Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 1987: Don't punish yourself for someone else's fault

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"How can you do that? Your beauty is not guilty. It's the bad people who are wrong. You can't punish yourself for the sins of others." Ye Qingqing persuaded.

She understands Tia's current mood very well. It hurt her too much that night, and she may never be able to get out of it for the rest of her life.

When many girls are hurt, they actually blame themselves more for why they want to be good-looking, maybe they will not be targeted by bad people if they are ugly.

I will also blame myself for wearing a short skirt and shorts that day, why I wear a camisole, and why I go out at night...

There are countless reasons for girls to blame themselves, even more than their blame for bad guys. Ye Qingqing felt that the reason for this was due to the environment, because this is a patriarchal society.

And many women are accomplices of male power.

After the girl's accident, although some people sympathize with the girl's experience, many people will say-

"Why wear such a revealing short skirt in public? It's obviously a crime to seduce men!"

"This girl is drinking in front of a man. In fact, she is sending an invitation. Maybe the price is not good, so she called the police and said she was raped."

"Look at that woman's dusty face, at first glance she is a serious person, she deserves to be strong!"


It is these disgusting comments that are more lethal than the raging//hands, like blunt knives cutting flesh, causing the injured girls to fall into a vicious circle of self-blame and self-abandonment, and even choose to die.

Ye Qingqing sometimes really wants to slap those sluts.

Anytime, any place, under any objective factor, any relationship that goes against a woman's will is strong.

Why is it stipulated that women cannot wear revealing clothes to show their beauty in public?

Why is it that women are not allowed to go out at night?

This society should regulate the lower body of certain men, not innocent women!

Women should never pay for a man's impulsive lower body!

Since a man's reason can't control a certain organ of his own, then simply practice the sunflower collection from the palace, and don't keep harming innocent women.

(I can't help but say something off topic, I'm really angry at the repeated victimization of women)

Tia sighed, "I didn't punish myself, I really don't care about beauty, now I just want to live an ordinary life."

Ye Qingqing hit the nail on the head, "Since you didn't punish yourself, why didn't you want to be a bridesmaid?"

Tia was at a loss for words, unable to reply.

After a long while, she laughed at herself: "I'm already Being a bridesmaid will bring bad luck to Catherine."

"Bullshit, you are punishing yourself for having this idea. The real damned one is Julie who harmed you. She is going to see God soon, okay, I won't talk nonsense with you, you have to rush a week before the wedding. come over."

Ye Qingqing kicked Julie next to her. This poisonous woman really needs to be beaten, and her feet are itchy when she looks at it, and she doesn't feel relieved if she doesn't kick.

"Don't worry, I promise she will arrive a week early." Edward's voice came.

"Why do you guarantee it? I'm free, no... You just said you can buy a plane ticket, isn't my ID card ready yet... You lied to me... Dudu..."

Tia found out that something was wrong, and a series of questions made Edward panic, grabbed the phone, hung up the phone, and ran away.

"Stop for me and make it clear, what's wrong with my ID card!" Tia also chased after him.

After chasing and chasing, the other maids looked envious, and even thought secretly, whether they also planted spots on their faces, it seems that His Royal Highness is good at this!

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