Zhu Zi frowned, regretting not buying a car, calling a taxi is not realistic now, a car suddenly drove over and stopped in front of them, the driver stuck his head out and smiled: "President Lu ordered, I will wait for the two tonight. dispatch."

"Lu Mo asked you to come?" Zhu Zi asked coldly.

"Yes, Mr. Lu said that the two of you are going far away, so let me serve them." The driver has a very good attitude. He is the special driver of Lu Mo's company. He just wanted to talk to his newlywed wife in the middle of the night//Hey// Huh, I received a call from Lu Mo, saying that it was a lie.

But as soon as Lu Mo said that the bonus was doubled this month, the driver's anger disappeared immediately, so he obediently put on his pants and came out to blow the cold wind.

No way, he is the slave of money, or the kind that is willing.

Zhu Zi didn't ask any more questions, and He Wuchen got into the car. He glanced in the direction of Lu Mo's parking lot. Lu Mo smiled and started the car.

"How did Lu Mo know that we came out, this guy is a thief, hum!" Wuchen was a little angry.

Because she thought she was unknowingly hiding from her family, but now this sense of pride has been exposed by Lu Mo, and she was very upset.

Zhu Zi was expressionless and silent, thinking about what to do with the scum who bullied Tiantian.

It just so happened that he had developed some new poisons, and he had only tested them on rabbits. This time, let's try them on a living human being!

"Dare to touch my 'little brother', hum, I call a group... woo woo..."

Wuchen only said half of it, and Zhu Zi stuffed a Gala fruit in his mouth, and he forced him to put it back in the rest of the sentence. Zhu Zi glared at her in disgust, "Noisy, shut up!"

This little bald head is so heartless and stupid.

The dust-free sharp white teeth clenched hard, and most of the Gala fruit was eaten by her. The driver in front secretly glanced at it, secretly admiring it, these teeth are really good.

Although he wondered why the boss's friend dressed up so strangely in the middle of the night and had to go to the barren mountains and mountains, he would not ask more and was not interested in knowing.

As the boss's personal driver, listening more, talking less and doing more work is king. He also relies on these three points to be selected as a personal driver by the boss. The salary and bonus are higher than other drivers, and it is decent to speak out.

The Sports Park is located in the south of Pingjiang City. It is a newly built open park with a large area. It was specially built by the government for citizens to exercise. The park is full of trees. Many people come here to exercise in the morning.

It took only ten minutes to drive there. Lu Mo and Ye Qingqing arrived early. He parked the car in a nearby alley, which was still some distance away from the sports park, for fear of being discovered by Fan Li.

"Fan Li only let me go there alone, don't follow."

Ye Qingqing was worried that Fan Li's people would find out, and planned to go to the park alone.

"I'll keep a distance from you, don't worry, they won't find him." How could Lu Mo rest assured that Ye Qingqing was alone, he would follow quietly, with his current skills, as long as it wasn't for radar, he would definitely not be able to find him.

Ye Qingqing nodded, holding a dilapidated book in her hand. It was a medical classic that she purposely made to imitate. It contained some ancient prescriptions, which were 70% true and 30% false.

She replaced some of the medicinal materials in the prescriptions in the medical classics, and then disrupted the order of dispensing.

Lu Mo put on his night clothes, followed behind Ye Qingqing, and kept a long distance. He walked like the wind, fast like electricity, and integrated with the night, even if he was close to him, it was difficult to detect his existence.

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