Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 1084: smash the field

Tang Yuan Yuan was waiting at the door of the restaurant early in the morning. Now she has lost the timid and fat she used to be, and has become confident, generous and sweet. Although she is still a bit fat, she is only slightly fat, and she looks sweeter, but she is not so thin. sweet.

Opposite Wuweilou, a pair of shady eyes, looking at the dumplings in the dark, is the Yuwuwei that has become notorious in the world of Pingjiang chefs.

After only a year, Chef Yu, who was bright in the sun, has become unshaven and down and out, his hair is even oily, and the snow-like dandruff is faintly visible, and he has no chef demeanor at all.

The same is true for the other waiters, sitting or standing, all of them are unhappy, one is still lying on the table and sleeping, the others are sleepy, yawning and crying, the whole restaurant is full of decadence. breath.

Everyone looked enviously at the liveliness of Baiweiju opposite, and regretted that they had come to work in Wuweilou.

"I heard that Baiweiju is looking for waiters, when are we going to apply?" Three or two waiters gathered together and discussed in a low voice.

"We did it at Wuweilou, will Baiweiju think we are spies!"

"Take it down, it's not a spy war, it's just a restaurant. Anyway, when the salary here is settled, I'm going to apply for a job at Baiweiju. Do you like it or not."

"Then I'll go too. I'm a fellow worker in Baiweiju, and my monthly salary is fifty higher than here. Boss Tang also pays bonuses from time to time, and three meals a day are included."

"My fellow is also here, and the welfare is much better than ours. The key is that their business is booming. Like ours, the dishes in the back kitchen are all sour."

"Then let's go together, take this month's salary and leave. The boss on the other side said that we will give priority to those with restaurant work experience, and we will definitely be able to apply."


Several waiters gathered together and muttered. Although the voice was small, it could not hide the aftertaste of thinking not far away.

Yu Wuwei's eyes were gloomy, he resisted his anger, and secretly wrote down these waiters, huh, do you still want wages?

Not a cent!

Although they were angry, the conversation of these waiters gave Yu Wuwei inspiration. After turning around, Yu Wuwei went to the upstairs office, and came down after a while. .

Several waiters looked at their boss in amazement, and swaggered into the rival Bariweiju, their jaws almost dropped.

"Is the boss going to smash the field?"

"It is estimated that we will know in a while. Let's all watch from a distance, don't get close."

The waiters and chefs of Wuweilou all ran out, waiting for a big drama, but several minutes passed, nothing happened, one waiter was very curious, walked over and probed his brain, and quickly ran back.

"The boss is eating across the street!"

The others were even more confused, so after a long while, someone said, "The boss is in a hurry, go back!"

Everyone went back to their restaurant in despair, looking at the deserted lobby, and then seeing the contrasting voices on the opposite side.

As soon as Yu Wuwei walked into Baiweiju, someone ran over to report to Dad Tang.

Dad Tang walked over, and before he had to ask, Yu Wuwei said first, "Come here for a quick meal, does Boss Tang mind?"

"The visitor is a guest, and Boss Yu just orders."

Dad Tang's expression was indifferent, not afraid at all, and Yu Wuwei didn't look at the menu, "I've heard for a long time that Boss Tang is very skilled and innovative. I want to eat something new today, Boss Tang, is it alright?"

. Wonderful Bookstore

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