Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 1622: ready to meet

Ding Ba shivered and did not dare to open his eyes. After a long time, he felt that the evil spirit of the female yaksha was gone, so he dared to open his eyes for a while, and there was indeed no one. Then he took a long breath and reached out to wipe it. sweat.

The whistle just now must be Lu Mo's. Brother is really not real. You can tell at a critical moment. Ding Ba was so grateful that he wanted to cry, but he had to put on his clothes first. It was too indecent.

Lu Mo didn't meet Miao Tianxiong. When he arrived at the house, he found Xiao Jiu who was unconscious, but only fell asleep, so he was relieved. The person who came here was not a vicious person, and Ding Ba should not be in danger.

After searching around the house, Lu Mo must have no outsiders, so he went to Ding Ba's room, only to see him lying on the bed safe and sound, and smiled shyly at him, and immediately became angry.

"Why don't you answer the phone at home?"

Lu Mohuo is very earthy, this fellow slept well at home, so that he thought something was wrong, no...

He quickly realized that something was wrong. There was blood on Ding Ba's neck, and the smell in the room was not right. Lu Mo blushed, glared fiercely, turned and left the room.

"Get down and talk!"

It's really not a thing. He was doing that thing in the room during the day. No wonder he didn't answer his phone, and even gave Xiao Jiu medicine to faint. It's not as good as a beast!

Ding Ba obediently rolled down.

It really is, because his legs are weak, and he worked too hard just now.

"You stand up straight for me, what does it look like!" Lu Mo's eyes were burning, he couldn't walk, he couldn't sit up straight, he was like mud.

Ding Ba lay weakly on the sofa, "I don't have the strength, you have to fart, I'm going to sleep in a while."

This time the cost is too high, he has to make up for it.

Lu Mo gave him a white look and said directly, "Gong Yi found it, he wants to see you."


Ding Ba rolled off the sofa directly, his eyes widened, and he stammered, "Is he a human or a ghost?"

Didn't he die forty-eight years ago?

Where did it come out now?

Lu Mo said angrily: "Of course it's a human being, come with me to see Gong Yi tomorrow, cheer me up, don't act like this!"

Ding Ba couldn't help but straighten his back, stood up straight, and said sternly, "You must have spirit!"

Regardless of whether Gong Yi is his ancestor or not, if he dares to fight with those bastards, he admires it from the bottom of his heart, and naturally he has to pack up and go to see people!

But this old man's life is really big, he has ninety-three, tsk tsk, he lived so long!

Ye Qingqing didn't wait long when she saw Lu Mo come out, "Is your myna okay?"

"It's fine, it's fine!"

Lu Mo replied in a sullen voice, is it okay for that dead calf to do that thing during the day?

Thankfully, he was still worried to death!

The next morning, Lu Mo first called Gongsun Yu and made an appointment to meet. At 2:30 in the afternoon, after finishing the company's affairs, he went to pick up Ye Qingqing and then Ding Ba.

Seeing Ding Ba dressed like an enemy, Ye Qingqing couldn't help laughing, and jokingly said, "Myling, are you going on a blind date?" ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

Ding Ba smiled embarrassedly, and twisted his body. To be honest, he also felt uncomfortable, and he was more comfortable wearing casual clothes. It can be seen that important people have to respect etiquette!

Along the way, Ding Ba was all uneasy, and his buttocks kept twisting. Lu Mo scolded him before he sat down and finally arrived at Gong Yi's residence. Ding Ba saw the big mansion that was not inferior to Gong's residence, and couldn't help but sigh, "Three caves of cunning rabbits!"

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