Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 2459: 1 is nothing

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The village chief looked at it strangely, "This dog barked when it saw me before, and even jumped up to bite it. How can it be so honest today, it won't get sick."

Ye Qingqing glanced at Wuchen, smiled and said, "Maybe, is this the only one?"

The village chief turned his attention to the dog and nodded, "Just this one."

"Wu Minbai..." the village chief shouted in a loud voice.

Soon a shriveled and thin old man came out. To Ye Qingqing's surprise, the sons of this family were all tall and big. She thought her father-in-law was also very burly, but she didn't expect it to be like this.

"The village chief is here, come in and sit down, who are these?"

Eunuch Ah Zhen glanced at Ye Qingqing and Tang Yuanyuan a few times, his eyes were so obvious that it was disgusting, the iron egg stood in front of him, he snorted heavily, and even compared his fists, Eunuch Ah Zhen shrank his head and did not dare to do any more. read.

"It was that descendant's relative who came to redeem Azhen's life. Where is Azhen? You beat her again?" The village chief looked around and did not see Azhen. Usually at this time, Azhen was working in the yard. The work is basically done by Ah Zhen, and the whole family is lazy.

"No... it's long overdue, she's about to get married, what are you beating her for?" Eunuch Ah Zhen smiled, showing his black and yellow cigarette teeth, which was disgusting.

"Why don't you see anyone? Wu Minbai, I warn you, if you really kill people, it will affect our village evaluation of Wenming Village. I can't spare you!"

The results of the selection of Wenming Village will be released next spring. He wants to be in this session of the application, and it can be regarded as a political achievement. If human life is lost, Wenming Village will definitely not be selected.

"No, I'll call her out."

Eunuch Ah Zhen's eyes flickered, and he went into the house to call someone, Ye Qingqing rolled his eyes at Wuchen, Wuchen said that he wanted to go out to play, and went around to the back as soon as he got out of the house.

A burly and sturdy old woman came down from the second floor, her face was full of flesh and a fierce look, Ye Qingqing knew where the son's burly stature came from when he saw her.

This evil mother-in-law is stronger than Xu Yuetuan. Ordinary men really can't handle her. No wonder she is domineering in the village and no one dares to provoke her.

Seeing Ye Qingqing and the others, the evil mother-in-law's eyes flashed and she didn't say anything. She went to brew a few cups of tea. The tea leaves were old and thick. Ye Qingqing didn't want to look at them. The tea leaves she boiled tea eggs were better than this, dog. Neither drink.

Wuchen came back soon and said angrily: "They **** a woman, tied them up, and gagged their mouths."

She saw the in the window just now that the dead old man was still eating the woman's tofu. It's really not a thing. After saying that, the dust-free person disappeared, and she had to go to save them.

"What's the matter?" The village chief's expression became serious.

This is illegal detention, and let outsiders know that if you stab it out, you will be judged as a fart civilized village.

The wicked mother-in-law said harshly: "Listen to that dead girl farting, why is it tied up, sleeping on the come back to me, who let you into my house!"

But Wuchen arrived at the door in a blink of an eye, and the evil mother-in-law was startled and rushed to stop it, but Wuchen was faster, and soon opened the door, and the scene inside was unobstructed.

A young woman was tied to the foot of the bed with her hair disheveled, with a towel stuck in her mouth. The father-in-law was loosening her bindings, but his hand was in the wrong place. The young woman struggled, but was powerless.

"Stinky rascal, I will kick you to death!"

Wuchen saw fire, and stepped forward with a kick. Ye Qingqing had no time to stop it, and the rogue father-in-law was kicked upside down, and he couldn't get up for a long time.

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