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In order to make the master satisfied with the pills, Ye Qingqing worked all night last night, making vegetable juices of various colors, orange carrot juice, green spinach juice, purple cabbage juice, yellow pumpkin puree...

Just like making colorful dumplings, the vegetable juice is mixed into the pills to make several colors, and the pills have to be rounded, not flat at all.

Because the master likes spherical candies and irregular shapes, he does not like them.

In the past, Ye Qingqing used to rub the pills at will, and the shapes were naturally irregular oblate spheres. As long as the medicine was effective, no one had the time to make glutinous rice balls, but now, serving the master, Ye Qingqing certainly had to pay attention.

Who made her just want to flatter the master!

Master Nie took the bottle. The first impression was very good. The color and spherical shape he liked were the same size. This made the master of obsessive-compulsive disorder even more satisfied. The cousin cut the good candy into shapes of different sizes. Master Really unbearable, if it weren't for the sweetness, he would definitely not eat it.

He took a green pill, put it under his nose and sniffed it, the master was even more satisfied.

There is no medicinal smell that he hates, and it still has a sweet fragrance. Although there is a faint smell of traditional Chinese medicine, but within the acceptance range of the master, he stretched out his tongue and licked the pill.

His favorite food is sugar pills. This pretty little girl is really nice, what's her name?

It must be Ye, the same name as the baby apprentice. It seems to be called Ye Lulu. He remembers that it is called this color. The master thinks that Ye Qingqing's parents are really unintentional in naming them. Ye Lulu might as well be called chlorophyll!

Much succulent.

"Would you like to call the doctor to check this medicine?" My cousin was still not at ease.

"It's not medicine, it's sugar pills, cousin, have you reached menopause?" The master is more worried about his dear cousin's body, her brain is getting worse and worse, but it's not Alzheimer's.

My cousin glared angrily, "It's been several years since my menopause, and I see that you have Alzheimer's disease. I'll cook you some pig brain tonic tomorrow."

After being interrupted by the master like this, my cousin didn't bother to control the pills, mainly because she felt that what Ye Qingqing said made sense. The medicines prescribed by the experts really didn't work. Or try it for half a month, maybe you will be pleasantly surprised!

The master chewed a green one and nodded from time to time, "It tastes good, but it's not too sweet. Add more sugar next time."

The corner of Ye Qingqing's mouth twitched, what she added was 100% pure wild honey, isn't it sweet enough?

"Okay~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I'll make something sweeter after you finish it."

Ye Qingqing promised, anyway, it will be wild honey next time, it is impossible to add white sugar, diabetics eating white sugar is tantamount to suicide.

"You are a good girl, I can't eat your sugar pills for nothing, cousin, give Ye Lulu a big red envelope." The master's impression of Ye Qingqing is better, and it is rare to get back to the world, thinking that it should be given to other children. Girl meet and greet.

Ye Qingqing looked at the master in astonishment, when did she change her name?

green leaves...

"You're a record-breaking girl. The girl's name is Ye Qingqing. The grass is green by the Qingqing River. I'll go buy pig brains in a while." The cousin reprimanded in a low voice. pig brain.

The master wiped the spit on his face, and glanced at his cousin in disgust, "Cousin, don't spit when you talk, you don't care about hygiene at all."

Ye Qingqing's face couldn't hold back anymore, how could the master be so cute, the cousin is like raising a son.

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