it down."

Bai Wenli took the potion, handed it to Han Xiaohu, and asked Han Xiaohu to apply it in the mirror. She wanted to go back and update it.

Bai Wenli didn't say anything, but Han Xiaohu quickly got Bai Wenli's from Bai Wenfang.


When I hear the title, it is very expensive.

After riding back at night, I turned on the computer in the room and started reading.

Han Xiaohu, who usually likes to watch martial arts, likes fantasy fairy tales, actually read the book "Prosperity and Prosperity" written by Bai Wenli from beginning to end, from a female perspective.

The intrigue inside, the description is vivid, but every time the heroine can turn bad luck.

The writing is very good, and the writing is very contagious.

Unconsciously, he kind of liked the female character created by Bai Wenli.

Such a clever and wise woman can overcome difficulties even if she encounters difficulties and let herself live well.

It's not over yet, reminder, give a reward!

The reward with the largest denomination ran out of Han Xiaohu's currency in his reading account.

Just after updating today's, Bai Wenli saw that there are tips on the website, and it is the tip of the largest face value.

Bai Wenli was very excited, and she stayed up all night to add another chapter, thanking the readers for the reward of "The Tiger Going Down the Mountain".

From this day on, Han Xiaohu began to read Bai Wenli's, and he couldn't help but smile when he saw Bai Wenli's extra changes.

Under the stimulus of these rewards, Bai Wenli played very well, and what she wrote was particularly sensational.

After a month and a half of renovation, several houses of the Bai family have been renovated, all in various styles, and can be used as model houses.

People in the village also know about decoration, but they don't know where to find a decoration company. Now that Sun Yingying's house is so well decorated, after going in and looking at it, I can't bear to come out.

High-end atmosphere and high-grade.

To install, just follow this installment.

Han Xiaohu originally sold the house to them, but now he is in charge of the decoration and communicates well.

There are simple decoration and intensive decoration, luxurious decoration by UU看书, and three kinds of packages.

The demolition households who are not bad for money immediately decide to luxuriously decorate, and they can have a room similar to that on the TV.

Besides, the so-called luxurious decoration is also cheaper than they thought.

So Han Xiaohu received dozens of business orders, and after selecting the design drawings, he began to order Bai Wenfeng.

Bai Wenfeng was even more excited when calculating profit.

The business in the store, handed over to the clerk, is almost the same as usual, and it does not have much impact.

He personally ran these decoration materials, because they bought a lot of them, which was considered a project, so they could be cheaper at the original price.

Han Xiaohu is very busy, but very happy.

He took two assistants on the construction site before, supervising the quality of the project. Now that the two assistants can deal with it completely, he will start to do other things.

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