Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 1565: dark clothes

"Thank you, Miss Ye, for her excellent doctor's skill and kindness, for detoxifying me. Thank you very much." Princess Julie's voice is very nice. The amazing thing is that she is fluent in Chinese. is an alien.

"It's also a blessing for Her Royal Highness." Ye Qingqing said flattering words against her will.

Looking at this princess from a close distance, she is indeed very beautiful, her facial features are as delicate as a doll, she is still eyelashes, her face is as perfect as her talent, and there is nothing wrong with her.

Princess Julie smiled reservedly, her noble temperament was truly unparalleled, even if Ye Qingqing hated her, she had to admit that this princess was impeccable in appearance, temperament and talent.

But the character is lacking, the heart is cruel, and it is a poisonous lotus.

"Is Her Royal Highness going back to school directly?" Miao Tianxiong asked intentionally.

Princess Julie looked surprised, didn't understand her intention, and replied softly: "I have heard for a long time that HK has beautiful scenery and famous food all over the world. This is my first time here, and I also want to taste the food here, so I will stay here. Go back in a few days."

"Then Her Royal Highness can live in the humble house, and I will accompany Her Royal Highness to play." Miao Tianxiong said.

"No need, Mute's assistant is in charge of all kinds of things, I don't dare to waste your precious time, I'll go shopping alone." Princess Julie politely refused.

After chatting for a few more words, Princess Julie's speech is flawless and impeccable, and the princess's voice is gentle and pleasant, the speed of speech is not too slow, and it sounds very comfortable, even if she is rejecting you, it will not make people feel unhappy.

Although she hates this woman, Ye Qingqing still has to admire her emotional intelligence, at least she can't do it, and very few girls can do it, and she has checked some information on Princess Julie these days and found that this princess There is no black material in the outside world, it can be said to be perfect.

Other celebrities have some black material in public, either with a black face, inappropriate speech, or inappropriate clothing, but Princess Julie has nothing at all, and her image outside has always been impeccable.

Not only in public, but in other ways, Princess Julie is also perfect, kind and noble, talented, beautiful... All the praise in the world can be used on Princess Julie, her life is like an idol drama, let all girls Envy and jealous, but not hate.

Because many girls see Princess Julie, they will feel ashamed and feel so humble.

But it is precisely because of this perfection that Ye Qingqing hates Princess Julie.

It might be her prejudice, but Ye Qingqing felt that no one is perfect, and even saints are disrespectful. How could Princess Julie not make mistakes?

It can be said that she can pretend and is good at acting, but there is no bad news in her private life, so there is a big problem.

Maybe it's Ye Qingqing's own prejudice, anyway, she never likes people with perfect reputation, but some people with more black material are more real.

Princess Julie and Mrs. Wu and her party were about to leave. She caught a glimpse of Mrs. Wu's navy blue clothes out of the corner of her eyes. Ye Qingqing's mind suddenly flashed, and she blurted out, "Does Madam like dark clothes?"

Mrs. Wu was stunned for a while, her expression was a bit strange, she didn't react for a while, Princess Julie smiled and said, "Yes, she prefers dark clothes recently. Women's preferences for colors change, I used to like them. Pink, but now I love white, maybe in the future I will love pink again!"


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