Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 1137: 1 arrow double eagle

Xu Zhengyi, who survived the death, captured precious first-hand evidence in the global company. He used his personal experience and the experience of his fellow victims to write a sharp report, and also accepted an interview with a TV station to describe his experience. Mobile terminal https://

Huanqiu Company is completely famous. Every day there are countless people watching at the door of the company. Some people throw rotten eggs and rotten vegetables.

Several security guards couldn't stand it, they didn't even want their salary, and they walked away. Nuoda's company suddenly became an empty city, and the angry people were like no one. When they saw the empty laboratory, the people even more angry.

The anger of the citizens of Pingjiang was more intense than Lu Mo had expected, and some people even spontaneously organized to protest in front of the gate of the city government, demanding severe punishment for the gangsters of the Global Company.

Even the military has come forward to protest.

Because Xu Zhengyi wrote about Zhang Dazhu's deeds in the report, and the TV station also specifically said in an interview that a soldier who was enthusiastic and helpful, just because his body was different from ordinary people, was harmed by these beasts, not only the people were angry, Zhang Dazhu Of course, his comrades were angrier.

Yu Wenhua was devastated by the trouble. He didn't expect the trouble to be so big. It was obvious that someone deliberately targeted the Yuwen family.

Although he blamed his son for causing trouble for him, Yu Wenhua still has to find a way to save his son. He has been active in the past two days, and he can rely on people who have good friendships in the past. see you all.

Helpless, Yu Wenhua had to find the yinyu he was most unwilling to face.

Because of his guilty conscience, Yu Wenhua would not see Yin Yu if he could see it. Most of the time, he let his son meet this old poison. Now that his son has an accident, Yu Wenhua has no choice but to go to meet him.

Yin Yu pointed him to a clear path.

"As long as you can find the person who tops the tank, I can protect your son, but the person who tops the tank can't be a minor role, he must have some status."

With Yin Yu's advice, Yu Wenhua racked his brains to find someone with a head and a face, but since everyone has a head and a face, who would be willing to take the blame for his son, this person is really hard to find.

At this moment, Yu Wenhua knew that Tang Yufen had asked someone to look for him, and also said that he could help him solve the trouble, and he was naturally moved.

As long as Tang Yufen can help him save his son, he will definitely pay the money back.

Tang Yufen and Yu Wenhua met in a secret teahouse. They were very calm when they met, and there was no ugliness that the enemy was jealous of when they met, like an old friend who had not seen each other for many years.

"Boss Yuwen has a good way to play my stupid grandson all over the place, and I'm willing to bow down." Tang Yufen said with a smile.

Yu Wenhua didn't want to be polite to her, and asked directly, "What can you do?"

Tang Yufen restrained her smile, "Young Master Ling has caused a lot of trouble recently. If it hadn't been suppressed, I am afraid that Young Master Ling would be famous all over the world by now!"

"Don't talk nonsense with me, it seems that Madam Tang is just trying to deceive me, farewell!"

Yu Wenhua was not in the mood to argue with her. Seeing that Tang Yufen didn't mention serious business, she got up and left with a sullen face. Tang Yufen stopped him calmly, "Boss Yuwen is really impatient, I naturally have a way to dare to come to see you. Just looking for someone to top the tank? I can do it for you alone."

Speaking of this, Tang Yufen's mouth curled slightly, and a cold light flashed from her eyes.

Although she didn't read much, she remembered one sentence firmly.

This crisis is also a good opportunity, she will definitely turn the corner and kill two birds with one stone!

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