Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 2453: really in love


Ye Qingqing avoided Ye Hua's hopeful eyes and asked, "What's the name of the widow? Where do you live?"

"My name is Jiang Yuzhen. She lives in Wuhuang Village near the auto repair factory. Her mother-in-law's family name is Wu, and her father-in-law's name is Wu Minbai. You can find it by just saying that." Ye Hua said.

Ye Qingqing probably wrote it down. It shouldn't be hard to find. The trouble between Ye Hua and the widow was so big that it almost killed him. There must be many people who know about it, just ask.

"Do you and this Jiang Yuzhen really want to be together? Or are you just overwhelmed?"

Ye Qingqing had to ask clearly, but don't let her meddle with this business, Ye Hua will be separated from the widow again, and her strength will be wasted.

Ye Hua blushed and nodded again, "I want to have a good life with Ah Zhen, I don't want any other women, only Ah Zhen doesn't dislike me."

The old lady snorted and said angrily, "What qualifications does she have for being a widow to dislike her? You are still an offspring after all!"

Up to now, the old lady was still frustrated and didn't want to marry a widow to enter the door, but she didn't dare to stop her anymore, for fear that Ye Hua would go to seek death again, and she could not bear the blow any longer as she got older.

Ye Hua argued for her sweetheart, "Azhen is good-looking. She can make clothes and shoes, knit sweaters, and cook delicious food. If she wasn't a widow, I wouldn't be able to marry her."

The old lady sank her face and pursed her lips tightly, she was afraid that she couldn't help but beat the bastard.

She protects her so tightly before she enters the door, she can't even say it. If she really gets married in the future, she won't be able to make an offering to her ancestors!

Ye Qingqing asked back, "Are you sure that Zhen is also sincere to you? Maybe she wants to use you to get out of that bad home!"

The old lady nodded immediately, "That's right, I'll kick you again when I'm done using your idiot."

"Azhen is not such a person, she really isn't, grandma, you will know as long as you have seen her, Azhen is really good." Ye Hua begged.

He could feel Jane's sincerity. They are both hard-working people. In this cold and lonely world, they comfort each other, encourage each other, care for each other, and then they can feel some warmth and beauty.

The old lady snorted coldly, she didn't believe it at all. When she went to the trouble a few days ago, she did not see the little widow, but the two sons did. They said that she was very handsome, and she was smarter than the most beautiful little daughter-in-law in the village, so beautiful. How could a woman like her fall in love with her grandson, a crooked melon and a bad date, she must have ulterior motives.

Ye Qingqing was actually skeptical, but when she saw the little widow, she would know whether it was a human or a demon.

"Let me go and have a look. If this Jiang Yuzhen has a bad mind, you'd better give up early." Ye Qingqing said the ugly words before her.

The old lady nodded again, "Yes, give up early, I'll pick the one for you."

"Azhen is not that kind of person, I believe her." Ye Hua said firmly.

The old lady snorted again, the man made the woman fascinated, the vixen are all gods, and they know whether a fart is good or bad.

After the grandfather and grandson had eaten, Ye Qingqing took the bowls and plates home, and called Lu Mo to tell her plan.

"You can go and have a look. You can't go alone. I'll take the time to accompany you in two days." Lu Mo was worried. He knew that Zhen's mother-in-law was not a good stubborn, and he was afraid that Ye Qingqing would suffer.

"How can you have time? I'll take Wuchen there, don't worry."

Ye Qingqing didn't want Lu Mo to worry about this trivial matter. He was so busy every day that he didn't have enough time to sleep.

"I'll let Tie Dan accompany him again, he just happens to be free now."

Lu Mo really didn't have time. With Tie Dan and Wuchen, it was more than enough to deal with an old country woman.

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