
Ye Hua was crying and grief-stricken, her heart was even more bitter than Huang Lian. He really wanted to have a good life with Ah Zhen, why didn't grandma refuse to support him?

Apparently Azhen is so good and kind, grandma would deny Azhen without seeing her.

The more she thought about it, the more sad she became, Ye Hua's tears flowed down again, and she choked: "Only Jane is sincere to me, I feel like a man in front of her, I can help their mother and daughter live better, you guys. Don't understand me...don't understand me at all..."

"She is really good to your money. If you are a beggar, do you think she is good to you?" The old lady hated that iron was not steel, and her eyes were about to explode.

She can't listen to these sentimental words, she only looks for one thing, she must never marry a widow.

Ye Hua wiped away her tears, got up and rushed out of the house. The old lady chased after her, "Where are you going?"

"Go back to work!" Ye Hua didn't stop.

"Give me a clean break for a month, or I'll make that **** look good!" the old lady roared.

Ye Hua's tears flowed even more fiercely, and she gathered up her courage to shout, "I won't break up with Ah Zhen, even if you make trouble with us, we won't make a difference. alive... woo woo..."

After he finished speaking, he ran away. This is what he said in his heart. If there is no Ah Zhen to accompany him, what is the point of his life.

"You...you idiot...I'll kill you first!"

The old lady was so angry that she picked up the broom at the door and rushed to beat her, but Ye Hua ran so fast that she couldn't catch up. .

"Just die if you die. I'm not scared, let's see if he has the guts to die!"

The old lady put down her broom. The more she thought about it, the more angry she became. She threatened her with death for the sake of a sassy widow. It was unreasonable.

Ye Qingqing didn't know how to persuade her, so Lu Mo asked about the widow named Ah Zhen.

The old lady shook her head, "I haven't seen it before, I only know that this widow set up a stall opposite the auto repair factory to sell breakfast, and she looked like a demon. The man was killed by a car, and she had a one-year-old daughter who seemed to live in an auto repair shop. In the village near the factory."

"That means you're not sure if this woman has a bad character, right?"

The old lady said angrily: "How good is the performance of a **** who hooks up with men? Anyway, I firmly disagree. He can die if he wants to die. I'm not afraid!"

Ye Qingqing was a little funny, it seemed that the old lady was more subjective and one-sided, but she was probably provoked by Shen Yanhong, so she hated widows.

The old lady hesitated for a long time, but still begged Ye Qingqing, "Ye Hua was afraid of you when he was a child, he dared not not listen to your words, can you... help me teach him a lesson? As long as you don't treat the widow well, I will definitely give it to him. Marry a beautiful wife."

Ye Qingqing was stunned for a moment. She really didn't plan to take care of Ye Hua's troubles, and she was still reluctant to respond. After all, she was the son of the two people she hated the most, and she was not so generous.

Seeing her hesitant expression, her eyes darkened, the old lady said in a hoarse voice, "If I didn't say anything, then I would tie him up and beat him, so I wouldn't believe him and refused to accept it."

Ye Qingqing smiled awkwardly and didn't answer, she really didn't want to care.

The atmosphere froze again, not knowing what to say, Lu Mo brought in all the gifts that had been placed at the door, filled them all, and even took out a red envelope and stuffed it into the old lady.

The old lady left them for lunch, and they left without eating. Ye Hua also forgot about it soon after, but after half a month, Ye Qingqing received a call from Ye Tong with a serious tone, "Sister, Ye Hua committed suicide. already."

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