Now not only didn't get the money, but he also got himself in prison.

Zhang Sumei also regretted that she had harmed her husband and son. After waiting for a few years to go out, they have no money, no house, nothing!

Bai Wenju used the methods he learned in the movie to escape the police investigation when he saw the movie. He thought he was doing very strict and rigorously. He didn't expect to be so vulnerable and was sent to the police.

Going to jail at a young age, what's the future for him!

During this time, Bai Yixiu and Sun Yingying ran hard, demanding a heavy sentence and refused to accept the settlement.

Bai Wenjia takes a close look at her lost daughter. No matter where the daughter goes, she will follow, absolutely not allowing others to cause secondary harm to the child.

The brothers are in jail, and Bai Yiliang and Feng Huiru go to visit the prison.

Although Bai Yiliang was very tired of Bai Yixiu and Sun Yingying, he never thought of harming children.

"Yibin, you made a big mistake this time." Bai Yiliang sighed and said, "You shouldn't do anything wrong, and start with your own children. You didn't want to kill anyone, but you are breaking the law.

You have been smarter than others since you were young, and our dad also said that you are clever, so I am afraid that you will go wrong. Unexpectedly, you actually acted on the child, and now that you are in, it is your responsibility. "

Bai Yibin quickly said: "Brother, I know I was wrong, I apologize to Wen Jia, I apologize to Bai Yixiu and Sun Yingying, let them accept the reconciliation, but also can be lightly sentenced."

Kidnapping is very bad and will be prosecuted. It is impossible to be without charge.

However, if the victim's forgiveness can be obtained, the sentence may be lighter. It was originally a family, so maybe it's all right?

Bai Yiliang shook his head, "Outside Sun Yingying and Bai Yixian are running around, asking the best lawyer to file a lawsuit, and wanting a heavy sentence, how can you accept a settlement? You just die.

You used to mess with women outside, my eldest brother, you didn't listen. Now it is finally planted on the woman's head. In prison, we should honestly reform, strive for leniency and commutation, and come out as soon as possible. "

Bai Yibin cried, "Brother, is there no way? Is there no way at all?"

Bai Yiliang said bitterly, "Then I will try, I will try my best, if it doesn't work, I can't help it."

"Big brother, I beg you, you go quickly." Bai Yibin regretted that it was not in the beginning.

Before Bai Yiliang came out of the detention center, he returned to the village and hurried to Bai Yixiu's house.

After Bai Yi corrected himself and returned from work outside, he ran into Bai Yiliang at the gate.

Bai Yixiu glanced at Bai Yiliang coldly, without reasoning, snorted coldly, ready to enter the house.

Bai Yiliang said quickly: "Yixiu, I know what Yibin did is wrong. Now he knows that he was wrong, can you hold your hand up?

In any case, Wen Jia and Wen Li are both Yibin's biological daughters. This biological father has a record in jail and has an impact on his daughter! "

Bai Yixiu stopped and looked at the shameless Bai Yiliang, "You and Bai Yibin are worthy of being seven brothers. They are shameless and disgusting.

Now that Bai Yibin is in jail, it will indeed affect Wen Jia and Wen Li, but we can bear such an impact. Wenli does not take the civil service examination, she is a writer. Wen Jia has been rated as a senior professional title, and the impact is not significant.

So how Bai Yibin has nothing to do with them. I will tell you righteously, they are my daughters and have nothing to do with Bai Yibin. "

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