Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 2480: The kindness of the old lady

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Tie Dan drove back to the auto repair shop. Master Ye still had to go to work. Ye Qingqing stuffed Master Ye with the two remaining Chinese cigarettes in the car, and two more red packets.

"I accept the cigarettes, but I can't have the red envelopes. Xiaohua is my apprentice. I should be the master's errand for the apprentice. What does it look like to take the red envelopes?" Master Ye categorically refused, only accepting cigarettes.

Ye Qingqing smiled and said, "The red envelope is for your two children. I'm still my sister, so I still have to give it as a gift."

Before she came, she had inquired about it. The conditions of Master Ye's house were not very good. Because of the heavy burden on the family, he had two children in middle school, one son and one daughter. Unfortunately, the daughter's health was not very good, and it cost a lot of money to get it. The illness, Master Ye earned a lot of money, but he still couldn't support it.

Master Ye was seven or eight years younger than Ye Zhiguo, and he was considered a cousin who didn't have five suits, but his life was much harder than Ye Zhiguo's.

Master Ye's father contracted tuberculosis when he was very young and could not do heavy work. His mother couldn't take it anymore, so he took his sister to remarry. Master Ye was only seven years old at the time, and there were only a seriously ill father and an elderly grandmother left in the family. He was the only one in the family. pillar.

But what can a seven-year-old boy do?

He couldn't carry his hoe, ploughed the field and couldn't even use the ox, and the dung bucket was taller than others. Relatives were too busy to take care of themselves at that time, and they didn't have much energy to help him. Master Ye and the elderly grandmother worked little by little, earning more money than women. There are still few work points, not to mention meat for the New Year, and even tofu can't be bought. Grandma can only fry a handful of soybeans for Master Ye to eat, which is considered a New Year's dinner.

At that time, it was very hard for the old lady to pull three sons by herself, but because Ye Zhiguo was fourteen or fifteen years old and tall, he was considered a strong worker, and the two younger brothers were also able to work, so the life of the old lady was much better. , It happened that the fields of the two families were next to each other. Sometimes the old lady couldn't see it, so she asked the three sons to help Master Ye and his grandmother.

And if she usually cooks some dishes, the old lady will also bring some to send. Although she is notorious, she is forced by life, and some people are really too much. They think that her orphans and widow mothers are easy to bully, and she can't be if she is not fierce. Life.

But in fact, the old lady still has a soft side in her heart. When she was young, she also liked to wear a flower and cloth. When she saw poor people who beg, the old lady would secretly take food from the family and give them to them, even if she was scolded by adults after returning home.

It's just that no matter how soft the heart is, it will be hardened day by day when it encounters a hard life.

But when life gets better, the old lady will also help some poor people when no one sees it. The reason why she has to do it secretly is just because the old lady can't save face. I also feel awkward.

So basically no one in the village knew the origin of the old lady and Master Ye's family. When Master Ye accepted Ye Hua as his apprentice, everyone in the village was shocked. Master Ye even rejected the grandson of his uncle. I am willing to accept Ye Hua who has a bad reputation.

When Master Ye heard that Ye Qingqing was talking about the child, he couldn't refute any more, so he had to accept it. He was embarrassed and asked about Ye Hua's situation with concern.

"I have to stay for a few more days, and I can come to work after recuperating."

Ye Qingqing looked at Zhen who was sitting in the back row, she shrank her head and didn't dare to say a word, and asked, "What are your plans in the future?"

Ah Zhen smiled shyly, her voice low but firm, "I...I want to find Ye Hua and take care of him..."

If Grandma Ye Hua didn't despise her, she was willing to live a good life with Ye Hua, and she didn't ask for a man to be very promising. As long as a man had a good heart, treated her and Lele well, and didn't beat her, she would be content.

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