Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 1088: sweet burden

"Fried ice cream, please Boss Yu to taste it."

Dad Tang smiled and looked at the stunned aftertaste.

Not only Yu Wuwei was surprised, but other guests were also surprised. I didn't expect that Dad Tang really fried the ice cream. It looked pretty, but I didn't know how it tasted.

"Why does it look like a fried hemp ball?" Yu Wuwei's heart sank and he was very uneasy, but he paid a thousand yuan.

And this thousand yuan is half of his current net worth, he can't afford to lose!

"Is it Maqiu Boss Yu who can't tell if he tastes it!" Ye Qingqing sneered.

She was also holding a plate of fried ice cream in her hand. Daddy Tang fried a few more, and she was greedy!

"It's delicious, crispy, crispy and cool, brother, give you a bite."

Ye Qingqing took a bite and ate it, full of praise, and fed the half eaten ice cream ball to Lu Mo. Lu Mo blushed and looked around.

In fact, people are looking at ice cream balls.

"I eat by myself."

Lu Mo took the ice cream ball and didn't let Ye Qingqing feed it. This girl always likes to make out in public. He is happy and sad, which is really a sweet burden.

After eating the remaining half of Ye Qingqing, Lu Mo nodded and praised sincerely, "It's really delicious, it's better than eating ice cream alone."

As soon as Lu Mo finished speaking, the other guests shouted, "Boss, we also want fried ice cream, can it be cheaper?"

Strange to say, Ye Qingqing said that the ice cream was delicious, but the guests thought that she was deliberately cheating, not being too sincere, but Lu Mo said it was delicious, but the guests were convinced, and felt that Lu Mo had a righteous face, definitely not. will tell lies.

"Ten yuan a piece, three **** a piece." Tang Yuanyuan responded with a smile.

Selling it for ten yuan can make at least half of it, but after deducting utilities and store fees, the profit is also half, and it doesn't take much time.

"Get one first!"

"I want one too!"


There was an endless stream of voices, all of them asking for fried ice cream, especially those who brought their children to dinner, and even ordered two. They all wanted to try it. The ice cream in the store was not enough, so Daddy Tang had to send someone temporarily. buy ice cream.

Yu Wuwei hadn't eaten the deep-fried ice cream in front of him, his face was terrifyingly black, he didn't even need to eat it, he knew he had lost, Tang Baobao really made deep-fried ice cream!

damn it!

His thousand bucks!

Yu Wuwei bitterly took a bite of the ice cream ball. Under the crispy skin was ice-cold ice cream. The taste was really good. He never thought that a dish he thought of would actually taste good!

Seeing the guests rushing to order the fried ice cream, Yu Wuwei was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood. It was obviously the dish he came up with, but now he has fulfilled the surnamed soup. If he made it in his own restaurant, the business would definitely pick up!

"Boss Tang is amazing!"

Yu Wuwei ate ice cream **** in two mouthfuls, took out a ten yuan piece from his wallet, and put it on the table, "You don't need to use the other dishes!"

After saying that, he turned around and left, but—

"Boss Yu, your money is wrong, one thousand yuan." Ye Qingqing stopped him.

"Everyone is 10 yuan, why should mine cost 1,000 yuan? If you drive up the price, beware of the price bureau to check!" Yu Wuwei played a rogue and threatened the price bureau.

"It was just the price that Boss Yu agreed to himself. All the guests present here are witnesses. Boss Yu wants to pay back the debt?" Ye Qingqing looked sarcastic.

How to say that he used to be a well-mannered chef, but now he is doing such a dishonest thing. It seems that Yu Wuwei's situation is worse than she thought!

. Wonderful Bookstore

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