Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 1833: The marriage contract cannot be voided

After coming out of the king, the queen and Ye Qingqing were walking together. Master Bailong was left behind by the king. Ye Qingqing inquired about Princess Bazaar. The queen smiled and said, "I'm going to see her, so come with me!"

Ye Qingqing, of course, has no objection. She still sympathizes with Princess Bazaar, but it is a pity that she met a selfish and cold-blooded father like the king, and a viper sister like Julie. Caring for children who are not related to her.

"Queen, will Bazaar's engagement continue?" Ye Qingqing couldn't help asking.

"Of course, the royal family cannot backtrack, and the king will not change his mind," the queen replied.

The marriage contract that has been made will never change. Even if the king regrets it a little, Bazaar still has to get married. In fact, the queen is quite sympathetic to Bazaar, but she will not mind this business. If it is her biological daughter, of course she will. Desperately protect.

Ye Qingqing sighed secretly, Bazaar seems to be unable to escape this marriage, but it is not completely dead. After marrying someone, you can find a way. Not going back to country T.

Bazaar's bedroom is in the corner of the palace, which is relatively remote. It took a while to arrive. But just after arriving at the door of the palace, a maid rushed out in a panic, and she saw the queen kneeling on the ground in fright, trembling all over.

"What happened?" the queen asked.

The goddess was frightened, sweating profusely, as if she had seen something terrifying, and she couldn't say a word for a long time. This was because she was frightened, which would lead to the impairment of her language function. Ye Qingqing took out the golden needle, The woman stabbed the back of her neck.

"Your Highness...she...she died..." the maid said with tears.

Ye Qingqing was taken aback and reacted faster than the queen, and rushed into the bedroom. Bazaar lay quietly on the bed, neatly dressed, with a serene expression, and even put on makeup, the corners of her lips raised slightly, as if she was asleep.

The queen also rushed in, poked under Bazaar's nose, her face changed greatly, and she slapped her previous niece and called out, "I made you look after the princess, what are you doing?"

The maid knelt on the ground and only knew how to cry, her face was pale, and she was helpless.

When something happened to the princess, she would definitely not be able to live.

Ye Qingqing had already taken a breath, and there was no heat, but Bazaar's body was still warm. She probed into the carotid artery again. There was a faint pulsation. She couldn't help being overjoyed, and hurriedly took out the golden needle, "You still have a breath, take this People get out, don't disturb me."

The queen hurriedly got the crying maid away. She didn't dare to breathe loudly because she was afraid of arguing with Ye Qingqing. She didn't want Bazaar to have an accident. The king asked her to watch Abbasa. If Bazaar died, the king would definitely will blame her.

Ye Qingqing did not dare to delay, and disinfected the golden needle. The shot was like electricity, like a phantom. In an instant, Bazaar was full of golden needles. .

After casting the Soul Chasing Gold Needle, Ye Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief. She had already tried her best, and whether she could save her life would depend on the fate of Bazaar.

"If you can wake up within half an hour, you'll be fine, just leave it to your fate!"

Ye Qingqing wiped her sweat and looked at the room. The furnishings were very simple, in stark contrast to the splendid decoration of the palace. It was as simple as an ordinary girl's room.

From the appearance, Bazaar should be dead.

The queen was flustered and her face was ugly. Ye Qingqing's heart moved and suddenly thought of something.

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