With such a big Oolong incident, the local government did not dare to slack off. Not only did they hold a press conference to clarify the truth, but they even published a clarification in the largest newspaper in Bay Island, pointing out the hotel room number and what happened.

And the details of Zhao Dechang and the courtesan have been dug up to the bottom, and there are not even **** left, especially the relationship between Zhao Dechang and the HK Ye family, and the courtesan from HK, and an additional gift from the Ye family during this time. gossip.

Ye Yuanhao's AIDS news was widely publicized by the Bay Island government and questioned later.

"It is rumored that the old lady of the Ye family, Ms. Tang Yufen, came from a famous family, is familiar with reading, and teaches by precept and example, but why are the two grandchildren both sexual-prostitute? Was it because they were exposed to it since childhood? Or is it a genetic mutation?"

Speaking of the sharpness and vicious tongue of the Wandao government, it is quite famous. The local government officials do not pay attention to their reputation as much as other politicians. Even if they are so angry that they want to kill people, they will still smile in front of the public, speak like a spring breeze, and cannot lose their identity.

But the politicians on the Bay Island have never paid attention to their face and reputation. It is common for them to swear in formal occasions and even get into fights. It is quite tactful to scold people in newspapers.

Zhao Dechang and an HK courtesan appeared in Lu Mo's room, and they made headlines the next day, and they were also named as high-ranking officials in the inland. It didn't take long for them to wake up.

After sending someone to investigate, Zhao Dechang naturally left a lot of clues with the methods of an idiot. The local government didn't take too long to check it out, and followed the clues and found Tang Yufen's head.

After further analysis, it was concluded that Tang Yufen wanted to frame Sang Huaiyuan.

This has angered the local government. You old witch who wants to harm people and doesn't know **** herself on her own site?

They had to wait for Sang Huaiyuan to come to their territory before starting. Fortunately, the people around Sang Huaiyuan were clever, otherwise, if this old witch succeeded, how would they explain to the inland government?

The old witch has the intention to provoke a conflict between the Bay Island and the mainland, but she has a big heart and is only a Ye family, but she is so daring, hum!

Can't kill you old witch!

So, Tang Yufen somehow offended the Wandao government and killed her unjustly!

In fact, Tang Yufen didn't let Zhao Dechang do it at the hotel at all. What she meant was that during the visit, she should find the right opportunity and try not to go against the government. Tang Yufen has self-knowledge. With her family background, how can she offend the Wandao government?

I'm not afraid of godlike opponents, I'm afraid of pig teammates, Zhao Dechang wants to save trouble, and he is confident in his own honey. He thinks it's too troublesome to go out and go directly to the hotel.

It can only be said that Tang Yufen was unlucky, so she would meet Lu Mo, otherwise Zhao Dechang would still succeed.

This time, the HK Ye family was originally unknown, and many people in Wandao had never heard of it, but it was vigorously promoted by the Wandao government, so... overnight, the Ye family became famous.

Almost everyone in Wandao knew that the Ye family who made Jiuzang plaster had a grandson who had AIDS, and there was a wild breed who fooled around with hundreds of men and didn't even know which one was pregnant. granddaughter with AIDS.

Ye Susu's disease, under the intentional guidance of the Bay Island government, was also passed on into AIDS, and her whole body was so rotten that she had to wear a mask when she went out.

. m.

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