Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 2444: would rather die than yield


The old lady was so mad that Ye Hua hugged her head to avoid it, not like she used to beg for mercy as soon as she was beaten. .

"You're pretending to be **** in your head. Do you know how your father died? It happened because you married your mother's widow. Do you want to imitate your father, ah?"

The old lady took a few hard puffs. She was out of breath, and her hands were shaking with anger.

Ye Hua said in a muffled voice, "My dad did bad things because he did bad things. It has nothing to do with my mom. I definitely won't be like my dad."

Ye Qingqing originally wanted to knock on the door, but after hearing this, she stopped, wanting to hear what Ye Hua would say.

She actually agrees with Ye Hua. Ye Zhiguo is sinister by nature. Even if he doesn't marry Shen Yanhong, he will harm others. Of course Shen Yanhong is not a good thing, but at best he can only be regarded as an accomplice, not the mastermind. At worst, Ye Zhiguo.

It is understandable for the old lady to put the responsibility on Shen Yanhong's head. She needs to find an excuse for Ye Zhiguo to do bad things, so that she can feel more comforted. Shen Yanhong is the best excuse.

"It was your mother who did it. Did your mother tell you something again? You are not allowed to see her in the future!" The old lady was furious and took a few more hits.

Ye Hua cried and said, "My dad used to want to kill my mom. Grandma, you saw it with your own eyes. I won't be the same as my dad."

He still remembers to this day that so much blood was shed from his mother's body that night, the air became sticky, her face was whiter than snow, and she was like a dead person. This scene often appeared in his dreams, in the middle of the night. Frightened into a cold sweat by Ye Zhiguo's hideous face.

And he went with his father to deliver chicken soup to his mother. He didn't understand it before, but in recent years, the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became. Why did his father drop his wallet on the way and let him pick it up?

After he went to the hospital, his father didn't go to the ward, and he told him not to tell him that something happened after his mother drank chicken soup. This series of coincidences made Ye Hua's heart skip a beat every time he thought about it, causing him to have nightmares in the middle of the night for a long time. wake up.

The old lady's complexion changed greatly, and the feather duster in her hand could no longer be swung. Of course, she remembered it, and she will never forget it until she died. Those splattered blood have always been imprinted in her memory.

With a heavy sigh, the old lady put down the feather duster and said weakly: "No matter what, you are not allowed to find widows, when you are old, I will ask someone to find a partner for you, I have arranged everything, you can feel at ease now. Earn money, what are you doing in a hurry to get married when you are only twenty, you can't get the certificate back."

"I don't want to find other women, just Jane..." Ye Hua was very stubborn.

The old lady picked up the feather duster again, and she was so angry that she didn't even pull it off. There was a knock on the door, and she heard a strange and familiar voice. The old lady's hand froze in the air, and she couldn't believe it.

Ye Hua did the same. He didn't expect Ye Qingqing to come here.

The door opened, and the old lady stood at the door, looking at Ye Qingqing and Lu Mo with complicated eyes, it was really this girl who came.

"I received the congratulations, and I also used the pillowcase. I came here to see you." Ye Qingqing said with a smile.

The old lady just regained her senses, and was a little nervous, "If you like it, come in quickly, Ye Hua will pour tea, and take out the snacks and torreya from the cabinet upstairs."

Ye Hua glanced at Ye Qingqing, went to brew tea, and used the old lady's jar for fresh tea, then went upstairs to get the dim sum and the torrents, placed them on the table silently, and sat in a corner with her head drooping.

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