Xu Zhengyi's eyes suddenly lit up, and his tired face looked much refreshed. If he were a fighter, the camera would be his weapon.

As long as the camera is in hand, he is fearless!

Xu Zhengyi manipulated the camera skillfully, and the sound of kaka kept in his ears. He completely forgot his tiredness and took pictures of all the laboratory.

"Let's go!"

Lu Mo waited for him to finish taking pictures, and dragged him out. The others had already walked in front, but because of the long-term torture, they became photophobic and timid. Without Lu Mo's leadership, they dared not take a step.

"Don't be afraid, I will help you call the police later, and you will tell the police about your experience during this period of time." Lu Mo said.

Even if there are people inside Yu Wenfeng, they are not hands and eyes. There are still people who want to deal with the father and son, but there is no evidence. Now these people are the best evidence. Coupled with the photos just taken, it will definitely make this father and son. Drink a pot.

"Will the police really save us, but the young master said that he and the police are good friends..." Someone said timidly, his body trembling.

The others nodded, equally frightened.

They were afraid that going to the police station would be like throwing themselves into the trap and falling into the hands of the devil again.

"No, it's a legal society now, you have to trust the government, let's go!"

Lu Mo comforted them, these people felt more at ease, and they trusted the savior and would definitely not harm them.

There was no obstruction when they went out, and the security guards were brought down by Lu Mo, but there were still three guards in the guard room. Two were watching TV in the guard room, and the other was talking to people at the gate. The person talking was in a taxi, watching the guards. The expression is very respectful, and the status should not be low.

"Miss Bai, the young master didn't come today, do you still want to go in?" the guard asked respectfully.

The person in the car was Bai Jiani. She was persuaded by Yu Wenfeng and agreed to help him do research together. Of course, she was also selfish. She was more curious than Yu Wenfeng to explore the structure of the human body.

Bai Jiani is ambitious, she wants to be famous, climb to the top of the medical pyramid, become a person who attracts global attention, and even win the Nobel Prize.

That way, it would be worthwhile for her to come to this world for a walk!

Strictly speaking, Bai Jiani and Yu Wenfeng are still qualitatively different. Although Yu Wenfeng is perverted, he is more for profit, while Bai Jiani is more ambitious.

Fame and fortune could not be better.

That's why Bai Jiani saw so many living bodies in the laboratory, her first reaction was excitement, not fear or worry, and she didn't think Yu Wenfeng was breaking the law.

Bai Jiani even felt that it was very cost-effective to sacrifice the lives of a few people to develop medicines that are beneficial to human beings.

What if 11,000 or even tens of thousands of experimental subjects are sacrificed? If the sacrifice of them can save hundreds of millions of lives, the sacrifice of these people is worth it. For the progress of mankind, there will inevitably be sacrifices!

It can only be said that she and Yuwen style smell similar.

Bai Jiani's car was parked under the street light, she stuck out her head slightly, Lu Mo could see it clearly, his heart sank, and his expression became serious.

This woman actually colluded with Yu Wenfeng, but I wonder if Captain Bai would kill his relatives righteously if he found out?

"Take a picture of that woman, and the guard." Lu Mo whispered.

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