Sang Huaiyuan and the others were about to end their trip, and there was only one last day left. After the farewell banquet, they would set out on their way home.

But I didn't expect to hear such exciting news before going back.

"This Ye Yuanhao should have been infected with AIDS a long time ago, otherwise he wouldn't have died so quickly, and the Ye family will be rewarded for evil!" Sang Huaiyuan said with emotion.

However, Lu Mo was very puzzled. He had seen Ye Yuanhao before. He was full of energy and his face was full of red light. He didn't look like a terminal AIDS patient. He still had a little common sense. Ye Yuanhao did not have any symptoms of a terminal AIDS patient.

From his point of view, Ye Yuanhao was very healthy at that time, and he would definitely not be a terminally ill patient, but from the attack to the death, Ye Yuanhao died in such a tragic manner that his whole body was completely rotten.

He really didn't understand.

"Tang Yufen's methods are indeed very good. It is obviously a crisis, but she can turn losses into victory. Although this woman is hateful, she still has something to learn from."

The newspaper also reported that Tang Yufen held a press conference. Sang Huaiyuan admired it very much. Even if he hated this old witch, he had to admit that Tang Yufen was a strong opponent.

Lu Mo was convinced that Tang Yufen was not an ordinary person to be able to found Firmenich and gain a firm foothold in HK.

But the stronger the opponent, the more challenging it will be. Lu Mo is looking forward to the future duel with Tang Yufen.

The shopping mall is like a battlefield, he will definitely go all out and show the ruthlessness when performing the task!

"Tang Yufen should return to Pingjiang, maybe we can meet again." Lu Mo guessed.

This old witch has sold out in front of the public, showing her pain of losing her beloved grandson to the fullest. Next, she will naturally go to Pingjiang to bring her grandson home. Otherwise, how can she convince the people?

Sang Huaiyuan smiled slightly, "I'm looking forward to it."


Ye Yuanhao's body lay quietly in the freezer, with surprise and unwillingness on his face, but it was frozen to death. Yu Wenfeng and the middle-aged man stood motionless.

Yu Wenfeng also saw the news of Ye Yuanhao's death in the newspaper, and was really surprised. Master clearly said that Ye Yuanhao's illness could be cured, so why would he say that he would die if he died?

The middle-aged man didn't believe it. He tested Ye Yuanhao's pulse that day, and his vitality was still vigorous. Even without treatment, Ye Yuanhao could last for two months. How could he die as soon as he was separated from them?

There is absolutely no possibility of a virus outbreak. The middle-aged man suspected that someone secretly secreted Ye Yuanhao, so he asked Yu Wenfeng to take him to see Ye Yuanhao's body. He had to figure it out.

The middle-aged man's surname is Yin and his name is Yin Yu. He is Zhu Zi's uncle, and his father Zhu Fan's biggest rival back then. After Zhu Fan's death, Yin Yu became the head of the hidden branch.

Yin Yu devotes himself to the art of poison, and has deep attainments in the field of poison. His greatest wish is to find the treasure of his descendant and realize his ambition to dominate the world.

It's a pity that Yin Yu has yet to find that baby.


Yin Yu reached out and touched Ye Yuanhao's body, his expression changed slightly, showing a happy expression, his feeling was right, in the hotel lobby that day, the baby appeared.

Ye Yuanhao's body still has aura, which is the treasure that Yin Yu was looking for. He didn't know what the treasure was, but only knew that it had aura and could transform.

Now the spiritual energy finally has its whereabouts.

He has been displeased with the appearance of Yin Yu all the year round. He couldn't control the joy and laughed. Yu Wenfeng saw it strangely and asked curiously, "Master, what's the matter?"


Yin Yu shook his head, only he knew the baby, and no one could say it, including the apprentice.

. m.

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