"Impossible... what's going on..."

Yu Wenfeng stared at the slide projector screen in disbelief, and rubbed his eyes forcefully, thinking he was dazzled, but his eyes were swollen, and the numbers on the screen remained unchanged.

slightly taller than his.

And it happens to be only 10,000 higher.

For the company's funds, 10,000 yuan is equivalent to 100 yuan in daily life. Lu Mo's price is dangerous and dangerous, and he almost lost.

But the result now is that Yu Wenfeng lost by a little bit.

His company lost to Lu Mo's company.

Tang Yufen's expression turned cold, and she asked coldly, "What's going on? Didn't you say it's done?"

"It's done, I don't know how this happened. I'll ask Director Hu." Yu Wenfeng gritted his teeth with hatred, thinking that the person in charge had tricked him.

MD, who took his money and dared to play with him, just wait and drink tea!

Director Hu, the unlucky person in charge, looked at the screen in horror, and opened his mouth in disregard of his image. He couldn't believe it more than Yu Wenfeng, and his back was sweating.

It's going to be bad luck!

Although very reluctant, Director Hu still had to announce that the final bid winner was——

"It's Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., congratulations to Huanyu Company!" Director Hu stiffly announced the final result, his laughter was worse than crying, and he didn't dare to look at Yu Wenfeng.

Lu Mo stood up, smiled slightly, and bowed a few times, "Agree!"

The bosses of other companies breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, they had already predicted today's results, and they just came to accompany them with a little confidence.

But no matter what, it's better to fall on Lu Mo's head than to Yu Wenfeng.

The relationship between the father and son is really ugly, but they can't afford it. Finally, Lu Mo and Yuwen's family come out to fight against each other. The major bosses are happy to see it happen, and even willing to give Lu Moxing convenience, it is best to destroy Yuwen and his son Woolen cloth!

At the end of the bidding meeting, everyone else came over to congratulate Lu Mo. Lu Mo greeted each other one by one, observing Yu Wenfeng's movements from the corner of his eyes from time to time. Today's big event is not the bidding, there are other important things.

The real show is coming!

Yu Wenfeng's face was ashen, he strode out of the venue, and Director Hu on the stage also left, the corner of Lu Mo's lips rose, he winked at He Weishao, and followed behind.

He met Tang Yufen again at the door, Lu Mo stopped this time, and said coldly, "Mrs Tang, Pingjiang is not HK, I advise you to go back to HK to take care of your life. Floating."

Tang Yufen's face was ashen, and she mocked: "Boss Lu, don't get carried away, it's just a small bid. I really didn't pay attention to it. I'm worried that President Lu will lose his wife to the bottom of it!"

"It seems that Mrs. Tang has a lot of money and doesn't care about a little money. It's completely different from the deficit in the accounts of Firmenich's head office that I found. I thought that Firmenich's wages would not be paid!"

Lu Mo taunted, Ye Yuanhao's scandal caused Firmenich's sales performance to continue to decline, even if Tang Yufen's bad sales recovered a little bit of disadvantage, Firmenich has been going downhill in recent years, and Tang Yufen has not been very good in recent years. In charge, her son's investment failed, putting the company in trouble.

Tang Yufen is very clear that the HK and Southeast Asian markets are saturated, and the mainland is the spring of Firmenich, but he will make Tang Yufen feel the cold of the harsh winter in the mainland.

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