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"Smelly shameless, my sister-in-law dares to think, I will beat you to death!"

Tiedan held the man in one hand, while the other hand raised his fist and beat him up. After a few blows, he beat the man to the point where he vomited bitterly. Tiedan was not relieved, and threw the man on the ground to continue his lesson.

He even dared to molest his sister-in-law in his face, but he didn't take him seriously, and he couldn't beat him to death.

Tang Yuan Yuan was also annoyed, rushed up and kicked the man, cursing, "Stinky rascal!"

The man who pretended to be dead suddenly acted awkwardly, grabbed Tang Yuanyuan's ankle, and pulled it hard, the Tang Yuanyuan screamed in horror, but luckily Tie Dan hugged him, otherwise he would have to fall on the man.

Tie Dan got even more angry, not only molested his sister-in-law, but also wanted to take advantage of his wife, and didn't want to live anymore.

He put the dumplings aside and punched the man more than a dozen times. He spat out last year's New Year's Eve dinner. The other villagers who were watching the fun saw their eyes go straight. , Eat bear heart and leopard gall?

"I'm going to kill someone... Come on, someone from outside is bullying us from Wuhuang Village..." The wicked mother-in-law yelled, feeling distressed for her younger son.

The youngest son is going to give her old age and death, and he has to pass on incense to the Wu family. The daughter-in-law has not married. What if it is abolished?

A few warm-blooded villagers wanted to go out to help after hearing this. After all, they were from the same village, and they couldn't be bullied by outsiders. But some people were more rational. Seeing the village chief and the three uncles in the village just stood silent and indifferent. , I knew it in my heart, and grabbed a few hot-blooded young people.

"What's the hurry, the village chief didn't say anything!"

The hot-blooded young man calmed down, thought about it carefully, and the boiling blood immediately became cold, he silently stepped back and waited for the change.

The man was actually half a head taller than Tie Dan, but he was like a chicken in Tie Dan's hands. He had no resistance. He was beaten until his face turned blue. His face was like opening a dye shop, red, white and blue. The... smeared face.

"Stop beating, my son... I'm going to be beaten to death..."

Seeing that the villagers were watching with cold eyes and her heart was cold, the evil mother-in-law asked the old man to go up to save her son, but the old hooligan saw that Tie Dan was like a killing god, how dared to step forward, and simply retreated to the side without saying a word. One, I want to hold on to the iron egg.

However, Tie Dan's arm was like cast iron. She tried her best, but couldn't drag her. The younger son was beaten like a dead pig. The old way of lark.

When you pull your hand, your coat is torn open. It is early autumn, and the weather is neither too hot nor too cold. Those who are afraid of heat can only wear long sleeves. Those who are afraid of cold should wear a thin coat. Thin shirt, covered with fat, the shirt was bulging.

The village chief's expression changed greatly, and he shouted angrily, "Wu Minbai, take your wife home, don't be ashamed outside."

The old rogue father-in-law squatted cowardly, buzzing, "I can't control her, you can control the village chief."

Before Ye Qingqing could react, the evil mother-in-law started to take off her pants again. She only wore a pair of floral pants and a thin shirt. She held on to Tie Dan tightly and cried, "You're a hooligan... This shameless hooligan is playing a hooligan at me. Call the police to arrest him and sentence him to life..."

While shouting, the wicked mother-in-law pulled Tie Dan's hand to rub against her. Tie Dan had never met such a shameless person before, her face was flushed with shame, and she couldn't use all her strength.

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