Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 1106: wrong person

Ye Qingqing suddenly thought of those lost men, and she could think with her toes that Tang Yufen would never make her feel better. The biggest possibility is to use the most humiliating trick to deal with women to avenge Ye Susu!

But she didn't know that Tang Yufen's heart was even more vicious.

"Come on, some idiots are coming!" Pippi flew in.

Ye Qingqing kicked over, Yu Moli's eyes turned white, and she fainted. She grabbed Wuchen and hid behind the small house, wondering what the man Tang Yufen found wanted to do!

"It's here, **** it, how did you find this kind of ghostly place where birds don't poop, there are so many waste houses, the ghost knows which one is..."

Several well-dressed men approached the small house and couldn't stop complaining. They had already arrived at the farm, but because Yu Wuwei didn't explain clearly, they searched around the farm for a long time, and finally called Tang Yufen. here. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

I can only say that I am not afraid of God's opponents, but I am afraid of pig teammates. Tang Yufen is unfamiliar with life here in Pingjiang, and I can only find so many useless ones.

"There's a woman lying down in the room, isn't that right?"

"It must be. The old woman is talking about a young girl. Let's tie it up and take it to the dock. Hurry up and get the money after it's done."

Several men were in high spirits. They had been starved for several months, and they managed to catch Tang Yufen's fat sheep. As long as they made this big ticket, they could eat for half a year!


"This... This girl is too ugly, isn't she? Can Lei Ge want it?"

After seeing Yu Moli's appearance and figure clearly, several men fell silent and looked at each other.

Hong Kong... even if they are in a famine period now, and ugly women like Yu Moli are delivered to their door for free, they still have to think about it for a few hours. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

No way, he looks so ugly, the little brother will be weak!

And Lei Ge has always only accepted young and beautiful girls. This girl is young and young, but her appearance is too difficult to describe.

"How else would the old woman give it to Brother Lei for free? I'm so generous as that old woman. That's all, I can't take it if I don't give it to Brother Lei for free... Hurry up, Brother Lei has a cargo ship to go there at night."

"I'm going to get the auxiliary door panel, otherwise I won't be able to carry it."

One gangster ran out to look for the door, while the others stared blankly at Yu Moli on the ground with mixed feelings.

"Boss, what did Brother Lei take this girl for, do you know?"

"What else can you do, sell meat, Lei Ge and the kilns on the Hong Kong Island have business, and every year they trick a group of stupid women into selling them, you go back and remind your relatives and fellow villagers, those who boast that they can pick them up on the ground when they go outside. Gold, a recruiting unit that can earn hundreds of thousands a year, eleven out of ten are deceptive!"

A man snorted, his tone mocking.

The other horses looked thoughtful and looked at Yu Moli on the ground sympathetically. Although a little guilt flashed in their hearts, it was only for a moment, and they soon hardened their hearts.

In these days, people die for money, and they also want to make money. If this girl wants to complain, she should blame herself for offending people who shouldn't be offended!

They are just doing things with money!

The horse who was looking for the door panel ran back carrying the door panel. The door panel was quite strong. Several people lifted the heavy Yu Jasmine onto the door panel. The door panel, which had withstood the baptism of time, made a creaking sound, but it still persisted.


The boss gave the order, and a few people walked out of the small house, but Ye Qingqing and Wuchen who were hiding behind the house were not seen at all.

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