Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 1549: Antidote no progress

"How do you know?" Ruan Yingzi asked curiously.

She didn't even know that, anyway, she was a member of that circle. She had never heard that Mrs. Wu was actually Princess Julie's mother. It was incredible.

Li Wuming touched the back of his head, and said embarrassedly, "I can't tell, but I just suddenly sensed that my bloodline is not working from time to time, I have to see it happy, it must have been very happy just now, hehe. "

Generally speaking, as long as what he senses is absolutely correct, he has confirmed this, but Li Wuming has not yet figured out the law, but recently, Li Wuming found that he sensed more frequently. It's been quiet for a year and a half.

"Is your stuff accurate?" Ruan Yingzi was very suspicious.

She actually said that her future husband was a stubborn man who was full of bullshit. She didn't believe it anyway, but this Mrs. Wu was a bit credible. Ruan Yingzi took a closer look and found that the faces of Mrs. Wu and Princess Julie were somewhat similar, but because Wu Madam's makeup was deliberately aged, and if it wasn't for Li Wuming's reminder, she wouldn't be able to tell.

"This is strange. If Mrs. Wu is Princess Julie's mother, why does she want to accompany Princess Julie as a nanny?" Ye Qingqing still couldn't understand.

Mrs. Wu was able to give birth to Princess Julie with the king of country t, which means that the king of country t must have feelings for her. The king has so many women, and there are not many more Mrs. Wu, so he can't hide his identity to accompany his daughter!

"Ghost knows what's going on, the royal family is in a mess." Ruan Yingzi looked disdainful.

She has a good relationship with another Princess Bazaar in country T. Princess Bazaar was born to the previous princess, and her status in the royal family is not much stronger than that of Princess Julie, that is, she has an extra princess title.

But the absurd king in country t has a bunch of sons and daughters, and the daughters don't even care. The princess born by the former princess will not care. Princess Bazaar has told Ruan Yingzi more than once that if she had a choice, she would I would rather be a child of a commoner and live a simple and happy life.

However, people in the city want to go out, but people outside the city want to come in. Maybe Princess Bazaar has really become a child of a commoner's family, and she will be envious of the princess's life of fine clothes and food.

But Ruan Yingzi heard that Princess Bazaar said some broken things about the royal family, she really didn't want to be a princess, she just wanted to be the daughter of her parents, and she also wanted to be her parents in her next life. She didn't want to change her parents.

Mrs. Wu and the attendants she brought all lived in the Miao mansion, and Mrs. Wu firmly refused to let Princess Julie and a group of commoners lie in the Miao Tianxiong had to arrange a room alone. Mrs. Wu took care of her in a perplexed manner, and even slept under the bed.

After two days, Ye Qingqing and Zhu Zi still did not make progress. There were only eight days left, and it was imminent.

Moreover, Prince Edward's royal family, as well as the relatives of other guests, have already learned of the severe situation and sent people over. The slow ones are still on the way, and the fast ones have already arrived at the Miao house.

Prince Edward and Roger's family were the slowest, and they were still on the way. The relatives of the other guests had already arrived. Miao Tianxiong was struggling to cope, and he hated Ji Wuxin even more.

When Zhuang Shicheng learned of the situation, he sent people to help, and he also came forward to communicate with those family members. The richest man's face was still very big, and the matter was temporarily eased, but if the detoxification could not be solved, the situation would be even more serious.

"I can only catch Ji Wuxin, she must know how to detoxify."

Zhuang Shicheng and Miao Tianxiong went to discuss how to capture the old witch. HK is their territory. As long as the old witch is still in HK, even if they dig three feet into the ground, they will turn this woman out!


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