Ye Yuanhao went directly to the place where he got the results. With his usual gentle smile on his face, he no longer had the hesitation and worry that he had three days ago.

He didn't even think it was necessary to get the result again, it must be negative, but since it's already here, let's take a look!

Ye Yuanhao reported the pseudonym he made up during the examination, and the smile on his face became more gentle, but he was sensitively aware that when the doctor in the examination department heard his pseudonym, his face changed slightly.

His heart sank, and Ye Yuanhao began to feel uneasy again.

Is there something wrong with the result?

"Ye Hao, right..."

The doctor looked at Ye Yuanhao with a serious expression, and instead of giving him the results, he let him go to the office.

Ye Yuanhao's mood suddenly became heavy, and he asked anxiously: "Doctor, my result is..."

"Positive, it is determined to be HIV infection, and the incubation period has passed, and must be treated." The doctor said solemnly.

Ye Yuanhao's eyes went dark, his mind seemed to be blown up by a thunderbolt, and he was in a mess. He couldn't think of anything, and he couldn't think of anything.

HIV infection, and has passed the incubation period, indicating that he is now in a high-risk period and may burp at any time.

How can it be?

Ye Yuanhao couldn't believe it at all, he felt that the hospital must have made a mistake and put other people's results on his head.

He will have a physical examination every six months. How could he become a high-risk HIV patient?

"Impossible, you are absolutely mistaken. I just had a medical examination three months ago, and everything is normal!"

Ye Yuanhao gradually calmed down, and felt more and more likely that the hospital made a mistake.

He only had a physical examination in HK three months ago, including an HIV test, and the test result was negative. After that, he came to Pingjiang. He also met at Langton Restaurant several times. Wear a condom.

The only time he missed was that night some time ago, but the time interval was so short that he would never become a high-risk HIV patient. Although he was not an infectious disease expert, he still had some common sense.

Hearing Ye Yuanhao's words, the doctor looked a little puzzled. He also found it unbelievable. If Ye Yuanhao had a normal physical examination three months ago, even if he was infected with HIV within the past three months, it is impossible for him to have an attack in such a short time. high-risk patients.


"Mr. Ye, we have to believe the test results. Your body is in danger now and must be treated in time."

The doctor warned solemnly that if Ye Yuanhao did not receive HIV treatment, he would probably not survive for three months.

"Impossible, you must be mistaken. I have to re-test. How could I become a high-risk patient? I am in great health now. I can eat, sleep, play, and play tennis..."

Ye Yuanhao lost his calm and shouted, asking the hospital to reschedule the test for him.

"Mr. Ye, calm down. You are the only one who has been tested for HIV in the past three days, so there is no possibility of mistakes."

The doctor looked at the panicked Ye Yuanhao with sympathy. He understood Ye Yuanhao's current mood very well. AIDS is more terrible than cancer, not to mention that Ye Yuanhao has entered the terminal stage now.

To tell the truth, even if the treatment is carried out now, I am afraid it will be difficult to survive for half a year.

Basically a death sentence!

"How can I be the only one? Why is it only me in a hospital as big as you..."

Ye Yuanhao still refused to believe that the doctor must be lying to him.

"The probability of HIV infection in the inland is very small, and only a few can be tested in a year. Mr. Ye asks you to accept the facts and cooperate with treatment in a timely manner."

Ye Yuanhao forced himself to calm down and asked desperately, "How long will it take me if I don't treat me?"

"Three months, maybe less."

The last string in Ye Yuanhao's mind was broken, and he fell down in the dark.

. Wonderful Bookstore

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