Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 2489: raise two children

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As soon as Ah Zhen finished speaking, she shyly lowered her head and whispered, "When I was in the mood for Lele, I also wanted to eat sour very much. Miss Ye's situation seems to be similar to mine."

The old lady was stunned for a long time, and slapped her thigh suddenly, "I'll say what's wrong, forget that this girl is already married, you hurry... Go chase these two fools back, so that they don't have to do inspections. ."

"Oh oh……"

Ah Zhen chased out and stopped Ye Qingqing and the two of them in the corridor.

"Grandma said that there is no need to do the examination, you probably have it." Jane said with a smile.

Ye Qingqing blinked and asked subconsciously, "What's wrong?"

But she quickly reacted, covered her stomach, and asked in surprise, "You mean I'm pregnant?"

Ah Zhen nodded, "I guess so, I also liked to eat sour food when I was in Huai Lele, I had eaten all the green oranges on the mountain, and a lot of things that I didn't like before suddenly liked it, but the ones I liked don't. Eat it, it tastes weird."

"Yes, yes, I didn't eat fatty meat before, but I ate a lot tonight, and I can't smell the bitter gourd that I love. Could it be that I'm really pregnant?"

Ye Qingqing's expression was a little dazed, and it felt like a dream. She took her own pulse, but she was so excited that she couldn't hear anything, so she should go home and let Ye Ming take the test.

"I think you probably have it."

Seeing that Lu Mo and Ye Qingqing were both stupid, Azhen covered her mouth and smiled, and was very happy for them.

"I'll have a pregnancy test tomorrow." Lu Mo was actually more surprised than happy. He wasn't ready to be a father when the little guy suddenly came.

However, it is safe to do so. Whether it is a son or a daughter, he will teach them rigorously, so that they have a steel-like will, a calf-like body, and the ability to protect themselves and others. All three are indispensable.

"Brother... Are you talking about a son or a daughter?" Ye Qingqing began to look forward to her future child-rearing life. The little baby must be beautiful and cute.

Lu Mo supported her, "It's all the same, you walk slowly, watch your feet, you can't wear high heels tomorrow, and you can't eat those junk snacks, you must go to bed before ten o'clock at night..."

"You can just hang me up with a rope. This is not allowed and the other is not allowed. I am not a prisoner..."

"You're talking nonsense again, you're going to be a mother soon, but you can't be like a child anymore."

"It's just... Is it possible that you won't hurt me if you have a baby?" Ye Qingqing looked at Lu Mo with a dazed expression and questioned her soul.

Lu Mo was full of felt that his tone was indeed heavier just now, so he hurriedly coaxed softly: "It all hurts, it's a big deal to raise two children."

"Pfft, then I have to call you Dad... Dad..."

Ye Qingqing let out a delicate cry, and Lu Mo covered her mouth in fright, and said solemnly, "Be careful to let your dad hear it, how can you scream like that."

"Then call when I'm not there."

Ye Qingqing stood on tiptoe, broke his hand, and whispered in his ear: "Call at night..."

Lu Mo's ears warmed and his face turned even redder. It was really lawless, but it was okay to call at night, because his father-in-law couldn't hear him anyway.

Ah Zhen, who was following behind them, saw that the two of them were so affectionate, and that Lu Mo held Ye Qingqing in his palm, and he was reluctant to even say a heavy word. She really envy Ye Qingqing for marrying such a good husband.

Back then, when she was playing Lele, her foolish husband would only beat her, not to mention that someone cared about what she wore and what to eat. She did all the work, and if she didn't do well, she would be scolded until an hour before she was born. , She was still washing the family's clothes in the yard, and then her stomach hurt, and she gave birth before she was sent to the clinic.

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