Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 1177: 00,000 don't be soft

Miao Tianxiang was stunned for a while, and it took a while to realize that the old scumbag in Ye Qingqing's mouth was her order, and she couldn't help but be amused.

She glanced at Ye Xunmei, who was talking to Lu Mo, with a smile on her face. After thinking about it, she answered very seriously, "Because this old scumbag can make me happy!"

"But he owes so many women before, and has so much black history, don't you worry?"

Miao Tianxiang smiled even happier, she was still a little girl, she couldn't see through!

"My dark history is no less than your grandfather!" Miao Tianxiang blinked playfully, looking like she really didn't care about Ye Xunmei's scumbag history.


Miao Tianxiang added: "Your grandma and other women can't catch this man, but that doesn't mean I can't catch it either. I've always been the only one who dumped men, and no man dared to dump me!"

The last sentence was very domineering, Ye Qingqing immediately admired it, and believed that Miao Tianxiang really had this charm, but her current man was Ye Xunmei.

"What if a man dumps you?"

Miao Tianxiang restrained her smile, smeared Kodan's hands together, and said coldly, "Destroy him!"

The men who dare to dump her are no longer in this world.

The red and beautiful fingers exuded a bewitching charm under the dim street lights. Ye Xunmei's back was cold, and she couldn't help looking around. The temperature was very high, how could there be a gloomy wind?

Ye Qingqing silently praised Miao Tianxiang. After gambling, she was really domineering and became more and more admired!

"At that time, don't be soft-hearted!"

Lu Mo drove the car over, and when Ye Qingqing got into the car, he suddenly said something to Miao Tianxiang, the car sped away, and Miao Tianxiang burst into tears from laughter.

Oh, this little girl is so interesting, why would she want her to kill her grandfather!

Ye Xunmei came over and asked curiously, "Why don't you ask me to be soft on that girl?"

Miao Tianxiang said with a smile: "Of course, don't be soft on you!"

Ye Xunmei thought she was flirting with him, and she laughed at the situation, "Okay...don't be soft-hearted for a while, let's see who will beg for mercy first..."

"I think your old waist is about to break..."

The two old men returned to the hotel warmly and affectionately...

Lu Mo focused on driving, Ye Qingqing sat in the co-pilot, played with the bracelet for a while, took it off and put it back in the box, and stuffed it into the bag.

"Why don't you wear it?"

Lu Mo felt strange, Ye Qingqing clearly likes bracelets, why not wear them?

"To save my grandmother from seeing it again."

Gu Nianci will know about Ye Xunmei and Miao Tianxiang sooner or later. She is afraid that her confused grandma will have to feel sorry for herself in the mirror again, so she should not irritate her with bracelets.

To be honest, if she were a man, she would definitely choose Miao Tianxiang.

Her grandma, how pitiful, how sad, and how confused she is.

"Where do you think there is a gentle and elegant old man? Someone who looks no worse than Ye Xunmei, but is also funny and talented. I can introduce it to my grandma, so that she doesn't always think about the old scumbag." Ye Qingqing said to herself.

Lu Mo laughed dumbly, this girl is still worried about this kind of thing, but it's still feasible, but it's not easy to find a suitable old man.

"Look slowly, there will always be something suitable!"

Ye Qingqing nodded, and she asked curiously: "I heard Miao Tianxiang's tone just now, it seems that Tang Yufen has done something bad to Ye Xunmei again?

"Tang Yufen and Yu Wenfeng colluded and got a few thugs into the detention center, almost killing Ye Xunmei. Fortunately, I asked Fang Yanming and my colleagues to say hello, and it was stopped at a critical moment." Lu Mo said.

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